

Fisipol Corner UGM Raises Labor Issues in Book Review with Experts

Yogyakarta, January 15th 2025Looking at the movement of labor organizations in Indonesia, Fisipol Corner of Universitas Gadjah Mada held a book review session of Labor and the State in Indonesia and Labor Writes 3: Split, Move on Wednesday (15/1). Both books contain reflections on labor experiences that are packaged in history so as to produce a picture of the political economy situation from time to time.

Vedi R. Hadiz, author of Labor and the State in Indonesia, states that the cultural condition of the current government’s fundamental system is not much different from the New Order. Starting from the question of why the voice of workers is still weak, even though democratization has been running after the reformation, Vedi thinks that this condition is due to the complex situation of the government. “Even though during the new order, the institutions and the government were destroyed, the power relations are still running until now,” explained Vedi. read more

CfDS Holds DigiTalk, Emphasizing the Importance of Mainstreaming Social Cybersecurity Amid Digital Transformation

Yogyakarta, 24 January 2025–CfDS Fisipol UGM held another discussion session at the DigiTalk event, “Examining Social Cyber Security: Indonesia’s New Digital Threat?”. The discourse examined the problems developing amid increasingly massive digital transformation and the rise of online misinformation. Therefore, cybersecurity becomes crucial for integrating technological protection with socio-cultural awareness through effective regulation. 

“Social cybersecurity focuses on manipulating and influencing individual humans, groups, or communities that impact social, cultural, and political behaviour. Both use technology, but the technology is not to steal credentials or take over an electronic system. But it is used to influence the mindset of the target, community, or group,” said Dhoni Kurniawan, Policy Analyst of the Indonesian National Cyber and Crypto Agency.  read more

Serving Marginalized Groups in the Spirit of Christ’s Love: Reflections on Christmas Celebration at Fisipol UGM

Yogyakarta, 15 January 2025–Fisipol once again held an offline Christmas celebration event at Selasar Barat on January 8, 2025. This event was held at the same time to welcome the turn of the year at the same time. This year’s Christmas celebration was titled “Born to Serve the Justice and Peace of His Love”. This theme is carried to realize the justice and peace of Christ through actualization in real action, especially in favour of those who are marginalized and vulnerable. The justice referred to here not only refers to marginalized groups but also protects His creation, which is often neglected.  read more

In An Effort to Improve the Quality of Researches and Publications, UP3M Opens Various Grant Schemes for 2025

Yogyakarta, January 20, 2025–In a significant effort to improve the research ecosystem, culture, tradition, and cooperation, The Research, Publication and Community Service Unit (UP3M) of Fisipol UGM has announced funding programs for new research projects. This initiative was introduced in an online event titled “Hibah Talks Fisipol 2025,” which was held on January 20, 2025.This program is intended to provide various amounts of funding for the civitas academia of Fisipol UGM, by emphasizing on the importance of quality research for sustainable education. read more

Celebrating Reunion, Fisipol UGM Alumni Partner with Local MSMEs and Raise Scholarship Funds

Yogyakarta, December 14th 2024─Celebrating the peak of the 69th Anniversary of FISIPOL UGM, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) UGM collaborated with the Alumni Family of FISIPOL UGM (Kafispolgama) to organize a reunion with the concept of “Ngangkring Akbar 2024”. This event is a gathering and gathering of alumni of FISIPOL UGM by carrying out a warm, relaxed, and familiar event concept with the theme “Pulang ke Bulaksumur Nostalgia Bareng Sedulur”. In line with the theme, Ngangkring Akbar 2024 describes the gathering of FISIPOL UGM alumni who remember the good times during college, full of togetherness, struggle, and exciting stories. In a reunion atmosphere, the alumni will return to Bulaksumur, enjoy the campus atmosphere, and share old stories with friends in arms with the values of togetherness and solidarity. Ngangkring Akbar is expected to be a momentum to strengthen the alumni network of FISIPOL UGM and also strengthen the synergy between the campus and alumni to have a real impact on society. read more

Fisipol UGM Center for Digital Society Discusses the Potential of Data as a New Currency

