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DWS 2024: Policies Regarding Digital Technology Should Be Adaptive, Solutive, and Balanced with the Public Interest

Yogyakarta, 1 October 2024–The development of digital technology, which is increasingly sophisticated, requires the policy framework to develop more adaptively and solution-centered. This is because the benefits that come from technological advances are also accompanied by consequences that can have negative consequences. Irfan Dwi Putra, a researcher from the Center for Digital Society (CfDS) UGM, expressed his concern regarding one of the artificial intelligence (AI)-based technologies, deepfake. “There have been many losses caused by deepfake and involving public figures. Deepfake is widely misused for fraud,” said Irfan on the first day of Digital Society Week (DSW) 2024, organized by CfDS UGM online on Tuesday (1/10).  read more

UGM’s Center for Digital Studies (CfDS) Raised the Discourse of Digital Technology and Digital Society Through the Digital Society Week of 2024

Yogyakarta, 30th of September 2024—This year, Fisipol UGM’s Center for Digital Society (CfDS) has organized the Digital Society Week, with the title of “Navigating the Dynamics Between Digital Technologies and Digital Society in Indonesia”. The series of events in the Digital Society Week will take place for the next ten days. The event will present research dissemination with multiple actors, such as academia, industry partners, as well as stakeholders in the government sector, in order to discuss the interaction between digital technologies and the ever-more dynamic Indonesian society.  read more

Kapstra of FISIPOL UGM Collaborates with Gerkatin to Organize Dialogue of Silence, Free Sign Language Classes

Yogyakarta, September 27th 2024The Student Family of Social Development and Welfare (Kapstra) of FISIPOL UGM organized a sign language class entitled Dialog Sunyi (Dialogue of Silence). The event, which was held at FISIPOL UGM, is a collaborative work program between Kapstra FISIPOL UGM and Gerkatin (Gerakan untuk Kesejahteraan Tunarungu Indonesia) as one of the NGOs (Non-Profit Organization) engaged in the welfare and empowerment of the deaf.

The Dialog Sunyi was held regularly every Friday for three weeks from September 13, 20, and 27, 2024. This event is a manifestation of the spirit of inclusion built by Kapstra FISIPOL UGM students. read more

Commemorating Human Rights Violations in Indonesia, Students of FISIPOL UGM Hold A 5-Day Art Week

Yogyakarta, September 27th 2024─In an important initiative to raise awareness about human rights violations, students of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM organized Arts Week 2024. The festival was held for five days from September 23 to 27, 2024.

The festival serves as a platform to showcase the creative expression of FISIPOL UGM students in interpreting social issues. This year, Fisipol Arts Week carries a theme entitled “Selametan Terlahirnya Kembali Ingatan” or Gratitude for the Reborn of Memories. The theme was chosen as a reminder of the issues of human rights violations and the silencing of public space in Indonesia. With a focus on the events of Black September, Arts Week seeks to reflect on the social, cultural and political events that have shaped the nation throughout history. read more

Socializing the International Exposure Program, DMKP FISIPOL UGM Holds Parents Meeting

Yogyakarta, September 21, 2024─The Department of Management and Public Policy (DMKP) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FISIPOL UGM) held an important socialization event regarding the International Exposure Program (IUP PPM) on Saturday (21/9). The event, which took place in the Auditorium Room of FISIPOL UGM, aimed to provide information to students and parents regarding various international exposure opportunities available through partner universities. read more

Supporting Equality of Political Rights for People with Disabilities, Forum Jogja Kita Collaborates with KOMAP FISIPOL UGM to Holf Inclusive Discussion

Yogyakarta, 20 September 2024─As a direct democracy for all Indonesians, the 2024 General Election still has a lot of evaluation to do with disability rights and inclusiveness. This is because many people with disabilities feel unrepresented and do not get proper accommodation. Therefore, FJK 2024 carries the theme “Fulfillment of Disability Rights in Election Implementation”, a crucial topic that demands immediate attention.

The event, held in Taman Sansiro Fisipol, featured various interesting activities, including interactive tenants and performances by people with disabilities. According to Nugroho Prasetyo Aditama, Chairman of BEM KM UGM 2024, this activity played a significant role in raising awareness among participants and highlighting the importance of inclusivity in political participation. read more

The National Seminar for Fisipol UGM’s Dies Natalis Emphasizes the Roles of Campus Civic Movements in Safeguarding Democracy.

Yogyakarta, 19th of September 2024—As a response towards government actions in preserving democracy, UGM’s Faculty of Social and Political Science initiated a campus civic movement in the National Seminar for Fisipol UGM’s 69th Dies Natalis. This event was held on Wednesday (19/9), with the theme of “Campus Civic Movements in Response to the Regression of Democracy, Digital Disruption and Ecological Crises”. The dialogue on the regression of democracy discussed three topics, with speakers ranging from experts, politicians, and academics. read more

Prof. Dr. Suharko’s Speech Ignites the Spirit of Struggle from Campus at the 69th Anniversary of FISIPOL UGM

Yogyakarta, September 19th 2024─Climate crisis, geopolitics, and economic tensions are currently becoming global problems. In a speech entitled “The Urgency of Navigating University Initiatives in Responding to Polycrisis and Promoting Inclusive Democracy”, Prof. Dr. Suharko, S.Sos., M.Si explained his analysis of the impact of the global situation on the future, including in the context of implementing democracy. The speech was delivered as part of the 69th Anniversary of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM on Thursday (19/9). read more

Vu Minh, an Alumni of FISIPOL UGM from Vietnam Successfully Becomes a Scholarship Awardee of Peking University

Yogyakarta, 18 September 2024─Vu Minh Anh, an international student of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, has been awarded the Yenching Academy Scholarship from Peking University. She was chosen as one of 106 scholarship recipients selected from 3,000 applicants. This achievement is undoubtedly very proud, considering that Vu Minh was also previously a recipient of the FIAS scholarship at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM.

Vu Minh’s interest in diplomacy led her to start an advanced degree in International Relations at Universitas Gadjah Mada in Indonesia. During her studies, she actively interned at the ASEAN Secretariat and became a liaison between UGM seminars and academic and international organisations. Vu Minh wrote her thesis on corruption and the political system in China and Vietnam. Her desire to deepen political science in international affairs inspired her to continue studying, and she chose Peking University through the Yenching Academy Program in Politics and International Relations. read more

Novi Kurnia, A Lecturer from Fisipol UGM Communication Science Department Raises the Issue of Climate Crisis Misinformation at UNESCO Meeting

Yogyakarta, 17th of September 2024—Lecturer of Fisipol UGM’s Communication Science Department, Novi Kurnia, M.Si., M.A., Ph.D., became a speaker at UNESCO’s Digital Learning Week 2024: Steering Technology for Education. This event was organized in Paris from the 2nd of September until the 5th of September. In said event, Novi raised the issue regarding the misinformation and hoaxes about climate change. 

The climate crisis has become a global issue that is faced by countries all over the world. Crop failure, droughts, rising temperatures, and other kinds of climate problems are caused by human activities that cause carbon emissions rapidly. The Indonesian Government has rolled out initiatives and policies in order to solve the climate crisis. Sadly, the people themselves are somewhat unaware of these crises. Not only that, now appears some opposition groups which believed the conspiracies regarding the cause of climate change.  read more