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MAP Corner May Day: Flexible Workforce System and How to Respond

Yogyakarta, 30 April 2019 – “External factors, such as foreign investments, strengthen the notion of statist developmentalism, thus rendering the workforce sector in Indonesia to be more flexible,” as stated by Ari Hernawan, Professor of Labour Issues in Universitas Gadjah Mada during the May Day session of MAP Corner in the Fisipol UGM Unit II building.

He started the discussion by explaining several regulations regarding the workforce sector in Indonesia, such as Rule Number 13 2003 that was enacted to improve investments in Indonesia and the Indonesian economy as a whole. The state has an obligation to become a neutral third party that bridges the labourers and the business owners. read more

Negative Tweets Drastically Increases After the 2019 General Election

Yogyakarta, 29 April 2019—The Research Centre for Politics and Government (Polgov) of the Department of Politics and Government UGM held another press conference on the 2019 General Election. The featured data were obtained through a cooperation between the Big Data Analytics Laboratory and TIFA Foundation.

Taking place in Digilib Café, this was the fifth press conference that focuses on the spread of negative issues through Twitter. The research, which took place from the 12th until the 22nd of April 2019, has managed to find 15,486 negative tweets that attacked both presidential candidates, as well as the General Elections Commission. read more

China as a ‘Unique’ State

Yogyakarta, 26 April 2019–The Institute of International Studies (IIS) UGM held another session of the “Beyond the Great Wall” discussion. This discussion featured two main speakers.

The first speaker, Randy Wirasta Nandyatama, discussed the topic of general elections in China. Previously, Randy stated that this discussion was held due to the growing concerns towards China within the International Relations academic community.

“China itself does not want to be simply viewed as a communist and repressive state with no respect towards human rights,” he conveyed. Discussing about China is not enough without discussing the spontaneous and sporadic reforms that have occurred. “The reforms in China are highly advanced, such as the reformation of the economic system. From previously a state that adopts a communist system, China has transitioned to a more liberal system,” Randy explained. read more

The Emergence of Smart Villages 4.0, the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Affairs: “Villages Are No Longer Underdeveloped”

Yogyakarta, 23 April 2019–Along with the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions And Transmigration Affairs (PDTT) and the Institute of Government and Public Affairs (IGPA), the Center for Digital Society (CfDS) held a book launch entitled “Desa Cerdas: Transformasi Kebijakan dan Pembangunan Desa Merespon Era Revolusi Industry 4.0” (Smart Villages: The Transformation of Policies and Village Development to Respond the Industry 4.0).

This book launch was held on Tuesday (23/4) in the Mandiri Auditorium at the 4th floor of the Fisipol UGM building and featured four innovative figures. An opening speech by the Dean of Fisipol UGM, Erwan Agus Purwanto, opened this event. To him, the Internet of things reflects a technological transformation. In this matter, villages cannot be left behind. The emergence of smart villages showcases the success of such transformation. read more

Criticising the Notions of the Presidential Candidates in Governmental, Defence and Security Policies

Yogyakarta, 11 April 2019 – The Dean of Fisipol UGM was invited as a panellist in the fourth presidential debate on March. This moment was used by the Student Council (DEMA) of Fisipol UGM to organize Diskusi Dialektika #3 (Dialectical Discussion #3). This discussion was centred on the topic of governmental, defence and security policies.This discussion was held on Thursday (11/04) at the West Hall of Fisipol UGM. Erwan Agus Purwanto (the Dean of Fisipol UGM) and Yunizar Adi Putra (lecturer at the Department of International Relations of Fisipol UGM) were the speakers in this discussion.“The issues that were discussed here are the issues that are highly substantial for Fisipol students,” as stated by Kintansari, the Head of the Strategic Studies Division of DEMA Fisipol UGM. read more

The Delegates of China-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program Visits Fisipol UGM

Yogyakarta, 8 April 2019 – The Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, Wawan Mas’udi, welcomed the delegates of the China-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program 2019 in Fisipol on Monday (8/4) at the Eastern Seminar Room of Fisipol UGM. Mr. Weiping, the Vice-Director General of the Department of Education of the Fujian Province, conveyed his gratitude for the warm welcome throughout his stay in Yogyakarta and the pleasant atmosphere that he received in the UGM campus.