Yogyakarta, 12th of December 2024—The Digital Transformation era has pushed many sectors, such as the government, private and public sectors alike, to utilize data as optimally as possible. Data that can be utilized well can be an important asset in underpinning decision-making, driving innovation, and realizing an efficient public sector. Participating in this discussion regarding the trends of digital transformation is none other than Fisipol UGM Center for Digital Society. On Thursday (12/12), Fisipol UGM CfDS organized the DigiTalk #62 Discussion Session titled “Looking for Potential of Collaboration from Data Utilization”. read more

Manifestation of SMU and UGM Cooperation, Winter Course Encourages Insight Exchange Between Students

Yogyakarta, 10 December 2024─A winter course program was held as an actualization of cooperation between Singapore Management University and Universitas Gadjah Mada. SMU and UGM students can exchange economic, political, and social insights through this Winter Course. 

The SMUxUGM Winter Course 2024 program was held from 8-20 December 2024 and had three main activities: lectures, company visits, and team building. The lecture session is an interactive learning activity in the classroom, held centrally at Fisipol UGM every Monday and Tuesday. According to Muhammad Risandi Sayuti, as Project Officer of SMUxUGM Winter Course 2024, the program under the auspices of GEO Fisipol UGM carries three themes studied in lecture sessions: economics, politics, and social. In each session, students will be brought together with lecturers who have fields of expertise under the theme. Such as the class session on Tuesday (10/12) with the theme of Circular Economy in Indonesia, delivered by a lecturer from the Department of International Relations, Suci Lestari Yuana, M.I.A., who explained the concept of circular economy not from the consumer level alone but from the production and distribution process.  read more

FISIPOL UGM Realises Sustainable Community Empowerment Through Free Health Check Services

Yogyakarta, 24 November 2024–As a form of realization of sustainable community empowerment and a learning arena for students to get to know society, the Student Council (Dema) of Fisipol UGM once again ran the Fisipol Mengabdi work program on Sunday (24/11). The Fisipol Mengabdi program, this time focused on the health sector. By collaborating with Health Promoting University (HPU) Fisipol UGM, Fisipol Mengabdi opened free health checks for the community. This activity was held in Padukuhan Dayakan 1, Kemiri Village, Tanjungsari District, Gunung Kidul Regency, and was open to the general public. read more

Standing for Five Years, Indonesian AID Emphasizes on Strengthening the Economy and International Diplomacy

Yogyakarta, 19th of November 2024—Indonesian AID, or more officially known as Indonesia Agency for International Development, is now five years old. This anniversary acted as a catalyst to drive forward the initiation for Indonesian AID to organize a forum together with academics, in regards to creating a framework that is committed towards strengthening economic development in order to foster long-term diplomacy.

The event was organized offline at the Fisipol UGM Auditorium, titled “5 Years of Indonesian AID: Strengthening the Economy, Deepening Diplomacy,” with Luqman-nul Hakim as both moderator and leader of the discussion. In his introduction, Luqman explained that Indonesian AID itself is not a new idea or concept. The initiation for a program focusing on international development has already existed for a long time and it has manifested into the spirit of diplomacy since Indonesia became independent. Consequently, through the work unit created by the Public Service Agency sector of the Ministry of Finance, the issuing of Government Regulation No. 57 of 2019 was meant to manage grants for international cooperation and development. read more

Department of Sociology UGM Collaborates with AISOR to Hold National Workshop

Yogyakarta, November 15th 2024─Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM and the Association of Indonesian Sociology Study Programs (APSSI) held a National Workshop on Thursday (14/11). The workshop invited academics from sociology study programs across Indonesian universities to discuss the design of academic development in facing global challenges.

With the theme “Reimagining Sociology in the Digital Age: Advancing Justice and Inclusion in a Disruptive World”, the National Workshop focused on formulating a curriculum responsive to future changes. Delivered by the Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., MPA, Ph.D., it is important for the academic sector to further elaborate global issues in order to be able to answer the social problems of society. “Socio-political science is facing a lot of challenges. How these issues have implications for society and power. I think this is important for us to discuss,” he explained. read more