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Fisipol UGM Starting to Test New Normal Protocols at Campus

Yogyakarta, June 15th 2020 – Gadjah Mada University’s (UGM) Faculty of Social and Political Science (Fisipol) has implemented the remote learning protocol for three months because of the current Covid-19 pandemic. Right now, Fisipol UGM is trying to do a New Normal simulation in Fisipol’s Bulaksumur campus and Fisipol’s Unit II Sekip Campus with strict health protocols.

New normal implementation in Fisipol includes three phases, which are the simulation phase (15 to 28 June 2020), the transition phase (29 to 30 August 2020), and new normal phase (starting from August 31st 2020). In the simulation phase that will be conducted in the next two weeks, several service units in the faculty will operate again. Some of them are the Academic and Students Affairs, Finance, General Equipment, Human Resources, Information Technology, GEO, UP3M, Media, Library and Digilib, SKKK, and Parking. read more

Looking at the BLT-DD Policy and Its Implementation in the Community

Yogyakarta, June 12th 2020 – In responding to the budget reallocation policy that caused by COVID-19, from the Dana Desa allocation (Village Funds Program)  to the Bantuan Langsung Tunai Dana Desa (Direct Cash Assistance of the Village Funds Program) or BLT-DD as the social safety net for the Indonesian people, FISIPOL presented a discussion titled ‘Direct Cash Assistance of the Village Funds Program Policy’ on last Friday through WebEx and YouTube Live.

It presented Nurul Aini and Fina Itriyati, two lecturers of the Department of Sociology who are doing a research about the gap between the policy of BLT-DD and its implementation in the grassroot. It analyzed through three level of evaluations: in a macro level, the central government level, it represented by Bito Wikantosa the Director of Basic Social Services Directorate of Directorate General for Development and Empowerment of Rural Community of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration. The middle level was represented by Ani Widyani as the Village Head of Sumbermulyo Village, Bambanglipuro, Bantul. In the micro level, it represented by one of the beneficiaries of BLT, Yusuf Murtiono, as the Board of Presidium of Civil Society Formation (FORMASI) of Kebumen Regency. read more

Bincang Muda YouSure: Pandemic and the Risk of Young Workers

Yogyakarta, June 12th 2020 – Youth Studies Centre (YouSure) FISIPOL UGM held another YouSure Bincang Muda (The Youth Talk) that titled as ‘Pandemic and the Risk of Young Workers’ on Friday (12/6). This discussion event was held through YouTube Live feature and presented two speakers, they were Titis Larasati (a young worker) and Dani Eko Wiyono, S.T., M.T., The Head of Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions of the Yogyakarta (KSBSI DIY). The discussion lasted from 02.30 p.m. to 04.00 p.m. and was moderated by Dana Fahadi from YouSure. read more

Australia Awards Scholarship Sharing Webinar with CDC

Yogyakarta, June 5th 2020 – Career Development Center (CDC) FISIPOL held a webinar titled ‘Australia Awards Scholarship Sharing ‘ on Friday (5/6). The speaker of this session was Matahari Farransahat, the lecturer of Department of Social Development and Welfare FISIPOL UGM and also the awardee of Australia Awards scholarship. This event was moderated by Alfira Nurarifia Handitasari as the Capacity Development Officer of CDC. The webinar was held through Google Meet and lasted for two hours from 01.00 p.m. to 03.00 p.m. read more

Learn to Make Podcasts Easily in Digital Discussion #22 CfDS

Yogyakarta, June 4th, 2020—Center for Digital Society (CfDS) brought the topic of podcast production in the last Digital Discussion. Through the title “The Easy Way to Podcast Production!” The 22nd Digital Discussion invited Hilman Haris Wicaksono from Podcast Sabtu Minggu and Obrolan Kostan as the speaker.

