

Studium Generale of the DMKP FISIPOL UGM Answers the Challenges of Food, Water, and Energy Management in Public Policy

Yogyakarta, February 25th 2025─The Department of the Public Policy and Management held a Studium Generale entitled “Integrated Hydro – Irrigation – Restoration Systems”. This theme is a response to overcome various challenges, especially in water resources.

The event presented Prof. Edward P. Weber, professor of Public Policy of the Oregon State University, USA. He saw that problems regarding the management of our food, water and energy are still seen as partial problems. This perspective makes food, water and energy management inefficient and unsustainable. read more

DPP Fisipol Holds Another Public Lecture, Discusses Efforts for an Equitable Energy Transition

Yogyakarta, 25 February 2025–DPP Fisipol UGM held a seminar entitled “The Politics of Energy Transition: Coal Phase-Out and the Future of Renewable Energy Financing” to encourage an equitable energy transition. The seminar looked at the challenges and strategies of renewable energy holistically, from economic to infrastructure development planning. The discussion was enriched from various perspectives, namely Nanang Indra Kurniawan (Lecturer of DPP UGM), Rezki Syahrir (Co-Founder of Non-Governmental Organization Indonesian Initiative for Sustainable Mining/IISM), and moderated by Primi Suharmadhi Putri (PhD Candidate Oulu University). read more

Strengthening Collaboration and Positive Contribution, GEO of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM Presents Summer Course Program 2025

Yogyakarta, February 23rd 2025─Global Engagement Office of FISIPOL UGM, in collaboration with Singapore Management University (SMU) held a Summer Course program supported by Temasek Foundation Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking (TF LEaRN). As this program is a continuation of the previous program, the Winter Course 2024 which was held at the end of 2024. The program lasts for 1 month which is divided into two segments, namely in Yogyakarta and Singapore with a duration of two weeks each—8 to 20 June 2025 (Indonesia) and 23 June to 4 July 2025 (Singapore). read more

Double Role in Earning Doctoral Degree, UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Lecturer Discusses the Burden of Doctoral Students

Yogyakarta, 21 February 2025–Pursuing higher education is not easy. Students, including doctoral or PhD students, often face various problems or challenges, from financial to mental health. Responding to this issue, The Conversation Indonesia held a webinar entitled “The Doctoral Road: From Financial Difficulties to Mental Stress” with academics and doctoral candidates. The event invited Pratiwi Utami, PhD (Lecturer at the Department of Communication Sciences UGM) and Herman Yosef Paryono (Doctoral Candidate in Organizational Behaviour, University of Groningen) as webinar speakers. read more

In An Effort to Fix the Election System, Perludem and Polgov UGM Discusses the Urgency to Revise the Election Bill

Yogyakarta, February 20 2025─As a response towards the flawed policies regarding elections in Indonesia, Perludem and Polgov UGM organized a seminar titled “Urgency for the Revision of Election Laws in an Effort to Fix the Election System”. This event, which was organized at the Fisipol Auditorium located on the Fourth Floor of the Fisipol Mandiri Building, invited Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyanti (Executive Director of Perludem), Abdul Gaffar Karim (Lecturer at Fisipol UGM), Zainal Arifin Mochtar (Lecturer at UGM’s Faculty of Law), Feri Amsari (Lecturer at UNAND’s Faculty of Law) as speakers dan Fadli Ramadhanil (Program Manager of Perludem) as the discussion moderator. read more

Celebrating the Anniversary of Fisipit and Fisipol Wellness Center, Fisipol Holds Healthy Gowes and Free Health Checks

Yogyakarta, 14 February 2025–Fisipol UGM celebrated the 12th anniversary of Fisipit and the 5th anniversary of Fisipol Wellness Center simultaneously. This anniversary celebration took the title “Gowes Sehat Bareng”. The theme was raised to illustrate the spirit of health, primarily through cycling.

This anniversary event was filled with two main activities, namely cycling sports and free health checks for the academic community of Fisipol UGM, as part of the collaboration between Fisipit and Fisipol Wellness Center. read more

Discussing the Role of the State in Ensuring Human Rights Protection, DPP FISIPOL UGM Held Public Lecture with Practitioners

Yogyakarta, February 14th 2025─The public lecture titled “Holding the State Accountable: Human Right Commitments and Institutional Responsibility” discussed the role of the state and its institutions in ensuring the protection of human rights. Through discussions with human rights practitioners, the lecture looked at the state’s commitment and institutional accountability in ensuring human rights in Indonesia.

Human rights cannot be implemented when there is no mechanism, or when the mechanism for implementing human rights is weak. Although human rights mechanisms have been regulated at the international level such as the Paris Principles, every time there is a human rights violation at the domestic level, the resolution takes precedence over national mechanisms. Meanwhile, national human rights protection institutions vary from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan), to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi). For this reason, the seminar organized by the study program of the Department of Politics and Government at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM aims to examine the standards of work carried out by human rights protection institutions in Indonesia. read more

FISIPOL Opens Knowledge Channel for Publicizing Science to Society

Yogyakarta, 13 February 2025–Knowledge is one of the most important aspects of sustainable development in the academic sector. The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol), Universitas Gadjah Mada realizes this urgency and is committed to channeling the contribution of knowledge to society. To achieve this goal, Fisipol UGM inaugurated the Fisipol Knowledge Channel on Thursday (13/2) at the 2nd Floor Auditorium, Fisipol UGM.

The Knowledge Channel is a special page that contains lecture materials for each study program, community education, and research dissemination. This page also provides access to other knowledge channels that have been owned by each department. The public can access the content on the page freely, either free or paid. Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., M.P.A., Ph.D. explained that each department has actually pioneered efforts to publish knowledge since 2015. read more

CfDS UGM Organizes Discussion on Work Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in the Era of Digital Economy

Yogyakarta, February 11, 2025—According to the National Economic Survey, the number of persons with disabilities in Indonesia has reached up to 28 million people, which equates to 10 percent of the national population. In an effort to increase the participation of persons with disabilities in the workforce, there are regulations in place that obliges the government to allocate

2 percent of positions in central government institutions to persons with disabilities, and 1 percent of positions in the private sector. Nevertheless, the National Economic Survey also noted that the amount of persons with disabilities in the productive age who are currently employed is less than 10 percent. read more

The Alumni of FISIPOL UGM Share Tips and Tricks to Pass LPDP

Yogyakarta, February 7th 2025─Since it was first launched, the LPDP scholarship program has attracted many students. Now the government makes it easy to get educational scholarships both domestically and abroad. Along with increasing interest, policy changes and rule adjustments are also made. Career Development Center (CDC) of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada held a talk show with LPDP and LPDP Awardees on Friday (7/2) with the title “LPDP Scholarship Sharing Webinar: Registration Process and Essay Writing Tips”. read more