After the brief opening speech, the participants of this exchange programme participated in the sharing sessions that were organized by various units of Fisipol. The first presentation was provided by the ASEAN Studies Center (ASC), which is a multidisciplinary research center that studies issues surrounding ASEAN. Afterwards, Creative Hub (C-hub) delivered the second presentation. C-hub focuses on the development of the spirit of social entrepreneurship and has produced 27 changemakers. read more

Mission of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN: Future Developments and Aspirations

Yogyakarta, 22 March 2019 – The Mission of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN has greatly contributed to the strengthening of cooperation and coordination between ASEAN and the Republic of Korea. ASEAN Studies Center (ASC) Fisipol UGM invited H.E Kim Young Chae as the guest speaker in the ambassadorial lecture entitled “30 Years of ASEAN – Korea Relations: Thinking 30 Years Ahead.” History of the Korean Peninsula, factors that led to ASEAN’s success, the importance of ASEAN to the Republic of Korea and the goals of the Mission of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN were the topics that were discussed in this session.“The three factors that laid the foundation for ASEAN’s success are leadership, ASEAN Community Building and ASEAN’s centrality,” Kim stated.Kim praised Indonesia’s leadership in ASEAN, as Indonesia has developed the culture of consultation and cooperation, as well as ASEAN’s model of diplomacy. Regarding the ASEAN Community Building, this discussion focused on the improvement of the competitiveness within the ASEAN single market, and also ASEAN’s aim to be the hub of production by 2025. The last aspect in regard to ASEAN’s centrality is concerning the regional construct that is centered on ASEAN.

ASEAN is a major source of “revenue” for the Republic of Korea, both from tourism and trade. ASEAN is one of the destinations for Korean tourists, and vice versa. For the Republic of Korea, ASEAN is the second largest trading partner after China.

“We are proud that our culture is being received positively in ASEAN member states. The emergence of K-pop fans and the role of K-pop stars as trendsetters made us feel that we are being treated warmly,” Kim conveyed.

The Mission of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN was formed to expand the Republic of Korea’s cooperation with ASEAN. Education, environmental protection and culture are the three main sectors. Meanwhile, people, prosperity and peace are the three aspects that are prioritized for further developments. read more

Social Welfare Becomes the Main Focus of Both TKN and BPN, the Dean of Fisipol: Issues Surrounding the Rights of Citizens Often Discriminate Certain Groups

Yogyakarta, 21 March 2019 – Fisipol UGM held the fourth round of the talk show to discuss the programmes of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates. The theme of this talk show was “The Basic Rights of Citizens and Social Welfare”, which covered issues surrounding the basic needs of citizens. Issues such as social security (BPJS), health, education and the rights of the marginalized groups (which included gender equality, child welfare, disability and minorities). This event took place on Auditorium Mandiri at the 4th floor of Fisipol UGM building and was held from 9 am until 12 pm. This event was broadcasted by RRI and Fisipol UGM’s Instagram Live. It is also available on the YouTube channel of Fisipol UGM.The Tim Kampanye Nasional (TKN) of Joko Widodo and Ma’aruf Amin was represented by Arya Sinulingga. Meanwhile, Dirgayuza Setiawan and R. Sasrawati Djojohadikusuma represented the Badan Pemenangan Nasional (BPN) of Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno. The panel of experts from UGM consisted of Wening Udasmoro (the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM), Hakimul Ikhwan (the Secretary of the Department of Sociology UGM), Laksono Trisnantoro (the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing UGM), Suzanna Eddyono (Lecturer at the Department of Social Development and Welfare UGM) and Agus Suwignyo (Lecturer at the Department of History UGM). Ulya Niami Efrina Jamson, from the Department of Politics and Government UGM, hosted for this event.This event was opened by Dr. Erwan Agus P., M.Si., the Dean of Fisipol UGM. He explained that this talk show is not meant to be a platform for debate, rather to discuss the programs of both sides, viewed from the academical and theoretical perspectives, as well as to inform the youth. read more

Cybersecurity Threats Before, During and After the General Election

Yogyakarta, 18 April 2019–After the 2019 General Election, the Center for Digital Society (CfDS) held a presentation to introduce the forms of cybersecurity threats that have occurred surrounding the general election. Despite the success of the 2019 General Election, various forms of cybersecurity threats still exist.

The General Election & Cybersecurity Threats

Numerous cases of cybersecurity threats before the general election included the spread of hoaxes. Notable examples such as the false information about the date of the general election and the defamation of the candidates have occurred in order to discourage or even prevent citizens from giving their vote. Meanwhile, hacking and data manipulation are the examples of cybersecurity threats during and after the general election. read more

Fisipol UGM Initiates a Research Cooperation on Energy Management With Perusahaan Gas Negara

Yogyakarta, 18 March 2019 – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) UGM signed a cooperation agreement with Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) on Monday (18/3).

This agreement was laid due to the mutual concerns of Fisipol UGM and PGN on the future of global energy management. According to Fisipol UGM, energy is the key to economic development in this industrialized world. Demands for energy will always increase, as the developed states consume massively while consumption is increasing in the developing states. Through this cooperation, Fisipol UGM wishes to ensure that Indonesia will formulate the proper strategies. read more