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Oposit #1 CfDS: Talking About the Challenges and Advantages of Working from Home

Yogyakarta, April 30th 2020 – Center for Digital Society (CfDS) UGM started a new program on April, 29th 2020, it was called Obrolan Seputar Dunia Digital (Oposit) or Chat About the Digital World. The first implementation of this program was held through Instagram live feature with interactive concept. The topic was about the challenges and advantages of working from home.

Raka, as the moderator, started by telling story about his experience of working from home. Besides boredom, Raka said that work from home was a little torturing for him because he could not physically interacted with other people. Some of participants also commented that work from home caused more work to pile up. Not to mention about the access difficulties and limited signal, because of that work from home became more ineffective. read more

Animal Welfare: Animals and Humans in the Pandemic

Yogyakarta, April 30th, 2020—Fisipol Creative Hub (C-Hub) held a sharing session with the theme “Improving Animal Welfare: Improve Life with love for Animals”. By inviting to expert speakers in the animal field, the online discussion series was held on (4/30) via an online platform. The two speakers included drh. Yuriko Melania, M.Sc who is a veterinarian practitioner at the Cat Care Plus Clinic and the second speaker drh. Andre, who also has a background as veterinarians invited as well as representing the animal lover community Animal Friends Jogja (AFJ). read more

Diverse Forms of Community Solidarity Amid Pandemic

Yogyakarta, April 30th, 2020—The Ministry of Science for Social Development and Welfare Student Families (KAPSTRA) conducted an online discussion entitled “The Community Role Strengthening Social Solidarity Amid Pandemic”. The discussion invited Puthut Yulianto, the chair of the 2016-2020 KAFISIPOLGAMA (Alumni Group of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Gadjah Mada University). Puthut is an alumnus of the Government Politics Department class of 1988. Online discussions held through Google Meet, which began at 13.00 WIB. read more

Digitalk#39 Session 2 Talk 7 : Risks, Rights and Rules-The European Approach to Data Regulation

Yogyakarta, April 30th, 2020— Series of Digitalk #39 conducted by Center for Digital Society (CfDS) was closed with the seventh talk series entitled “Risks, Rights and Rules-The European Approach to Data Regulation”. In this session, CfDS invited a communication and media expert from Berlin, Germany as the speaker of the discussion, Ingo Dachwitz. Alongside being a communication scientist, Ingo Dachwitz also works as a reporter and editor at, a blog which mostly discusses topics about technology, politics, and digital rights. read more

CDC Fisipol UGM Livestreaming Session: Managing Relationship in the Midst of a Pandemic

Yogyakarta, April 29th 2020—Career Development Center or CDC FISIPOL UGM talked about the topic of relationship in a live streaming session through CDC’s official Instagram, @cdcfisipolugm. The live stream titled “Managing Relationships during Pandemic” was filled by one of CDC’s psychologist, Dina Wahida, M.Psi.

The live stream began on 1 pm, though the elaboration of the material started at 1.16 on. Amidst that gap of time, Dina said hi and chatted with attendants that are already there. Dina also asked for some advice from the attendant regarding the topic and time of the psycho-education live stream session that will be held next Thursday. read more

Social Development and Welfare Online Discussion: Companies Role through CSR in Covid-19 Crisis Management

Yogyakarta, April 29th 2020— The Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK in Bahasa Indonesia) held an online seminar called “CSR for Covid-19 crisis management” last Wednesday. This discussion was meant to evaluate how companies participate in the prevention and management of Covid-19, both externally or internally.This discussion was filled by three speakers as a representative of three companies; Heri Supriyanto from PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali, Vera Galuh Soegijanto from Danone Indonesia, and Budi Wahyu Soesilo as well as Fakhri Husaini from PT Pupuk East Borneo. This discussion also included two representative from the SDW Department which are Dr. Krisdyatmiko, S.Sos., M.Si, as the speaker from the academic side and Rezaldi Alief Pramadha, M.S.S., as the moderator of the discussion.

