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OPOSIT #7: Indonesia’s Digital Literacy Quality and Internet Platform Development

Yogyakarta, 26 Agustus 2020—Center for Digital Society Fisipol UGM is back with OPOSIT on Wednesday night. In this session, the seventh OPOSIT brought the topic of Indonesia Digital 2020.There are two main discussion materials related to that topic; Indonesia’s quality of digital literacy until now and the development of internet platforms that we use. The event went on from 7 to 8 pm on @cfds_ugm Instagram live.

The host gave the audience a chance to say their opinion regarding the topic by asking for permission to the host to join the @cfds_ugm instagram live. The first person that got the chance to talk was Fahri. Fahri said that he has known the internet since 2020, but at that time, he only used Facebook, Friendster, and Twitter. Seeing the growth of the platform and the diversifying user of the internet, Fahri sees that now internet users (netizen) are more critical. They are bolder in expressing themselves, stating their opinion, and they are wilder when giving comments. A couple of years ago, social media was more private. But now, everyone can see our opinion even if they do not follow our account. read more

Digital Discussion #31: Ethical Conduct in Online Journalism

Yogyakarta, 24 Agustus 2020—Center for Digital Society Fisipol UGM is back with the 31-st session of Digital Discussion. In this session, CfDS asked Smart People who are interested in journalism to join in to talk about ethical conduct in online journalism. The discussion was held through a Whatsapp Group with Kristian Oka Prasetyadi, a journalist for Kompas News, as the speaker. This discussion wants to uncover what is the ethical conduct to find sources, conduct an interview, and upload a news credibly and with no misinformation or disinformation. read more

Learn to Stay Productive through Creative Content With Taufik Kemal in SmallTalk C-Hub

Yogyakarta, August 21st 2020 – #dirumahaja quarantine time was not someone to stay productive. It also happened to Taufik Kemal, a content creator who shared his story for being productive in creative content in SmallTalk Creative Hub FISIPOL UGM. SmallTalk itself is a weekly discussion that is held by Creative Hub FISIPOL UGM on their Instagram official account @chubfisipolugm. Kemal’s interest to dive into the world of creative content arose from his hobby, that is, watching YouTube’s videos about cinematography. Slow but sure, there was a desire in his heart to not only be a creative content lover, but also to become a maker. He learned by himself, in 2017 Kemal started his journey as a content creator, until he could make neat content. read more

CANGCIMAN #3: Muslimah and Self Management

Yogyakarta, August 21st 2020 – Jamaah Muslim Fisipol successfully held a webinar with a theme ‘Muslimah and Self Management’ on Friday night (21/8). This third session of CANGCIMAN (Changing Better While Charging Iman) was held on Zoom Live. Azka Yahdiyani Putri, the founder of @sedekahbaju.yk, @anfaalfoundation, and became the speaker of this session. As a preface, Azka talked about the bitterness in life where she felt depressed due to experiencing conflicts and violence in the family. read more

Book Soft Launching: New Normal, Socio-Economic Changes, and Politics Post Covid-19

Yogyakarta, August 17th 2020—Gadjah Mada University’s (UGM) Faculty of Social and Political Science is back with a praise-worthy achievement which is launching a book titled New Normal, Socio-Economic Changes, and Politics Post Covid-19. This book includes 18 chapters and was written by 24 UGM and non-UGM scholars from various studies such as politics, social, health, creative economy, and psychology. Through the soft launching at Zoom and Youtube streaming, Fisipol UGM and UGM Press invited editors and writers to talk about the outline of that book. This soft launching also invited several speakers; Medelina K, Hendytio, Velix V. Wanggai, and Jaleswari Pramodhawardhani. In the event, there were the Principal of UGM, Panut Malyono as well as the Dean of Fisipol UGM, Erwan Agus Purwanto. The moderator of the event was Treviliana Eka Putri and the event started at 11.00 am. read more

The Existence, Production of Information, and Paradox of the Role of the Media in a Pandemic Period

