

Discussion and Book Review: European Union Institution, Politics, and Policy

=&0=&—Fisipol UGM Library held a discussion and book review event titled “European Union Institution, Politics, and Policy” on Thursday (26/Jan). This event also includes the Kubuku application launch in the Digital Library (DIGILIB) Fisipol UGM. The discussion and book review invited three speakers Hafid Adim Pradana, M.A., from Malang Muhammadiyah University; Paramitaningrum, Ph.D., Bina Nusantara University; and Ningrum Ambarsari, S. Sos., MBA., Prof. Dr. Moestopo University. This discussion also invited Muhadi Sugiono, M.A., the book editor as a speaker and Firstyarinda Valentina Indrawati, S. Sos., M.Si., from Brawijaya University as a moderator.The event was held online through Zoom and the committee distributed ten free books for attendees. The discussion was opened with an opening speech from Dr. Poppy Sulistyaning Winanti, M.P.P, M.Sc. as a Vice Dean of Cooperation, Alumni, and Research FISIPOL UGM. In her speech, Poppy said that DIGILIB FISIPOL is a testimony of Fisipol commitment to develop education through the use of technology. One of them is through creating an online discussion. “This morning’s activity is also a way for DIGILIB Fisipol not only to provide information but also to be a virtual discussion forum,” said the International Relations lecturer. Muhadi as the book editor talked about the long process they went through until the book was published. At first  he said that the main idea of the book is a textbook that can be introduced for Indonesia university students who are interested in European Union. He said that the drive to create the book is stronger as the European Union delve deeper into many crises. “These crises are added by the severity of Brexit, which creates a sceptical view towards the EU, or people seeing that Europe is a failure,” Muhadi said.

The discussion was then followed by comments from three other speakers about the different parts of the book that consist of fourteen chapters. Hafid commented on the first chapter which is about the history of the development of European Union and the second chapter about the institutions in European Union. Different from Hafid, Ningrum talked about politics and the political process in the EU. There are four different points that Ningrum talked about which are coordination and coherence, Europeanization, democracy and representation, as well as interest groups and lobbying in the EU. read more

Celebrating the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons with the Institute of International Studies Webinar

Yogyakarta, January 22nd 2021 – Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was officially enforced. This treaty has become a global norm in efforts to prevent the use of nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, Indonesia itself has yet to ratify this treaty which is commonly called the TPNW. Even though the political position of the TPNW is expected to be strengthened if it gets ratification from Indonesia. This issue was later raised in the Institute of International Studies UGM Webinar which was entitled ‘Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is Officially Enforced: What Should Indonesia Pay Attention To?’. Through the three speakers this webinar examined the impact of the TPNW on the dynamics of international politics as well as the ways and conditions for Indonesia to be able to harmonize its foreign policy with the existence of this treaty.The first speaker, Christian Donny Putranto, Legal Advisor to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), gave a general explanation of the potential dangers of nuclear weapons to humanity. In this case, TPNW refers to a lot of International Humanitarian Law, which will never be in line with the use of nuclear weapons for whatever reason. Donny also briefly introduced the outline of TPNW, covering the main framework–which is discussed more in depth on the framework of “prohibition” and “obligation to universalize”, and its future in the scope of international law.

In Indonesia, nuclear weapons are against Indonesia’s principles of creating world peace, so Indonesia is actively involved in various activities in the context of nuclear disarmament. This is what Ricky Ichsan, Coordinator of the Directorate of International Security and Disarmament (KIPS) Functions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia explained in his presentation session. The presence of the TPNW which is in line with Indonesia’s commitment to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution also has the full support of Indonesia–a sense of Indonesian ownership of this treaty emerges. Regarding the ratification itself, in his explanation, Ricky said that Indonesia is currently undergoing a process of socialization to academics and policy makers, and is currently forming a committee to draft laws that are in line with TPNW. read more

