
Fisipol’s Corner

Turning a Millennial Reflection to a Research Topic

Yogyakarta, August 28th 2021–Students of Fisipol UGM are back with an achievement in the University Student Creativity Program (PKM) by getting a grant for their research. This time, the collaboration is between a student from the Communication Department, Affifatul Millah Nurul Aulia Hidayat, and two members from the Governmental Politics Department,  Imron Amrozi and Dicky Riandy Pratama. Their mentor is Amalinda Savirani as a lecturer in the Governmental Politics Department. 

The University Student Creativity Program (PKM) is created by the Ministry of Technology and Research to facilitate the potential in Indonesia’s university students to research, develop, and implement knowledge and technologies that they have learned to the wider public. This program is divided into several categories and the culmination of the event is PIMNAS. read more

Two Students from UGM Got First Place in UNY National MTQ 2021

Yogyakarta, June 7th 2021 Two students from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) got an achievement in the UNY National Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQ) 2021 Competition. Prima Miftahul Jannati (PSdK 2020) held first place in the Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran championship. The team that consisted of Muftikhatul Muna (Sociology 2018), Dina Arifka (Psychology 2018), and Salsabilia Amiyard Siwi (MKP 2019) also got first place in the Musabaqah Syarhil Quran competition.

MTQ UNY 2021 is a national Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran championship that is a part of the 57th Dies Natalis UNY event. Prima said that since she was a kid, she often joins various competitions. This year she has won first place in three MTQ championships. She said that she joined the championships not just for the awards but also as a way to show her devotion to Allah. read more

UGM Communication Studies Students’ Achievement in the Padjadjaran University Epicentrum Competition

Yogyakarta, May 12th 2021━Two teams of students from the Communication Studies Department of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) had an achievement in the Epicentrum Competition held by Padjajaran University (06/05). The Restu Ibu team from batch 2019 won the first prize in the Media in Action (Mediation) competition, meanwhile the Manjjap team from the 2018 batch held the second prize in the Jurnalistic Parade competition. 

Epicentrum is an annual competition for Communication Studies students held by the Faculty of Communication of Padjajaran University. The Mediation competition held by the Media Production Management major this year chose the theme of digital media acceleration in the startup track. The competitors are challenged to create a video content, poster, and ads audio from a startup with the aim to help develop a startup business during the pandemic.  read more

KOMAP Research and Big Data Class: Big Data Research Planning

Korps Mahasiswa Politik Pemerintahan (KOMAP) Fisipol UGM held a class on 29 March 2021 about Research and Big Data titled “Big Data Research Planning”. KOMAP invited a Polgov researcher, Wegik Prasetyo, as the speaker and the event was moderated by Bara, a university student of the Governmental Politics department batch 2020. This class was held online through the zoom platform, and was attended by around 45 people.Technological development brings many changes in people’s lives, which includes the research and education sector. Lured by it’s efficiency, the research world follows the trend of using technology to make research easier. Technological changes also affect the accessibility of society’s data which creates a big heap of data called Big Data. The existence of Big Data is often used in the research world through the Big Data Analysis method.

As a social and political science student, concentration in research also refers to various social political phenomena. In this case, the existence of big data can be used as a tool to conduct research. However, in many occasions, every research can be approached with the big data analysis method. 

To start the research, it is imperative to find some research ideas. In this case, there are two ways to land on an idea; by finding the theoretical gap or through phenomenon. If using the phenomena method, a researcher must be more sensitive to the social political phenomena around them. This method leads to the bottom-up model where a researcher starts looking for ideas by seeing the phenomena around them, and then followed by finding the adequate theory. Meanwhile, for the theoretical gap method, researchers see a certain theory and see it in a top-down manner by finding a phenomena that is adequate with the existing theory. However, both methods still need a researcher’s sensitivity towards social political phenomena, which can be trained by reading and understanding a lot of academic journals. read more

Andy and Nando’s Achievements, Pandemic is Not an Excuse to Stop

Yogyakarta, January 28th 2021 – The busy ones become quiet, the noisy ones become quiet, the fast ones become so slow. A pandemic may force us to stay at home. But apparently it can’t stop us from working, studying, hoping and doing many other good things. Needs that must be met, problems that must be resolved, time that continues to pass, and a universe that continues to work are unavoidable realities. The same is felt by Ibnu Andy Wicaksana, a student of the Department of Politics and Government who recently won a championship in the Online Distancing Model United Nation Competition (ODMUN) 2.0. He feels that the pandemic period provides lessons about adjustment. This student who is familiarly called Andy said that the pandemic had a lot of influence on MUN, so that activities were transferred online. However, the unpredictable condition of the pandemic has forced Andy to adapt. “Because the substance of MUN is still the same, online or offline is just a platform,” he explained. This student who is also entrusted as President of the UGM MUN Community has just won 3rd place in the ODMUN 2.0. In his statement, the competition was one of the pioneers of online MUN in Indonesia which was also recognized by the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres.With the theme ‘Preserve Liberty, Advance Prosperity’ Andy took a topic that became the main subject of the council’s historical crisis, the Afghan Soviet War in 1980. There was both a burden and an advantage to Andy on this topic. On the one hand, the topics he took on made him the center of discussion. However, on the other hand, it also made him dominant. During the competition process, Andy admitted that he enjoyed it because he could meet many people. “Because it was fun from the start to debate and negotiate, so the award was just a personal bonus for me,” he said.Not only Andy, but Fernando Galang Rahmadana, a final year student at the Department of Sociology of UGM, also managed to close the 2020 perfectly. He won 1st place in the Nature Conservation Jamboree Essay Competition which was held by Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS). Based on the theme, “The Interaction between Humans and the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Area”, Nando sent an essay entitled “Young People as Indigenous People of Social Media in the Development of the TNBTS Area”. According to him, the title was a form of simplification of digital native theory which was also conveyed by the committee during the briefing. This is because the organizing committee hopes that the work written by the participants does not need to use complicated language so that it can be understood by the public in general. “The message is kind of a real slap for me as an academic, why should we write in complicated language if there is no meaning for the benefit of society,” Nando said. read more

