Yogyakarta, 9th of October 2024—The 7th day of Digital Society Week event discussed the intersection of education, the education system, and digital technology. This discussion was opened with a discussion session regarding the rampant use of online loans (pinjol), which is currently used as a ‘solution’ to the problem of increasing tuition fees. This discussion session was led by Hilman Nuraman and reviewed by two speakers, namely Arifatus Sholekhah (Researcher at CfDS) and Achmed Faiz (Researcher at CfDS).
Yogyakarta, 8 October 2024─The digital economy has grown so significantly that it has changed how people interact, work and conduct business. Digital technology has become the main driver in accelerating economic growth and opening up the potential to answer the needs of society. Through the 6th day of Digital Society Week, the Center for Digital Society explored the issue in two discussion sessions that raised the topic of financial inclusion in the digital era.
Community involvement is one of the most important considerations in economic growth. Financial inclusion means prioritizing community involvement in the development of financial technology. In this case, the biggest contribution is made through Super Apps, which provide easy access to various financial services.
Yogyakarta, October 8th 2024─With a long history of pesantren as a center of community activity, the institution has developed massively in Indonesia. Pesantren have become the center of community livelihood, both in terms of science and community empowerment. Therefore, it is necessary to map strategic issues to strengthen the roadmap of pesantren education and proselytization (dakwah).
Through the collaboration of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada, the Pesantren Symposium of 2024 was held. The event was held offline at Auditorium Mandiri 4th floor, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM with the theme “Strategies for Strengthening Islamic Boarding Schools as Pillars of Indonesia’s Future”. The 2024 Pesantren Symposium was presented to map the strategic issues of pesantren.
Yogyakarta, October 8th 2024─Digitalization has created a new space as well as disruption in society. The development of digital technology continues to accelerate without being accompanied by community readiness. The Center for Digital Society explored the issue during the 5th day of Digital Society Week 2024 on Monday (8/10). The panel discussion raised three main topics with experts, namely the adoption of new technologies, mitigation of misinformation, and digital literacy.
The problem of community readiness to face digital development is not only faced by Indonesia as a developing country. Developed countries such as the UK also do not have a patent framework to improve the digital literacy of their people. This was mentioned by Luthfi Baihaqi Riziq, Research Assistant at CfDS in a panel entitled “Digital Literacy and Readiness to Adopt New Technology in Indonesia”.
Yogyakarta, October 7th 2024─The development of digital technology today is not only as a medium, but also a new world for society. Almost all activities can be digitally transferred. This has led to various public discourses, one of which is the establishment of public digital infrastructure. The Center for Digital Society (CfDS) raised this issue on the 4th day of Digital Society Week 2024 with the title “Getting to Know Digital Public Infrastructure in Indonesia” on Friday (5/10).
Hafiz Noer, Head of Research of CfDS explained how public digital infrastructure can be built and guarantee the interests of the community. “Digital Infrastructure is a combination of software and hardware. The government is currently focusing on three things, namely personal identification, financial services, and data exchange,” he explained. As with the other public infrastructure development, digital infrastructure must also pay attention to aspects of public interest such as attribution and function.
Yogyakarta. 4th of October 2024—As the world is going into phases of further industrialization, ‘green’ aspects of the economy are both important and inseparable to discuss. With that, stakeholders all around the world have put their utmost attention on the discourse of green economy. “Green economy” refers to a concept which advocates for an economic system that is low in carbon, efficient in both management and usage of resources, and socially inclusive. In order for Indonesia to compete and rise up the ranks in the world, Indonesia needs to ready its human resources to excel and for its job field to be in line with the principle of sustainable development.
Yogyakarta, October 24th 2024─The Social Inclusion and Democratic Citizenship Study Team of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM disseminated the results of a research that had been carried out with the title “Exclusive Policy Making in Post-Decentralization Indonesia”. This research dissemination is part of a series of disseminations entitled “Reading Social Inclusion from the Regions”. The research, which has been conducted since 2020, was disseminated in a hybrid manner on Tuesday (22/10) and was attended by various communities that have great attention to issues of social inclusion. This research took place in the cities of Yogyakarta and Makassar as the two locations that can represent the context of different socio-economic and cultural arrangements. In this research, the Social Inclusion and Democratic Citizenship Study Team of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM tries to explore policies in Indonesia that still exclude certain groups and the process of formulating these exclusionary policies. In addition, this research also tries to reveal public perceptions of these policies.
Yogyakarta, October 3rd 2024─The current political dynamics cannot be separated from the influence of technological developments, including Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Center for Digital Society (CfDS) raised this issue during the 3rd day of Digital Society Week 2024 on Thursday (3/9). Through four panel discussions, CfDS and several experts highlighted AI phenomena in politics and its potential to increase transparency and support democracy.
In the first panel titled “Indonesian Parliamentary Reform”, Doni Andika Pradana, CfDS Scholarship Awardee explained how AI can be used to increase public participation in parliament. So far, political processes such as the formation of parliaments and policies tend to be closed and far from the public’s view. Only a small portion of the public can understand how political dynamics work. Whereas the existence of parliament is basically intended to channel the needs and aspirations of the community.
Yogyakarta, 2 October 2024─Increasingly sophisticated digital technology innovations have been widely utilized in almost all aspects of human life, including encouraging a sustainable environment. To dissect the relationship between digital technology and sustainability, the Center for Digital Society Universitas Gadjah Mada (CfDS UGM) specifically organizes research dissemination with the theme “The Linkage between Digital Technologies and Sustainable Environment”. The dissemination is part of the Digital Society Week 2024 series held on Wednesday (2/10) online through YouTube.
Yogyakarta, 2 October 2024─To support the fulfillment of student nutrition, Fisipol UGM provides free breakfast during exam week. The program “Fisipol Free Breakfast” is held again during the exam week from 30 September 2024 to 11 October 2024.
Fisipol Free Breakfest is a routine agenda of Fisipol UGM that is often held during the midterm or final exam week. Through the breakfast distribution program to students who are about to take exams, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM tries to support academic students from the aspect of fulfilling nutrition, as well as supporting the efforts of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2 (Zero Hunger), and 3 (Good Health and Well-Being).