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Fusion Between Modern Music and Gamelan as the Main Event of Fisipol’s 64th Anniversary

Yogyakarta, 30 November 2019—The Pancasila field in front of UGM’s Grha Sabha Pramana was full of visitors from 6.30 pm. The drizzle that showered that night didn’t prevent the crowd attending this concert, which was one of UGM’s largest.

This concert was entitled “Rhapsody of the Archipelago Gamelan 4.0” and was the main event of Fisipol’s 64th anniversary and UGM’s 14th lustrum. This concert featured a colossal gamelan show. Several important figures, such as Ganjar Pranowo (the Governor of Central Java) and Pratikno (the State Secretary of Indonesia) attended this concert. At 7 pm, the gamelan was played, which meant that the concert was going to be started soon. read more

CfDS Digitalk #35: Protecting Data Authenticity from Cyberattacks with Digital Autographs in the Blockhain Era

Yogyakarta, 19 November 2019—CfDS organized another edition of Digitalk, which was held in the Mandiri Auditorium. This event featured Krishna Chandra, the Chief Information Officer of PrivyID and an expert of digital signature as the main speaker.

PrivyID is a company that provides legally binding digital autograph services. PrivyID is under the supervision of the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (OJK), hence the safety of the client’s data is secure.

Moderated by Janitra Haryanto, this event was started with a discussion on the definition of authenticity and the roles of an autograph. According to Krishna, a data can be considered authentic if there are no manipulations at all. read more

Inclusion in the End Seminar: Understanding Peace in the Past and in the Future

Yogyakarta, 17 November 2019—Peace will never appear suddenly. Peace is created, built and sometimes, fought for. “Because of peace, I can stand in front of you. If not due to peace, probably I have died in the jungles of Malaya,” Ravi Sarma stated with a smirk. “This is the first time I speak of this in the public,” Ravi added.

Ravi was one of the many that have participated in the guerrilla warfare in Malaysia and its surrounding areas. This war was a bitter conflict between the Malaysian government and the Malayan Communist Party (MCP). read more

Soprema 2019 Strengthens UGM’s Role as a Social Entrepreneurship Campus

Yogyakarta, 12 November 2019—Soprema 2019 was officially inaugurated on Tuesday (12/11). Exhibition booths, chairs and a main stage filled the West Hall of Fisipol for this event. Soprema is short for Sociopreneur Muda Indonesia (Young Sociopreneurs of Indonesia). This year, Soprema was held under by the Youth Study Center of Fisipol (YouSure) and PT. Visitama Tujuh Belas. Competitions, seminars, coaching clinics and workshops were part of this event.

Soprema invites those who are aged between 16 and 30 to participate. Soprema 2019 was entitled “Express Your Creative Passions.” Soprema 2019 was platform for the youth to express their creativity. Soprema 2019 was the fourth edition of Soprema. read more

AWS, an Innovation in Big Data That Will Benefit Everyone

Yogyakarta, 8 November 2019—“Several Indonesian unicorns trust us to keep their data,” as stated by Gunawan Susanto in Fisipol’s Big Data Lab. He was referring to Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS is a service that provides cloud computing for businesses. Gunawan is the Country General Manager of AWS Indonesia. He is responsible for planning the marketing and the corporate strategy of AWS for Indonesia’s digital economy.

To the audience, Gunawan presented his presentation in English, since several foreign Fisipol students also attended this discussion. However, this wasn’t a problem at all, as the audience were able to understand him, and this discussion was fluid. “A place to store our clients’ data needs to be secure and effective. Moreover, we also give recommendations to our clients on how to fulfil the needs and improve the well-being of the many,” Gunaway conveyed. read more

The Use of Cloud Computing in Startups

Yogyakarta, 8 November 2019—Not everybody is familiar with cloud computing. Cloud computing is often associated with storage, networks, computing and database. According to Gunawan Susanto, the Country General Manager of Amazon Web Services Indonesia, those 4 things are only a fraction of what could computing actually is. Gunawan Susanto was the main speaker of CFDS’ CEO Talk, which was held last Friday in the Mandiri Auditorium. This edition of CEO Talk was entitled “How Could Computing Shapes our Future?” read more

Prof. Dr. Mohtar Mas’oed’s Retirement: Transcending the Realms of Academia and Activism

Yogyakarta, 7 November 2019—Transcending the realms of academia and activism describes the life story of Prof. Dr. Mohtar Mas’oed (professor of International Relations). For more than 40 years, he has contributed significantly to the studies of political economy and emancipatory organizations, such as Rifka Annisa.

His lifelong service was celebrated with a retirement ceremony that was held in the Mandiri Auditorium last Thursday. This event was started with an opening speech by Dr. Nur Rachmat Yuliantoro (the Head of the Department of International Relations) and Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto (the Dean of Fisipol). read more

The Need to Spread Awareness on Gender-Based Violence

Yogyakarta, 29 October 2019—In order to raise awareness of the youth on gender-based violence, YouSure held a discussion entitled “The Youth and Safe Space Crisis: The Need to Raise Awareness on Gender-Based Violence.” This type of violence can occur at anytime, anywhere and to anyone. An abusive relationship is an example of a gender-based violence that happens in someone’s private life, while cases of groping in public transport is an example of gender-based violence that happens in public spaces. This discussion was held last Tuesday (29/10) at the West Hall of Fisipol to commemorate the Youth Pledge day. read more

CfDS Organizes a Press Conference on the Popularity of the Ministers in the New Cabinet

Yogyakarta, 29 October 2019—After the members of the new cabinet were announced by the president on Wednesday (23/10), the new cabinet remains a popular topic for discussion on the internet.

Hence, the Center for Digital Society (CfDS) held a press conference regarding the popularity of the ministers in the new cabinet. This press conference was held on the BC Building of Fisipol. Paska Darmawan and Vidiskiu Fortino Kurniawan, researchers from CfDS, presented their research results to the public. read more

CfDS’ Digitalk Invites Us to Spread Positive Contents About Indonesia

Yogyakarta, 25 October 2019—In last Friday’s Digitalk, the Center for Digital Society (CfDS) encouraged the youth to spread positive contents about Indonesia on social media.

Entitled “Building Gen Z’s Optimism Through Positive Content,” this edition of Digitalk was held in the Mandiri Auditorium of Fisipol. This event was attended by hundreds of participants. The speaker was Akhyari Hananto, an award-winning content producer and the founder of Good News from Indonesia (GNFI).

“As netizens, we can express our love for our nation by spreading positive news from Indonesia through social media,” as stated by Fedryno Geza, the moderator. Akhyari then shared his story of establishing GNFI. He founded GNFI when he was living in the United Kingdom, in which not many of the people there were familiar with Indonesia. read more