Yogyakarta, April 23rd, 2020— Under the adoption of Presidential Regulation no. 36/2020 on February 26th, 2020 by President Joko Widodo, the official Pre-Work Card program can be pursued by Indonesians who comply with the terms and conditions of the program. Considered a form of response to the issuance of the Pre-Work Card program, Center for Digital Society (CfDS) Fisipol UGM as the study center produced research aimed at identifying the potential implementation of the Pre-Work Card program by considering the digital landscape in Indonesia. The research was delivered through an online press conference on Thursday (23/4), by two CfDS researchers, Treviliana Eka Putri, M.Int.Sec. and Paska Darmawan, M.S. Press conference conducted by CfDS through Google Meet platform also invited media colleagues to attend the event. The event started at 10.00 WIB moderated by Kirana Anisa.
Though the line of events was done virtually, the team expressed their excitement in joining the FGD and other events. “It was very pleasurable because the moderator of the FGD was from a policy study institution and they were like a mentor to us,” said Izul. The same thing was expressed by Brahm. According to him, even though the event is held online, the FGD still expanded their knowledge. “We start to see how the students from other university have a unique perspective on a certain issue,” Brahm elaborated.
Yogyakarta, April 22th 2020—Islamic Jamaah of Fisipol (JMF) held a skill class on Wednesday, April 22nd 2020. The theme of the class was Bullet Journaling Class with “Organized to do list and real productivity” as the title. In this session, JMF had Labiqatul Fatiyasani who is the owner of @bikin_diary as the speaker. This class started at 20.30 through the Whatsapp Group platform. It had up to 257 people as the member from various places. This discussion was moderated by Latifatul Zahiroh.
Yogyakarta, April 22nd 2020—Center for Digital Society (CfDS) held Digitalk #39 which consist of two big sessions. The first session consists of discussion about the political and commercial value of data which started from April 21st 2020 to April 23rd 2020. The first session was called “The Data I Called: Data Collection of State and Business” which was filled by Katharina Nocun, a writer and privacy activist from Germany.
In Talk 1, Katharina talked about the contents of her book which is called The Data That I Summoned. This book explained her experiment of exposing how big companies store and use consumer’s data. Katharina admits that this experiment is a frightening one which leads her to learn about herself more than she learns about data.
Yogyakarta, April 22nd 2020—Center for Digital Society or CfDS released the second video of the first Digitalk #39 session called ““The Commercial and Political Value of User Data”. The video’s duration is 25 minute and it discusses the topic of social media and political ads in Indonesia which was presented by Alia Y. Karunian. Alia started the session by discussing the scandal of Cambridge Analytica that happened in the start of 2018, a turning point for online privacy and data protection.
Yogyakarta, April 22nd 2020—The faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIPOL) cooperated with the Faculty of Social Health, Medical School, and Nursing School (FK-KMK) of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) held a seminar last Wednesday. The seminar called “COVID-19 Resistant Village Movement: How to Accommodate Society’s Participation Digitally?” had Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Si as the Dean of FISIPOL UGM, dr. Fatwa Sari Tetra Dewi, MPH, Ph.D., and dr. Rizkiyana Sukandhi Putra, M.Kes as the speakers. The seminar was held in two platforms which are zoom and a live streaming from FK-KMK UGM’s channel. The discussion’s moderator was Dr. Supriyati, S.Sos., M.Kes.
Yogyakarta, April 20th 2020—CfDS UGM held Digitalk #39 Digital Discourses with “Privacy in the Age of Data Capitalism” as the theme. These events were held from Monday, April 20th to Thursday, April 30th 2020 through CfDS UGM’s Youtube channel. CfDS held this event with the help of Goethe Institut Indonesien, ELSAM, and ICT Watch. The speaker of the event was from Germany, Malaysia, Thailand, and also Indonesia. This series of the digital discourses are meant to explore the effect of digital transformation towards the community, politics, economy, and our environment. Digitalk #39 started with a keynote session about five unsettling questions on digital capitalism which was presented by Michael Seemann.
Yogyakarta, May 18th 2020— UGM’s Department of International Relation cooperated with the National University of Singapore to hold a discussion titled “Southeast Asia’s COVID-19 Battle: Current Responses and Future Outcomes” with Mustafa Izzudin as a senior professor in National University of Singapore. The discussion was guided by Treviliana Eka Putri as a professor in UGM’s Department of International Relation. The discussion about ASEAN’s response to Covid-19 and future implications was explained through an international relations perspective.
Yogyakarta, 17 April 2020—Center for Digital Society (CfDS) UGM held another routine discussion called Digital Future Discussion (Difussion) #22 on Friday evening (17/4). The discussion that broadcasted live through the channel YouTube of CfDS brought a theme ‘COVID-19: Technology, Data Privacy, and Infodemic’. Difussion #22 presented three speakers, they were Janitra Haryanto as the Project Officer of Research CfDS, and two Research Assistants of CfDS, they were Fajar Cahyono and Dhalia Ndaru, H. R. The discussion was moderated by Ruth Tarullyana Simanjuntak as the Staff of Event & Social Media CfDS and the discussion went on from 03.30 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.
Yogyakarta, April 16th, 2020—Center for Digital Society Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM (CfDS Fisipol UGM) was back online conducting the 14th edition of Digital Discussion series titled “Tips on Writing Content on Social Media” last Thursday. This discussion was discussed in the WhatsApp Group platform with 111 participants, coming from various majors. Digital Discussion by CfDS invited the speaker Wardahtuljannah as CfDS Social Media Associate, @missfioree who was then called Mbak Wardah and moderated by Aldo Rafi Presnauli Siregar as the CfDS Partnership Assistant who guided the discussion.