Fisipol Free Breakfast is Back During Finals

Yogyakarta, December 5th 2022Fisipol UGM provides 150 portions of free breakfast for Fisipol UGM students during finals that last from 5th to 16th December 2022. The food and drinks in the Fisipol Free Breakfast event will be provided from 06.30 AM in Fisipol UGM’s East Wing. 

The menu provided changes every day. Students can get rice with egg, nasi uduk, fried chicken, gudeg, tempeh and beans stir fry, and more. For drinks, students can get milk with various flavors or tea. Students that want to get a free breakfast can sign up first before they choose from the existing menu. 

Alviska Aidhasari Efrianti, a Communication Studies student batch 2020, gave her opinion after getting her portion of the free breakfast.

“It really helps students who live in dorms, especially for those who have finals because they have to arrive early and they can have breakfast first,” Alviska said. 

Jacqua Proexs Saputro, a Communication Studies student batch 2020, was also delighted with the Fisipol Free Breakfast event. “Of course, I’m very excited because as a student who lives in a dorm, I can save money and the menu also varies,” he said. 

Fisipol Free Breakfast is a routine agenda held every midterms and finals, but it stopped for two years due to the pandemic. The idea for the free breakfast was spouted in 2017 when the faculty got reports that there were students who fainted during or after the exam. When investigated further, it turns out that it was because they didn’t eat breakfast when the finals started in the morning. 

To prevent that from happening again, the Dean of Fisipol UGM, Prof Dr. Agus Purwanto, M.Si decided to give free breakfast for students during the exam season. 

“The dean (back then) created this event because of the incident of students passing out during exams, there are also those who were dizzy or had stomach aches. It turned out that it’s because they were so busy studying until late at night and in the morning they forgot to have breakfast,” said Bernadia Arimurti, the Head of the Administration Office. 

Furthermore, this free breakfast idea is now followed by other faculties in UGM like the Law Faculty, Geography Faculty, Biology Faculty, and more. 

“We hope that students can study well and have the best results in their exams. But we also hope that students do not fall sick, we hope that we can help add to the students’ immunity. In a nutshell, we don’t want them to finish the exam and feel sick,” said Bernadia Arimurti.