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United Nations Day and the Role of the Youth in Sustainable Development

Yogyakarta, 24 October 2019—The UN celebrated its 74th anniversary this October. Today, the youth are playing a significant role in international politics. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) highlight the importance of the youth in achieving these goals.

The youth can contribute in fulfilling the SDGs in their daily lives, according to Vania Santoso, the Project Officer of UNICEF in Indonesia. Vania was one of the panellists in the United Nations Day 2019, which was held by GEO Fisipol and the United Nations Information Center (UNIC). This event was held last Thursday in the Second Multimedia Room in the Central Building of UGM. read more

Fisipol Wins the Best Social Media Management Award

Yogyakarta, 16 October 2019—Fisipol UGM won several awards during the UGM awarding night for high achievers. This awarding night was held in the courtyard of the UGM central building and was held to celebrate the 14th lustrum and the 70th Dies Natalis of UGM.

The Kandang, a band from the Faculty of Engineering of UGM, enlivened this event. Faculty members of UGM participated in this event, ranging from students, staffs, lecturers and even alumni. Numerous awards were given at that night, starting from the university level, the national level and until the international level. These awards were given to individuals and organizations. read more

Seeing the Opportunities and Challenges in China’s Expanding Trade Relations

Yogyakarta, 11 October 2019—The Institute of International Studies (IIS) of UGM held the 5th edition of Beyond the Great Wall, entitled “China’s Expanding Trade Relations: Opportunities and Challenges.” This discussion was held in the faculty meeting room.

Umi Qodarisasi, lecturer from the Political Thoughts Study Programme of the State Islamic Institute of Kudus (IAIN Kudus), filled the first half of the discussion. She presented the topic of “The Rise of China in Africa.” The economy of African states is rapidly growing. This growth is propelled by advancements in information and communications technology, globalization, urbanization and the sheer number of the African population that is currently on the working age. read more

Fisipol’s JSP is Now Internationally Indexed

Yogyakarta, 8 October 2019—Fisipol’s Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (JSP) (Journal of Social Sciences and Political Sciences) have been indexed by Scopus on Friday (4/10). JSP, which was first published in 1997, is currently open for anyone to read. In 2016, JSP received a national accreditation from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia with a Sinta 2 rating. JSP focuses on contemporary social and political issues, such as gender, identity politics, digital disruption, civil society movements, welfare, social development, citizenship, public policy and innovations in governance. Other issues such as international politics and security, the media, political literacy, democracy, radicalism and terrorism are also included in JSP. read more

Ciput and Her Experiences During an Internship Programme at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Bangkok

Working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a common dream for students in the Department of International Relations. However, not everyone can have this opportunity. Karina Devira, or better known as Ciput, a student from the Department of International Relations batch of 2017, is one of the lucky few to have this opportunity.

At the beginning, Ciput was still looking for the Indonesian embassy abroad that suits her best. In the end, she chose the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Bangkok. She chose Bangkok due to its proximity to Indonesia and its relatively affordable living cost. As the capital of Thailand, Bangkok also offers an abundance of tourist attractions. read more

Aldyth and His Achievements in Diplomacy

Critical thinking is an important skill that everyone needs, including in the academic world. In addition to critical thinking, the ability to persuade people is also important. One of the ways to practice these two skills is by participating in a Model United Nations (MUN) conference. Aldyth Nelwan, a student from the Department of International Relations batch of 2019, has successfully practiced these two skills in MUN conferences.

Previously, Aldyth was an International Relations student in Universitas Airlangga. His friends suggested him to participate in MUN conferences. Afterwards, he registered himself to participate in an MUN conference due to his curiosity. His friends guided him when he was still new to MUN. read more

What’s So Hard About Not Smoking in FISIPOINT?

A good campus not only provides adequate space for its students for their learning process. An academic environment is necessary to stimulate their development and decent college experience. However, tensions instead would ruin everything. No room for students to rest for a while to relax and  – in certain places – having fun will only make them uncomfortable being in the campus. And FISIPOL UGM does not want that to happen. In UGM’s FISIPOL Campus, there are facilities for students to study, hold a discussion, or simply to mingle. For reading books and focusing on finishing one’s thesis, students can stit comfortably in Digilib for houts. If students want to work on college assignments while holding a discussion and eating, students can do it freely in Digilib Café or Fisipmart. For holding organizational meetings or group work, the West Hall (Selasar Barat), or the BC Hall can be utilized. Meanwhile, for those who likes to have discussions and mingle with friends, the chairs along SanSiro Park are ready to accommodate. read more

#GejayanMemanggil: Everybody Participates, from Activists to Apathetical Students

Yogyakarta, 1 October 2019—Honestly, I am apathetic. However, Gejayan Memanggil (Gejayan Calling) has successfully caught my attention, and I did take part in this march,” as stated by Dinda, a Fisipol student that participated in this post-march reflection. This event was entitled “Reflection Forum: #Reformasidikorupsi (#thereformationisbeingcorrupted),” and took place in the West Hall of Fisipol UGM.

This post-march reflection was organized by Fisipol as a platform for discussion concerning the #GejayanMemanggil march that took place on Yogyakarta at the 23rd and the 30th of September. This march was dubbed “Aliansi Rakyat Bergerak” (The People’s Movement Alliance) and was applauded for being able to present its 9 demands in a peaceful and organized manner. People from various backgrounds, such as NGO activists, artists, students, Fisipol lecturers and anyone that is interested took part in this march read more

C-Hub Sharing Session with Block71 and Agradaya

Yogyakarta, 27 September 2019—Startup companies are becoming more popular, especially in major cities in Indonesia. By using innovations in the digital economy, startup companies try to fulfil the demands of the market. Hence, running a startup company requires a multidisciplinary approach. To address this, C-Hub aims to help those who are starting their own startup companies by inviting experts to share their expertise.

This edition of C-Hub Sharing Session invited representatives from Block71 and Agradaya. Block 71 is a startup incubator, and was represented by Sazali Johari, the Director of the Indonesia Branch of Block71. Meanwhile, Agradaya is a startup company that focuses on agriculture, and was represented by Andika, the founder and CEO of Agradaya. Representatives from several social entrepreneurship-based startup companies also attended this event. read more

Jenius Digital Banking as a Solution for Financial Needs

Yogyakarta, 26 September 2019—Wasi B. Sumintardja, the Head of the Digital Banking Business Product of BTPN, provided an explanation about Jenius, a digital banking platform. Jenius was created to fulfil the financial needs of the public. “We created Jenius digital banking not only as a product, but as a tool to fulfil the needs of our customers. Therefore, we always involve our customers in developing Jenius. We conduct 280 research projects annually, in order to ensure that Jenius can facilitate the public well in making financial services more accessible,” Wasi stated. read more