Yogyakarta, August 14th 2020—‘Media and the Motion of Power (Relation) in Corona Pandemic Era’ became the theme that brought by the Department of Communication Science in its regular online discussion, Ngopi #6 which presented two internal speakers, they were the lecturers of the Department of Communication Science, FISIPOL  UGM. Dr. Dian Arymani and Budi Irwanto, Ph.D. This discussion which was held last Friday became interesting because the theme was based on conditions in today’s society and was selected through academic reflexivity.In the beginning of this online discussion, the moderator Nyarwi Ahmad, Ph.D., a lecturer of the Department of Communication Science UGM, gave an intermezzo that with the change in activity which to this day still depends on online sources, it indirectly empowered the media. For the examples, there was a change of identity, the information overload, so that without realizing it, the media often became a reference which used to form a reality that is easy to accept in this difficult situation. read more

Komako Monthly Discussion: Opinion on Social Media, Free or Limited?

Yogyakarta, August 13th 2020—In June, In June, a case of alleged methamphetamine use has emerged against comedian Bintang Emon after he gave a criticism on social media regarding the prosecutor’s demands in the case of pouring hard water against Novel Baswedan. This case showed us, even though its characteristic was user generated content, giving opinion on social media is not completely free and bound by certain restrictions or controls.This issue was discussed in the Komako (Communication Student Corps) Monthly Discussion UGM which presented two speakers, they were Mashita Fandia as a lecturer of Department of Communication Science and Unggul Sagena as the Head of Information Access Division of SAFEnet (12/08). The discussion was titled as ‘Social Media: Aspiration’s Container or Aspiration’s Boomerang?’. It discussed the limitations that appeared on social media and guidelines in using social media. read more

Soccer and How it Shapes Identities in Social Media

Yogyakarta, 12th August 2020—Forum Olahraga Fisipol (FOF) collaborated with Keluarga Mahasiswa Sosiologi (KMS) organized a discussion about Soccer and the Formation of Social Identity on Mass Media. On this opportunity, the event was moderated by Akbar Rizki Madani and brought three speakers, they are Estu Santoso as an editor of Sepakbola Nasional, Dr Hempri Suyatna as a lecturer of Social Development and Welfare of Fisipol UGM, and Tonggos Darurat as a representative of PSS Sleman’s suporter. This Discussion was started online through Google Meet platform and was held at 15.30 WIB.Soccer sport has been the most popular sport from the last decades. Not only because of the match, but also because the fans or usually called supporters may color soccer popular phenomenon. In this term, soccer has been one of new identities that is attached to soccer lovers. According to Hempri Suyatna, the supporter phenomenon of creating a new self identity is caused by the existence of labelling and stigmatization perspective. “Labelling perspective after that may create the supporters’ identity. This identity may appear in public, usually comes with creativity. But on this one, the media has a role in constructing the reality that exists and after that push this supporters’ identity to be recognized” said Hempri as he closed his answer for the first question. read more

CfDS’s #30 Digital Discussion: Hearing the Stories Behind Foodgrammers

Yogyakarta, August 10th 2020—Fisipol UGM’s Center for Digital Society is back with the 30th Digital Discussion. This discussion was titled “The Story Behind Foodgrammer”. CfDS invited Dadad Sesa — a founder and owner of Javafoodie, as the speaker. The event was held through Whatsapp Group and was moderated by Made Agus Bayu, an event assistant at CfDS.

For starters, Bayu started by asking the participants about things that need to be paid attention to when becoming a food grammer. A lot of answers were received and responded to by Dadad. However, before going into a more in depth explanation, Dadad first talked about his journey in becoming a food grammer. read more

CANGCIMAN #2: Self Love VS Insecurity

Yogyakarta, 10 Agustus 2020—Jamaah Muslim Fisipol UGM is back with the second CHANGCIMAN (Changing better while charging iman) on Sunday night (10/8). The event was themed “Self Love VS Insecurity” which was held through the Whatsapp Group platform and was only open for women. Btari Aktrisa Yara, an alumni from UGM Psychology Department as well as a dakwah activist, is a speaker in this discussion. The event started at 8 pm and was moderated by Lina, a PSdK 2018 university student.

After introducing the speaker, the moderator allowed the speaker to start talking about the material. In her elaboration, Btari explained the link between insecurity and self love. However, before going further into the topic, she first talked about the definition of each term. According to her, insecurity is a basic emotion that shapes our self image and our attitude. A survey found that 60% of women have self deprecating thoughts at least every week. read more