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Getting to Know UX Writers, Brilliant Career Choice in the Digital Industry Era

Yogyakarta, September 3rd 2020—The Digital Intelligence Class Series, which is the newest course at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, presented a webinar entitled “UX Writer: New Job Options in The Digital Industry” on the last Thursday (3/9) together with Rizqie ‘Keke’ Aulia, as the UX Writer Halodoc, that shared her experiences on YouTube Live.

Familiarly called ‘Keke’, this alumna of the Department of International Relations of FISIPOL UGM class 2011, shared her experiences of being a UX Writer, a new profession which is still strange for many people. “UX Writer profession developed in 2015 or 2016. Back then, there was no need to become a UX Writer, because the digital world is developing, there will be more diverse jobs in the future,” Keke said as the opening of discussion. read more

Second Episode of Centang Biru Social Entrepreneurship UGM: Revenue Model Beauty & the Beast

Yogyakarta, 1 August 2020—Having successfully organized its first episode, Centang Biru by Kewirausahaan Sosial UGM came with another episode of Stories about Business and Freshest Insights themed “Revenue Model Beauty and the Beast”. Present in the discussion were Andy Fajar Handika, founder of Kulina and Chief Revenue Officer of Cookpad, and Bayu Dardias, a lecturer delivering the subject of social entrepreneurship, as the moderator.

The discussion mainly revolved around the revenue generated from start-ups. Before jumping into the topic, Andy explained that revenue is understood as a sustainable source of income. Hence, income generated from a VC or a start-up competition prize doesn’t count as revenue. read more

Recommendations for Increasing Economic Resilience of Urban Communities by FISIPOL Community Service Team

Yogyakarta, July 30th 2020—Community Service Team (CST) of FISIPOL UGM held its fourth discussion on Wednesday (29/7). This discussion was titled as ‘Creating Community Economic Resilience During Pandemic: Development and Integrated Urban Farming Training for Urban Communities’. This discussion presented Agus Sudrajat, Head of Social Services of Yogyakarta, and M. Qomarun Najmi from Indonesian Peasant Union and Sekolah Tani Muda (Young Farmers School). This discussion also presented COVID-19 Community Service Team, Matahari Farransahat, a lecturer of Department of Social Development and Welfare FISIPOL UGM and Achniah Damayanti, as the moderator. read more

Productive Live Talk: Talks About Business with Dianty

Yogyakarta, July 30th 2020—The Student Council of FISIPOL UGM (DEMA FISIPOL UGM) held its new work program, ‘Productive Talk with DEMA’, on Live Instagram on Thursday (30/6). Its prime topic was ‘Running A Business in Pandemic’. Dianty Annisa, a student of Department of Public Policy Management 2018 and the CEO of Tertata Journal and SemibyDianty, became a speaker of this discussion. The event began at 01.00 p.m. and was moderated by Muldi, student of Department of International Relations 2018. read more

Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs of Republic of Indonesia Invited ASEAN Studies Center UGM to Discuss About the Utilization of AEC E-Monitoring System Efforts to Improve National Economy through MSME

Jakarta, July 30th 2020—Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs of Republic of Indonesia and ASEAN Economic Council (AEC) Indonesia held a focus group discussion (FGD) called ‘The Utilization of EAC E-Monitoring System Efforts (STORMEA) in Supporting the Improvement of National Economy’. In this FGD, the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs of Indonesia invited the Head of ASEAN Studies Center (ASC), Fisipol UGM, Dafri Agussalim as one of the speakers. Assistant Deputy for Regional and Subregional Economic Cooperation, Netty Muharni, became the moderator and the speaker of Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs of Indonesia in this event which was joined by 55 audience. read more

Google Ads by Google: Easy and Beneficial Online Advertising Media

Yogyakarta, July 29th 2020—The Student Association under the Social Development and Welfare Department in Fisipol UGM, known as KAPSTRA, is collaborating for the second time with Google Gapura Digital on a digital marketing class that is held online. This collaboration is made in a form of two discussions that was held on 29th and 30th July 2020. KAPSTRA, represented by the vice president, Andhika Ihza, mentioned that this digital marketing class is made not only for PSDK students, but also for the public, so that a lot of people gain benefits from this event. In this first session, Fikri Kurniawan as the facilitator of Google Gapura Digital in Yogyakarta and also as the SEO and Google Ads Expert was brought in as the main speaker to talk about the basic basis of Google Ads. read more

The Faculty of Social and Political Science Held the Master Degree Period IV Graduation Online

Yogyakarta, July 29th 2020—Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Social and Political Science (Fisipol) held a Masters degree period IV 2020 graduation online on Friday (25/7). In this graduation there were the graduates, dean and vice dean of Fisipol and the representative of each major in Fisipol. There were 54 graduates from the Magistrate and Doctoral program from different majors in Fisipol.

The graduates came from seven Magistrate program and one Doctoral Program. Those magistrate programs are; Public Policy Management (7 graduates), Politics and Governance (14 graduates), Sociology (4 graduates), Social and Welfare Development (4 graduates), Communication Study (8 graduates), Public Administration Study (13 graduates) and International Relations (3 graduates. One other graduate came from the public administration doctoral program. read more

PkM FISIPOL UGM Discussion Series #3: Adapting to the New Normal Through Cross Generation Collaboration with

Yogyakarta, 29 Juli 2020—Fisipol UGM’s Community service (PkM) team held the third discussion through the Webex platform. The discussion raised the theme of “ Adapting to the new normal through cross generation collaboration”. is a platform funded by the FISIPOL UGM community grant. In that morning discussion, the speakers were Rahina Dyah, Tantri Friscilla, and Maria Desima with Ayu Diasti, an International Relations department professor, as the moderator.