Reflecting Educated on Life as A Student

Yogyakarta, January 21st 2021 – Public Policy Management Book Club collaborated with GAMAPI FISIPOL UGM held another ‘Book Corner of PPM’ on Thursday (21/1). This time, Book Corner of PPM discussed a book with the title Educated (2018) which was written by Tara Westover. The discussant was Indri Dwi Apriliyanti, MBA., Ph.D., a lecturer of the Department of Public Policy and Management and Annisa Rahmania Jernih, a student of Public Policy Management. The discussion was opened by the opening speech of a lecturer of PPM, Ario Wicaksono. In his speech, Ario hoped there will be another collaboration and discussion of interesting books like this in the future.The discussion about the contents of the book was started by Annisa who told about the background of the author and how she succeeded in getting an education. For Annisa, Westover is a unique figure because she experienced in getting education from the least conventional to the most elite education. In fact, in her book, Tara told the story that she got into college without receiving previous education. “Westover does not have a high school diploma but has two Ph.Ds from Cambridge University,” Anissa said.

Indri tried to tell the contents of the book from another point of view. Indri began with an explanation that Westover lived for almost two decades with a family who has an extremist-fundamental ideology. For Indri, it also influenced the family to understand the external reality. “In this case, the understanding of reality will be very much distorted from the doctrines and dogmas that were built by her dominant father,” she said.

Indri then contextualized the life of students who are far from their parents. According to her, in college, students learn to develop critical thinking, at the same time they also begin to hone a moral compass which is built with values that have been learned by themselves. Indri continued, the students shaped themselves as individuals who have ideologies as well as values that are believed to be the result of years of studying in college and living away from family. “These values and ideologies then shaped the students to navigate their point of view in society, free from the doctrines and dogmas of the family,” Indri said. read more

Digital Discussion #41: Robotic Technology Development, Friend or Foe?

Yogyakarta, December 7th 2020—Center for Digital Society or CfDS FISIPOL UGM did their 41st digital Discussion to see the development of robotics so far. That was what Devia Putri Maharani, CfDS’s Event Assistant, said as a moderator in a discussion titled “Robots Among Us: Job-stealing Enemies or Productivity Enhancers?”.

“The development of robotics in Indonesia is quite rapid in recent years. Indonesia’s robotics technology is also incorporated in farming and fishing sectors. The bottom line is, Indonesia’s robotics has been developing recently,” the speaker said —Dr. Ahmad Ataka Awwalur Rizqi, Co-Founder Jago Robotika, PhD Robotics King’s College London Alumni— when responding to the opening question from Devia. Ataka also gave several examples of product videos and robotic innovation that are developed and used in Indonesia. read more

Learning Business from Regina Kindangen: Starting Nancy Craft Co to Export Products to 43 Countries!

Yogyakarta, December 4th 2020—By raising the topic of entrepreneurship related to Selling Unique and Quality Handicraft Products Abroad, BRIWORK FISIPOL UGM in collaboration with Indonesia Mall organized an online discussion series #BRIWORKMikirBareng with the speaker Regina Kindangen, Director and Owner of Nancy Craft Co.

The Origin of Nancy Craft Co: Everything Started by Small Steps

Founded in the 1980s, Nancy Craft Co, which was started by Regina’s parents, was originally from a private company. The formation of Nancy Craft Co also started with a request for a relationship from the United States. In short, it was this relationship request that underlies and became Nancy Craft Co’s initial spirit to continue to move and develop a handicraft product business. Regina said that the story and experiences from the establishment of Nancy Craft Co can be interpreted as: “As someone who is starting a business, we shouldn’t wait to get large orders, but start with small orders and do it seriously, maintain quality, and most importantly never underestimate what has been given by God,” she said. read more

Awarding Night of Soprema 2020

Yogyakarta, December 4th 2020—Sociopreneur Muda Indonesia or Soprema 2020 held a virtual Awarding Night to close the series of events that have been held so far. It was aired on FISIPOL UGM official YouTube channel. This awarding night also became an event to announce the winners of competition, incubation, pitching, and company profile competition. It was moderated by two presenters, the event was carried out by implementing strict health protocols.