The discussion was held through the Google Meet platform on 10 am. A couple minutes before the discussion starts, the moderator explained the rules of the discussion, especially concerning the use of mute feature and screen sharing while the discussion is conducted. The discussion starts with an explanation of CSR in Covid-19 management from the perspective of companies.

The Covid-19 prevention implementation both in PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali or PT Pupuk East Borneo was conducted with a couple basis. In PT PJB, there were two bases that were used, which are The Director’s Formal Letter about Covid-19 prevention anticipation in the company’s environment which was adopted as a guide for internal department, and PJB Directors decree to guide the implementation of social and environmental responsibility as an external guidance. As for PT Pupuk, the company used the rule of law, such as WHO’s guidance, Indonesia’s President Directive, and State Owned Enterprise Minister decree, as the basis for the management and prevention of Covid-19. read more

Exposure Talk #2: Sharing Some Experiences of Student Exchange Program to Singapore

Yogyakarta, April 29th 2020—Global Engagement Office (GEO) Fisipol UGM held Exposure Talk #2 on Wednesday (29/4). Exposure Talk #2 which was held through Whatsapp Group had

Big City in a Small Island: Singapore as the theme and was presented by Joshua Agustinus Panggabean or Josh. Josh is an UGM Communication Science Batch 2017 student that had the opportunity to participate in a student exchange program to Singapore in National University of Singapore (NUS) on 2019. The discussion started at 11.00 WIB and was moderated by Cerlang Wilfrid as the Media & Event staff of GEO. read more

Digitalk #39 Session 2 Talk 5: Understanding Data Sovereignty and Its Use by the State

Yogyakarta, April 28th, 2020—Center of Digital Society (CfDS) held the Digital Discourses series entitled “Data Sovereignty: Does it Matter Where Data is Stored?” which was attended by Tony Seno Hartono, a practitioner in the field of ICT (Information, Communication, and Technology) who has been in the field for 30 years.

Tony Said, data sovereignty is a concept of data privacy carried out by the government to protect the data stored. It was aimed to enforce privacy regulations and prevent data from being misused. read more

Digitalk #39 Session 2 Talk 4: Protecting Personal Data and Privacy in Southeast Asia

Yogyakarta, April 27th 2020—Center for Digital Society or CfDS Fisipol UGM held a second session of Digitalk#39 with the theme of “Data Privacy Concepts and Regulation” that lasted from 27th April to 30th April 2020. The first recorded video, which is Talk 4 with the title of “Protecting Personal Data and Privacy in Southeast Asia: Going Somewhere or Nowhere” had been posted on Monday afternoon on 5 pm at CfDS’s Youtube channel. The video that lasted for 25 minutes and 18 seconds was filled by a speaker from Thailand with the name of Sutawan Chanprasert, a founder of DigitalReach, a human rights company based in Southeast Asia. read more

Get to Know Alternative Media through #BRIWORKNgobrolBareng Populi

Yogyakarta, April 24th 2020 – BRIWork FISIPOL UGM held another event of ‘Ngobrol Bareng Populi’ on Friday (24/4). #BRIWORKNgobrolBareng brought a theme ‘Alternative Media Trend in the Eyes of Populi’ through live feature of @briwork.jogja and Instagram. The speaker of this event was Risaza Madani or Eris from BRIWork and Geraldy Sam, as the founder of Populi. #BRIWORKNgobrolBareng was the inaugural event in pandemic. This event started at 04.40 p.m.

BRIWork is the result of collaboration of three stakeholders, they are BRI Bank, UGM, and Conclave. BRI Bank as the banking facilities and service providers who initiated to build co-working space in the campuses, UGM as the land provider (in FISIPOL UGM), and Conclave as the service provider of co-working space services and routine activities that support millennials creative ideas. “BRIWork FISIPOL UGM brought a theme about how the banking affair can be integrated with co-working space, so in the co-working space there is banking affair, there is a kind of general activity,” Eris said as he described the big picture of BRIWork. read more