Towards Disability Friendly Campus, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM Ready to Be at the Frontline

Yogyakarta, October 23rd 2023─Nowadays, the discourse on the rights of persons with disabilities is growing in society. This shows the importance of disability rights to be a concern in various aspects of life, including in the campus environment. As an educational institution, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM understands the urgency of creating a campus that is inclusive and friendly to people with disabilities. Dr. Nurhadi Susanto, Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources, stated firmly that currently, FISIPOL is ready to be at the forefront of efforts to adapt the concept of an inclusive campus.

There are several key aspects that Nurhadi pays attention to in developing an inclusive FISIPOL campus, namely from the aspect of Human Resources (HR), infrastructure facilities, and the ecosystem that is built. “When we talk about Inclusive Campus, the human resources must be responsive in responding and interacting with the academic community and guests on campus,” Nurhadi said in an interview on Monday (16/10). This is not an easy and quick process considering not everyone has experience interacting with people with disabilities. Therefore, it takes a long time and a gradual process to introduce the right way to respond to people with disabilities.

“When you understand how to behave and respond, what is equally important is the infrastructure that is disabled-friendly,” Nurhadi said. Nurhadi admits that there are still many things that must be addressed by FISIPOL with regard to facilities and physical infrastructure that are still not disability-friendly. Currently, FISIPOL itself is in the process of building these facilities, such as the installation of guiding blocks, ramps, and handrails in elevators. In addition, plans to improve the accessibility of toilet facilities that are less accommodating for wheelchair users are also being pursued.

“FISIPOL is very excited and committed to investing in disability-friendly facilities,” Nurhadi said. To ensure that the construction process is appropriate, FISIPOL involves friends with disabilities to monitor the process from planning, implementation, to use.

In addition to the two aspects above, Nurhadi also emphasized the importance of building an inclusive ecosystem among individuals and academic communities. “I think this is the spirit of inclusivity. We talk about humanism, rights, and obligations for all parties,” said Nurhadi. FISIPOL UGM believes that an inclusive campus is a shared responsibility that must be fought for by all campus residents, and together, they will create an environment that is accepting, inclusive, and based on humanity values.

The Faculty’s efforts to become an inclusive campus are in line with SDG number 4 (Education), SDGs 10 (Reduced Inequality), and SDGs 11 (Sustainable Cities).

Tags: SDGs