The event was opened with the song Indonesia Raya and an introductory video of Soprema. Not to forget, the two presenters also briefly explained Soprema and the series of events that have been held so far. At the beginning, welcoming videos from various parties were shown. In his welcoming speech, the Chief of Soprema, Dr. Hempri Suyatna, S.Sos., M.Si., said that the works of the participants must not stop here. This work of innovation and creativity must continue to be developed. read more

Institut Ungu Collaborates with YouSure and Other Institutions on the Art and Human Rights Dialogue

Yogyakarta, November 20th 2020—Youth Studies Center (YouSure) FISIPOL UGM involved in the Dialogue on Arts and Human Rights by Institut Ungu in order to welcome the 16 Days Campaign for Anti Violence against Women and Human Rights Day on 25 November – 10 December.

The Institut Ungu is an arts and cultural organization that promotes gender equality and human rights. Established in 2003, the Institut Ungu has produced various works of art and educational activities or campaigns related to human rights. read more

Difussion #39: Integrity of Election Ads and Campaigns on Social Media

Yogyakarta, November 20th 2020—Center for Digital Society held the 39th Difussion on Friday (20/11). In this occasion, CfDS brought the theme Integrity of Election Ads and Campaigns on Social Media. Janitra Haryanto and Amelinda Pandu as the Project Officer of the Research Division of CfDS were the speakers of this event. The event started at 03.30 p.m. and was moderated by Perdana Karim, Research Assistant of CfDS.

Janitra, together with Amel, admitted that at the beginning of the year, he had researched political advertisements and campaigns on social media, especially those related to the upcoming regional elections. In early 2020 to mid 2020, CfDS conducted research to formulate policy recommendations related to political campaigns on social media. The research was conducted in three cities in Indonesia based on the election hazard index: DKI Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Padang. The research was conducted with a review of related regulations and focus group discussions with relevant stakeholders. Among them were presenting academics, non-governmental organizations, representatives of the regional and central of the General Commission Elections of Indonesia, representatives of the regional and central of the Election Supervisor Body of Indonesia. read more

Learn How to Report Content on Facebook and Instagram in OPOSiT #9

Yogyakarta, November 19th 2020—Center for Digital Society came back again with the 9th of Obrolan dan Opini Seputar Dunia Digital program or OPOSiT. This time, CfDS cooperated with Facebook Indonesia in discussing how to report inappropriate contents on social media. Titled as “How to Report Content on Social Media”, the discussion that was aired on Instagram Live and Facebook of CfDS presented Karissa Swajaldy the Manager of Public Management of Facebook Indonesia, as a speaker.

As usual, the discussion was opened with an introduction and initial greeting from the moderator—Ruth Tarullyna, Partnership Project Officer of CfDS. The moderator also explained briefly the discussion topics that will be delivered. “This topic was chosen because we will enter the 2020 regional election (regional head election) period. We see social media, especially Facebook and Instagram, have a big role as the campaign media for prospective candidates,” Ruth mentioned. With the large number of users of both social media, concerns have arisen regarding the spread of hoaxes and misinformation. Thus, a system for reporting and curating information from social media users is needed. read more

Analyzing the Fate of Creative Industry Worker

Yogyakarta, 16 November 2020—Yogyakarta, 16th November 2020 – Young Indonesia Sociopreneur (Soprema) FISIPOL UGM is back with the second Soprema Talk on Sunday (15-11). This Soprema Talk is titled “The Covid-19 Pandemic: Analyzing the Fate of Creative Industry Worker”. Cooperating with Geronimo FM, Soprema Talk #2 can be seen through the FISIPOL UGM’s Youtube channel and Kongkow Bisnis Geronimo FM. The three speakers in this talk are Arief Ardi Nugroho, the founder of Funtastic Consulting; Irvansyah Utoh Banja, Deputy Director of Cross Sectors Public Relations at BPJS; and Tovic Rahara, the Head Director of Rajawali Indonesia. The second Soprema Talk began with an elaboration of the general information of Soprema by Rezaldi Alief Pramadha, a FISIPOL UGM professor. read more