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Tips for Surviving the Pandemic by Social Activists and Urban Consultants

Yogyakarta, October 22nd 2020—Sociopreneur Muda (Soprema) Fisipol UGM held a webinar Bincang Soprema entitled ‘Sociopreneur Dynamics in the Middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic’ on Wednesday (21/10). This webinar was held online on Zoom and presented two speakers. Both of the speakers were Resta Aqabah Amjad, Sirvano Consulting and Paksi Raras, social activist of Jogja Lawan Corona. The moderator of this webinar was Eka Zuni Lusi, a lecturer of the Department of Social Development and Welfare of Fisipol UGM. read more

Soprema Talk: Sociopreneur Dynamic in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Yogyakarta, October 21st 2020—Soprema Talk titled Sociopreneur Dynamic in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic was held Wednesday, September 21st 2020. This Soprema talk is one part of the Soprema event that is held annually. In 2020, Soprema Talk raised the theme on how to survive in the covid-19 pandemic. To encourage the civil society, especially sociopreneurs to survive in the middle of the pandemic, Soprema Talk invited two speakers which are Retas Aqabah Amjad as the CEO of Shirvano Consulting as well as Paksi Raras as a social activist from Jogja Against Corona. read more

Gadjah Mada University and Whatsapp Empower Women To Be a Digital Literacy Agent

Jakarta, October 19th 2020—Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and Whatsapp launched a training program themed “Women Against Political Hoax  through Whatsapp in the 2020 Regional Election” to support the women community in four cities in being an agent of change to fight political fake news. This training is a continuation of the research titled “WhatsApp group and the Digital Literacy of Indonesia’s Women” which was published in the start of the year by UGM’s Department of Communication Studies. For most women, Whatsapp is a place for their social life where half of the Whatsapp group is meant to communicate with family and friends. Amongst 250 women respondents, 70% admitted to have up to 10 WhatsApp groups where they often encounter fake news and disinformation. read more

Opening of the International Relations English Competition (IREC) 2020

Yogyakarta, October 16th 2020—In this 2020, International Relations Students Corps or KOMAHI UGM held an International Relations English Competition event for the first time. This was an annual competition event that was held by KOMAHI since 2013. In this eighth year, IREC raised the big theme ‘Advancing Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Development to Achieve the 2030 Agenda’ and opened four branches of competition for all high school students and their equivalents, such as peech, storytelling, debate, and news casting competitions. read more

Mitigating Personal Change and Work Environment in Career Talks

Yogyakarta, October 16th 2020—The Department of Public Policy and Management held Virtual Career Talk and brought the topic about Leadership and Management: Yin and Yang of Change on Friday (16/10). The webinar, which was part of the Human Resource Management and Change Management class, was conducted online via Youtube and Zoom. The speakers in this webinar were: Muhammad Yusuf Affandi, MBA, Manufacturing Academy Manager of Unilever; Nova Yustina Paramita, MBA, HC Strategic Manager of PT. Pertamina EP; Dr. Mariman Darto, Head of the KDOD LAN Puslatbang; and Eli Susanto, S.IP., MBA., Ph.D, Lecturer of the Department of Public Policy and Management of FISIPOL UGM. The discussion was moderated by Annisa Rahmania, a student of the Department of PPM, class of 2019, and started with a speech from Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Kumorotomo as the Head of the Department of Public Policy and Management. read more

Bisa Basi Kapstra Internship Sharing Edition

Yogyakarta, October 16th 2020—Social Development and Welfare Student Families or Kapstra of the Sinergi Bersama Cabinet 2020 held a program Bisa Basi Kapstra (Bincang Santai Banyak Inspirasi Kapstra) “Internship Sharing” edition on Friday (16/10). This event presented two seniors from the PSdK itself, Ella Puji (PSdK 2017) and Dwiarti Simanjuntak, S.Sos (PSdK 2016). It was held on Instagram Live on @kapstraugm and the event began at 04.00 p.m and was moderated by Luluk AR, PSdk student class of 2019. read more

Journalism Basic Practitioner Lecture: Opportunities and Challenges of Journalists in the Multiplatform Era

Yogyakarta, October 15th 2020—The course of Basic Journalism Program of the Undergraduate Program of Communication Science held practitioners’ lecture meetings that were open to the public. By presenting Fernan Rahadi, Daily Editor of Republika and, as the guest lecturer. This meeting talked about Opportunities and Challenges of Journalists in the Multiplatform Era. The class that was held at 08.00 a.m. was moderated by one of the lecturers of the Basic Journalism course, Zainuddin Muda Z.M. read more

Exposure Talks #7 “Chevening 101: Talkshow and Essay Writing Workshop”

Yogyakarta, October 15th 2020—Global Engagement Office or GEO Fisipol UGM came back with Exposure Talks. Having previously managed to attract many participants with the theme of the LPDP Scholarship, in its seventh series, Exposure Talks brought a topic about “Chevening 101” by presenting two Chevening Scholarship awardees as the speakers, Retno Lestari Ningsih, M.Sc., dan Yasinta Ariesti, S.I.P. The GEO Fisipol UGM designed this Exposure Talks to be more productive, by providing essay writing workshops in the event. After it was opened at 01.05 p.m. by the short speech of the topic and the introduction of speakers by presenter and moderator. Retno as the first speaker was also invited to directly deliver the material. read more

Celebrating the 65th Anniversary of Social and Political Sciences through Reflective Discussion on “Social Sciences in a Pandemic Period”

Yogyakarta, October 15th 2020—The anniversary of Fisipol which is always celebrated lively, felt different this year. Because, in its 65th anniversary, it was celebrated in the middle of a pandemic era that is full of challenges. Because of that, Fisipol reflected the challenges that its faced through reflective discussion called “Social Sciences and Higher Education in a Pandemic Period” on YouTube Live on Thursday (15/10).

The reflective discussion was opened by the delivery of a speech titled as “Social Sciences and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Scientific Opportunities and Challenges in a Networked Society”, which was delivered by Haryanto as the Professor of the Department of Politics and Government. read more

Dean Hearing on University Matters in the New Normal

Yogyakarta, October 14th 2020—Fisipol UGM Student Board is back with a Dean Hearing on Wednesday afternoon (14/10). In this event, the Dean hearing is created to accommodate university students’ academic and non-academic questions about the university process in the new normal. As always, in the hearing there was Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M. Si as the dean, Dr. Wawan Masudi as the Vice Dean of Academics and Students Relations, as well as Ika Wulandari Widyaningrum, S.Pd., MBA as the Head of Students Relations. The event was held from 16.00 until 17.30 pm. read more