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Oposit #2: Does Social Media Bring Positive or Negative Impacts?

Yogyakarta, May 13th 2020-  FISIPOL UGM’s Center for Digital Society (CfDS) held a discussion session about the digital world. The discussion was streamed through the Instagram live feature on 4 pm to 5 pm. It was presented by Noel. In this opportunity, the topic was “The Social Media Now: Does it Bring Positive or Negative Effect?”, this event was open for everyone.

The event garnered a pretty big interest amongst Instagram audiences. The audiences gave also gave their opinion about the topic discussed, which was about social media. There were four people that joined CfDS’s live Instagram; Danis Fahreza, Gehang Ghofari, Anaqduanaiko, dan Arindaputri. read more

Digitalk #40: Get to Know the Differences between Start-Up and Corporation before Applying for Work

Yogyakarta, May 12th, 2020– Center for Digital Society or CfDS Fisipol UGM held the Digitalk #40 program by collaborating with CODEX on Tuesday (5/12). The theme brought upon this occasion was “Digital Talent Preparation 101” presented by Hiroko Amanda, Chief of Employer Branding and Talent Management of CODEX powered by Telkom Indonesia. Through the Zoom Meeting Room and YouTube’s Live Broadcast Platform, the discussion started at 15.00 WIB moderated by Firya Qurratu’ain, CfDS Partnership Associate. read more

CDC Fisipol Live Session: ‘Knowing Yourself’ Career Education Session

Yogyakarta, May 11st 2020—FISIPOL’s Career Development Center (CDC) held a live session titled ‘Career Education: Knowing Yourself’ on Monday (11/5). This session was presented by Dina Wahida, M.Psi – CDC’s psychologist. CDC realized the importance of knowing ourselves in the journey of our career development. Hence, CDC believes that this session is a worthwhile investment of everyone’s time. The live session was streamed through @cdcfisipolugm Instagram account at 4 pm, and it has become a routine agenda every Monday and Friday. read more

Difussion #23 – Digital Preaching: A Way to Spread Peacefulness

Yogyakarta, May 8th 2020 – Center for Digital Society (CfDS) held another digital future discussion (DIFUSSION) #23 with the title Digital Preaching: A New Way to Spread Peacefulness. In this occasion, CfDS presented two speakers, they were Nafilah Safitri from AIS Nusantara and Yohanes Tri Atmaja, CEO of The Messenjah. This event was moderated by Fedryno Geza Ramadha, the Social Media Manager Event of CfDS. This discussion was aired through YouTube Live Streaming, from 03.00 p.m. until 04.30 p.m. read more

CDC FISIPOL Film Discussion Webinar: Uncovering Meaning and Symbol in ‘Parasite’ Movie

Yogyakarta, May 8th 2020 – The ‘Parasite’ movie mustn’t be unfamiliar again for us. The thriller/comedy film was directed by Bong Joon-ho who just received four awards at Oscar. Still with his trademark, director Bong Joon-ho slipped messages full of social criticism into his film through symbols. In order to discuss messages and symbols in ‘Parasite’ movie, Career Development Center or CDC FISIPOL UGM held a film discussion webinar titled “Uncovering Meaning and Symbol in ‘Parasite’ Movie” with Mashita Fandia, lecturer in the Department of Communication Science UGM. read more

#Dirumahajatalks: Looking at the Development of Technology and Education in Indonesia

Yogyakarta, May 8th 2020 – Block71 and together with Creative Hub Fisipol UGM held the second #Dirumahajatalks for Charity in Friday (8/5). #Dirumahajatalks for Charity is an agenda to support a program called Against COVID-19 Together (Bersama Kita Lawan COVID-19) with the open donation on The total sum of funds will be donated to the medics personnel and communities that affected by COVID-19. This time the topic was How Technology is Shaping the Future of Education, the series of #ngabuburitditemenin class which took place on May, 7th – 12th 2020. In this second class, the speaker was Ahmad Faiz Sahupala, the co-founder and CEO of Eduka System and moderated by Titus, Talent Pitching Creative Hub Fisipol UGM Batch 3. read more

Digital Discussion #19: Securing Mobile Phones from Cyber Threats

 Yogyakarta, May 7th, 2020—Center Digital for Society or CfDS Fisipol UGM held a Digital Discussion #19 program on Thursday (5/7). Online discussion through WhatsApp Group platform raised the topic “Securing Mobile Phones from Cyber Threats”. The speaker in this discussion was Vidiskiu Fortinu from the Research Associate at CfDS Lab. The discussion began at 15.00 WIB and was moderated by Made Agus Bayu Sudharma (Bayu) as the CfDS Event Assistant.

As often happens before the discussion, the moderator introduced himself and conveyed group rules as well as introducing the speaker. For the introduction, the moderator asked the audience about what causes mobile phones are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. According to the audience, mobile phones are vulnerable to cyber-attacks due to lack of digital literacy from smartphone users, installing lots of applications, and providing random personal information. read more

Perceiving ASEAN Cooperation in Responding to the COVID-19 Plague

Yogyakarta, May 5th, 2020– COVID-19 global pandemic which is testing ASEAN regional Corporation was discussed by the ASEAN Studies Center (ASC) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM who held the ASEAN discussion entitled “The Past and the Future of ASEAN Health Cooperation” with Ahmad Rizky Mardathillah Umar, a PhD candidate at the University of Queensland, Australia.

Opening the discussion with a complex mapping of ASEAN response, Umar saw that there were uneven policy responses among the member of the countries and there was no coordinated response information to reduce the early spread of COVID-19. The response also raised the question, “What explains the limited ASEAN policy response to COVID-19? What does history tell about health cooperation in ASEAN and its possibilities in the future?” read more

#BRIWORKNgobrolBareng X Dating Apps Become Interaction Solution in the Pandemic

Yogyakarta, May 5th, 2020— The COVID-19 pandemic has changed people’s lifestyles, especially in terms of social interaction. In Indonesia, the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) made social interactions way limited. Physical meetings can no longer be held as usual. Meanwhile, to be able to interact, people need to find an alternative way.

The alternative way was discussed in #BRIWORKNgobrolBareng X Populi last Tuesday (5/5/20). The event was hosted by Risaza Madani (BRIWork Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM) and Geraldy Sam ( Through a Zoom Video Conference, they discussed the existence of dating apps–specifically Tinder– as a solution for everyone to be able to interact in the pandemic. According to Geraldy, in the midst of limitations for physical activities, Tinder meets the needs of individuals to keep interacting. It is necessary to fulfil the human’s natural instincts. read more

Public Discussion: Analyzing the Role of Cross Religion Movement in Handling the Covid-19 Pandemic

Yogyakarta, May 4th 2020— A discussion titled “Cross Religion Roles in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic” was held through the Google meet platform by Fisipol UGM’s Department of Politics and Governance. The discussion was moderated by Herlambang Jati and the speaker was Samsul Maarif from CRCS UGM as well as FX Endro Tri Gundoro from Kebhinekaan Kidul Mountain School. The discussion gave a new perspective in analyzing the Covid-19 pandemic which is through the lens of cross religion movement. read more