Yogyakarta, 30th August 2023─General elections are an essential feature of every democratic country, including Indonesia. The 2024 elections will be a complex political event that will determine the quality of Indonesia’s democracy. The complexity of the 2024 elections is illustrated by the five voting rights that voters will have simultaneously, ranging from the Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections (Pilpres) to the Legislative Elections (Pileg) to elect members of the DPR RI, Provincial DPRD, Regency/City DPRD, and DPD. Responding to the complexity of the 2024 Election, FISIPOL UGM once again organized the FISIPOL Leadership Forum (FLF) by inviting the Chairman of KPU Yogyakarta, Hamdan Kurniawan on Wednesday (30/8).
Yogyakarta, August 29th 2023─Successfully opening the Digital Intelligence Course (Mata Kuliah Kecerdasan Digital or MKKD) program since 2020, now the Center for Digital Society (CfDS) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, has opened three new classes, namely the Basic Digital Intelligence Class, Digital Transformation and Elections, and Unveiling Decentralized and Digital Economy which are open to the general public for free. Not alone, CfDS collaborates with various institutions and organizations, such as Election Corner, Algohub, Algorand Foundation, and IBF Net to organize the classes offered. In addition, the program also collaborates with the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information, Siberkreasi, and the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.
Yogyakarta, August 28th 2023─Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada, together with the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPIP RI), and Ghifari Foundation, held the Socialization of Pancasila Ideology Development through Pancasila Speech and Charity on Monday (28/8) at the Auditorium of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM. The event was attended by Yudian Wahyudi, Head of BPIP RI, to give the Keynote Speech, as well as Prakoso, Deputy for Inter-Agency Relations, Communication, and Network Socialization of BPIP RI, and Wawan Mas’udi, the Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM. In addition, three speakers were also presented, namely Suratman, Professor from UGM; Sahiron, National Facilitator of Religious Moderation; Kalis Mardiasih, book author and influencer; and moderated by Suzanna Eddyono, Lecturer in the Department of Social Development and Welfare of UGM.
Yogyakarta, August 25th 2023─Two students from FISIPOL UGM participated in a special podcast held by the General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU RI) on August 25, 2023. They are Fachmi Fabian, from the Department of Social Development and Welfare; and Aulia Khoiriya, from the Department of Politics and Government. The Podcast activity is the result of cooperation between KPU RI and Election Corner FISIPOL UGM.
The podcast was recorded live at the KPU RI headquarters in Menteng, Jakarta, and is part of the preparation activities for the approaching 2024 elections. As young voters are expected to be the majority with 60% of the total electorate, it is important for us to get their point of view.
Yogyakarta, August 21st 2023─Resource distribution and allocation has long been a thorny conflict in Indonesia. Feuds between corporations and landowning communities are the most common cases. In fact, communities often find it difficult to obtain their rights due to power differences between the two parties. The issue was raised by three researchers from Indonesia and the Netherlands in the discussion “Seminar on Palm Oil Conflicts and Solutions” on Monday (21/8).
“We found 99 cases of land taking without permission from the community by corporations. The majority of cases are caused by customary land ownership, so they do not have land certificates. This makes many corporations then take over the land, especially for palm oil,” said Prof. Afrizal, a Professor of Sociology at Andalas University. The phenomenon then led to conflicts over land interests, such as demands for compensation, and customary land defense.
Yogyakarta, August 18th 2023─Freedom of speech and expression of opinion has long been included and guaranteed by the Indonesian constitution. Along with the development of the times, the role of technology in accommodating freedom of expression raises many controversies. The Conversation Indonesia together with the UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences raised this issue in a discussion entitled “Expression vs Repression: Reflecting on the Space for Civil Liberties in Indonesia” on Friday (18/8).
Post-Colonial Citizenship in Indonesia: A Discussion On The Study Of Citizenship and Local Democracy
Yogyakarta, August 16th 2023─The Research Center of Politics and Government (PolGov) of the Department of Politics and Government held a book review at Fisipol’s Big Data Lab on Wednesday (16/08/2023). This activity discussed the book by Prof. Gerry van Klinken entitled “Postcolonial Citizenship in Indonesia”. This discussion took place mixed by presenting Prof. Gerry van Klinken as the author of the book; lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government (DPP); PolGov Researcher; as well as participants open to the public. Amalinda Savirani as a DPP Lecturer also had the opportunity to provide a discussion related to the topic of the book. Guided by the moderator, Mahesti Hasanah, the discussion on this book review focuses on discussing local democracy and citizenship studies.
Yogyakarta, August 10th 2023─Ahead of the implementation of the political year, the nomination of candidates has also been carried out. The encouragement of women’s involvement in politics is also increasingly supported by the passing of the Law on Political Parties which requires every political party to include 30% representation of women. The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM again held a discussion entitled “Women and Politics Talkshow: Traces, Roles, and Strategies” to discuss gender equality in political participation on Thursday (10/8).
Yogyakarta, July 27th 2023─Entering the 2024 Election, the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) held an online webinar with the theme “Preventing the Politicization of Schools and Universities in the 2024 Elections” on Thursday (2/27). The webinar is a mitigation effort to increase the vulnerability of the state civil apparatus’ (ASN) neutrality violations in the midst of elections.
A comprehensive discussion on the potential for political vulnerability within school and tertiary education staff was carried out in a comprehensive manner by presenting Prof. Dr. Agus Pramusinto (Chairman of KASN), Subiyantoro, S.H., M.Sc (Inspector IV of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture), Wawan Mas’udi, MPA, Ph.D. (Dean of FISIPOL UGM), and Khoirunnisa Agustyani, M.IP (Executive Director of Perludem).
Yogyakarta, July 20th 2023─The Election Corner of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada (EC FISIPOL UGM) was held by FISIPOL Leadership Forum (FLF) entitled “Can We Save Democracy in Indonesia?”. On this occasion, the speaker is a politician and general chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, or often called AHY.
The event was opened by the Dean of FISIPOL UGM Wawan Mas’udi who said that the Fisipol Leadership Forum (FLF) is a forum to present figures who have ideas and strong leadership.