Ayu Diasti, or better known as Ayu, spoke about the objective of the discussion which is to highlight young people’s role in facing the new normal. “That includes discussing about what is the current problem that we still have to face,” she added. is one of the activity that is initiated by college students and that allows a cross generation collaboration. read more

PkM Fisipol UGM #2 Discussion Series: Women Household Business Empowerment in the Midst of the Pandemic Through Digitalization

Yogyakarta, July 27th 2020—The Community Service (PkM) Fisipol UGM team collaborated with UGM’s Institute of International Studies and UGM’s Center for World Trade studies in holding the second discussion series. After talking about the economy of the pesantren community, this discussion raised a topic about women household business empowerment in the midst of the pandemic through digitalization. Held through Webex, this discussion series had three speakers from the PkM Covid-19 team. Those speakers are Arindha Nityasari and Muhammad Indrawan who are researchers from IIS UGM, and Dita karisma Prasetyo from CWT UGM. read more

Analyzing the Pandemic’s Effect on Convention Business in Mlati

Yogyakarta, July 27th 2020—Gadjah Mada University’s Community Service organization (PkM) held the first discussion session on Monday (27/7). This discussion was titled “Mapping Pesantren (Religious Boarding School) Socio-Economic Vulnerability and Resilience”. This discussion was filled by two speakers from the PkM research team; Luqman Nul Hakim and Mustaghfiroh Rahayu. There were also other speakers such as Ahsan Salim as a convection businessman in Mlangi and Muhammad Mustafied as the caretaker of PPIM Aswaja Nusantara Pesantren in Mlangi. Through Webex, Rully Mufarika as the moderator started the discussion at10 am. The discussion started with a short video screening about the pandemic and its effect on Mlangi’s convection production. Luqman then explained the reason why his research is focused on the convection business that has been in Mlangi for a long time. The problem with the convection business is complex. Luqman said that the pandemic not only affects the distribution process but also the production process. Other than that, compared to other sectors at Mlati, the convection sector is hit the hardest during the pandemic. “Compared to other sectors, this sector is affected the most economically because 90% of the market is dependent on tourism,” Luqman explained. Rahayu then elaborated the challenges that the convection business faces during her research for one and a half month in Mlati. The first problem is the uncertainty of when the pandemic will end, this makes the small businessmen in the convection sector more vulnerable in the social and economic aspect. The second problem is the fact that the complexity of the production-distribution chain at the Mlangi convection is reliant on the tourism sector. The third problem is that there is no comprehensive mapping from the government about the pandemic’ effect on small and informal business. The fourth problem is the fact that Mlangi’s businessmen usually work in their own house. The business therefore can be characterized as informal, within a family scale, and it doesn’t need a lot of capital. Based on those challenges, Rahayu found that there are two recommendations – long term and short term recommendation – that is issued by her and her team. The short term recommendation is to reorient the production and training as well as to teach businessman digital economy. Additionally, a strategic and safe analysis on opening the tourism sector as well as allocating a budget for managing the pandemic’s socio-economic effect in the society is needed. Rahayu also elaborated several long term recommendations which includes the suggestion to transform the economy after the pandemic. Not only that, a cross-sector synergy – between small businesses and the tourism economy – is needed. Creating marketing facilities is also seen as a good option. “These two suggestions can be done by future generations, for example by the children of the convection stores,” Rahayu added. To round up the research elaboration, Ahsan Salim elaborated the condition in Mlangi. One of the convection store said that the convection condition in Mlangi can also be seen in Malioboro. “When Malioboro is closed, the production and distribution process in Mlangi also needs to be closed,” Ahsan said. Ahsan also said that the production process in the convection business doesn’t always come to a halt. Some businessmen chose to deviate to another sector such as making a mask. Even though that is the case, he said the revenue from that business can’t cover the production cost before the pandemic. Other than that, Ahsan also said that the asset cycle is crashing. “If businesses don’t sell other assets such as their land and vehicles, it will be hard for them to get back up,” he said. Adding to the previous speakers’ statements, Mustafid highlighted several things that needs to be paid attention to. He said that a lot of the convection businesses in Mlangi are discontinued. This could be because many children chose to not continue their parents’ business. Other than that, Mustafid also said that the convection businesses in Mlangi are still managed with traditional systems. Mustafid said that Mlangi’s citizen technical knowledge is astounding in the convection business. But, the design innovation is lacking. “We have yet to find a convection design that can be a trendsetter,” he explained. In relation to the pesantren, Mustafid said that the society and the pesantren used to have a strong economic collaboration. This is because the majority of pesantren students or santri in Mlangi is an employee and they get their money from working in the convection business. Mustafit admits that this is not the case anymore. He said that the convection employees are not santri but they are outsourced from people outside of Mlangi. “The connection should be strengthened once again because a lot of pesantren teach santri to be independent and to have their own skillset. Therefore, when they go home, they can do something,” Mustafid added.