Emma Millania: Reaching Her Dreams through Table Tennis

“If we don’t want to enjoy and feel grateful for the process that we’re going through, it’s better if we forget about success completely,” Emma Millania Kartini said. Emma is a batch 2018 student of FISIPOL UGM’s Communication Study who not long ago won the International Table Tennis Championship in Malaysia with her team from UGM. The girl who just turned 20 on 3rd September talks about her long process towards the accomplishment she got. Emma said that since she was in elementary school, his dad has introduced her to table tennis. read more

The Slow Death of The National Film Industry

The coronavirus pandemic has existed for a long time and it brought a lot of burden to several industries, including Indonesia’s film industry. The pandemic hugely affected the network of cinema who used to be the primary place to watch movies. On 23 March 2020, the local government of DKI Jakarta deactivated one of the biggest cinema companies in Indonesia, Cinema XXI, to support the semi-quarantine measures (Ardanareswari, 2020). At first, only two weeks of deactivation was planned. However, seeing that the situation has not been better, the deactivation is changed to an indefinite amount of time. The local government of DKI Jakarta cancelled the permit to open cinemas numerous times to prevent a more aggressive spread of the virus. In effect, the premier and promotion for several domestic movies are postponed. Several production processes are also halted for an indefinite time. read more

Final Essay Writing in the Pandemic Era

The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia triggers an array of problems in several sectors. In this case, some activities that used to be done offline have to adapt to an online system. The research sector is also disturbed by this pandemic since several field research can’t be conducted in order to minimize the physical interaction between the researcher and the respondent.

The pandemic and alternative research method

The health and security aspect becomes the utmost priority of each individual, including university students,in the middle of this pandemic. The limitation of space, difficulty to get out of their home, and the strict health rules are factors that contribute to the failure of last year university students to complete their final essay. Generally, this pandemic makes it difficult for final year students to conduct field research or qualitative research that requires them to physically be in the field to observe. Meanwhile, the average research method used by bachelor students, especially in the politics and government department, is the qualitative field research with a primary data source (Savirani, 2020). read more

Maria’s Precious Student Exchange and the Pandemic

Studying abroad is the dream of many students, including Maria Yohanna Widianti Satriyo. This Social Development and Welfare department university student in Fisipol UGM batch 2017 had a chance to exchange to Australia for one semester.

She decided to take a leave from her department for a semester to fly to the kangaroo island in February 2020. In Australia, Maria studied offline for three weeks and online for two months due to the pandemic. The Fisipol Media had a chance to interview Maria through the phone. When this article is released, Maria would have already been in Indonesia, awaiting her study result. read more

Six University Student from PPM Department Won A Prize in the Administration Fair 2020 in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, six FISIPOL UGM university students grabbed a prize in the Administration Fair 2020 national competition. The first place was held by Izul Fikri Amal, Ardi Muhammad Rifqu, and Brilian Priatmaja. Meanwhile the fourth place was held by Alifandi Tranggono, Abdul Qoyumm, and Bhram Kusuma. Those winners are from FISIPOL UGM’s Public Policy Management Department.The competition that was held by Hassanudin University Social and Politic Faculty was stymied by the physical distancing regulation in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The five grand finalist team that went through the paper selection and had to go through several other processes had to be cancelled. The whole process was supposed to be held in Makassar, but the method was changed so that it can be done online. “One of the reason why our team want to join this competition is because we want to have a trip to Makassar. But, what can we do. Sometimes, we can only make plans.”, explained Bhram about his disappointment. The committee of the competition finally decided to have the national conference and focus group discussion virtually.

Though the line of events was done virtually, the team expressed their excitement in joining the FGD and other events. “It was very pleasurable because the moderator of the FGD was from a policy study institution and they were like a mentor to us,” said Izul. The same thing was expressed by Brahm. According to him, even though the event is held online, the FGD still expanded their knowledge. “We start to see how the students from other university have a unique perspective on a certain issue,” Brahm elaborated. read more