Half an hour before the discussion started, the moderator, Made Agus Bayu Sudharma as the CfDS event assistant reminded the participants that the discussion would begin shortly. At exactly 19.00 WIB, the moderator began the discussion by introducing himself and conveying the discussion rules. After the speakers introduced himself, the moderator asked about the participants’ reasons in the discussion—as podcast listeners—were interested in listening to the podcast until it was finished. This question has also become the kick-start of the discussion by Hilman. read more

Psychoeducation Series of CDC FISIPOL UGM: Builds Positive Relationship, Eliminates Toxic Relationship

Yogyakarta. June 4th 2020—Career Development Center (CDC) of Universitas Gadjah Mada held another live session of psychoeducation series that discussed about toxic relationship with Dina Wahida, the psychologist of CDC and was moderated by Davin Ezra Pradipta as the Peer Counselor of CDC FISIPOL. The discussion was held on the Instagram account of CDC, @cdcfisipolugm. “Basically, humans can’t live alone, especially in this pandemic situation. No matter how introvert they are, they still need to connect with others to share and tell stories. We need a group and other people in our daily lives,” Dina said in the opening of the discussion series. read more

Gadjah Mada University Released Regulations on Academic Activities Amidst Covid-19

Yogyakarta, June 3rd 2020 –Since the end to Covid-19 is nowhere in sight, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) released some regulations on academic activities for four semesters. This regulation covers the topic of university activity, university access and services, student activity, as well as some regulation for new students. UGM’s regulation is divided to three phases; The Emergency Response Phase, The Recovery Phase, and the New Normal Phase.

The Emergency Response Phase will be conducted throughout the second semester of the 2019/2020 school year as well as the first semester of the 2020/2021 school year. Until July 2020, access to the university will be restricted and all academic activities are held online, including practicums. All services, student’s activity, and social work will be held online. This ban does not apply to health services. Other than to prevent the spread of Covid-19, remote online learning is meant to strengthen UGM’s vision to become a digital campus. read more

Discussing Eid in the Midst of Pandemic in OPOSiT #3

Yogyakarta, May 27th 2020—Center for Digital Society (CfDS) in Gadjah Mada University’s (UGM) Faculty of Social and Political Science is back with the third series of a discussion about the digital world called OPOSiT. In this OPOSiT, CfDS took the theme of Eid in the midst of a pandemic. It specifically discusses about the virtual eid that became a widespread phenomenon. Similar to the previous OPOSiT, this third session is open for everyone who wants to tell their stories. They can do that by asking for a permission to live stream alongside CfDS on their Instagram. read more

The Webinar of Career Development Center (CDC): Tips on Making an Attractive CV

Yogyakarta, May 22nd 2020 – Career Development Center or CDC Fisipol UGM held a webinar with the topic, ‘Tips on Making an Attractive CV’. In this occasion, CDC presented Salsabi Rolyansah as the speaker, she was a Business Development Executive of Klob. This event was moderated by Alfira Nuarifia Handitasari and the event was started from 02.00 p.m. until 04.00 p.m. through Google Meets platform.

Before talking about the discussion topic, Salsabi introduced Klob, a digital platform focused on helping the users to look for a new job and develop themselves. Specifically, this platform tried to help the fresh graduates to get a job that matches with their potentials. One of the features on Klob was klob meter as the personality test kit. By using algorithms and technologies, Klob could help its users find a company that match with their skills and help them in developing themselves by using their learning content. read more

RDF 1441H Agenda Wrap Up

Yogyakarta, May 20th 2020 – Jamaah Muslim Fisipol held a series of events titled RDF (Ramadhan di Fisipol) 1441H during the month of Ramadhan. The annual event usually held in Fisipol UGM now have to be held online by JMF’s Terang Bulan Cabinet lead by Dzaki Yusuf M, a student of Politics and Governance Batch ’19. RDF 1441H started with a Grand Opening on 27 April and closed with Grand Closing RDF on May 20th 2020 through the Instagram live feature. This RDF 1441H consist of several discussions, charity event, poster competition, and podcast. read more