Two Communication Studies Students Won A Business Innovation Competition

Two students from the Department of Communication Studies Gadjah Mada University won first and second place in the “Gen-Z Innovator Search Program” competition last December. This competition is a business innovation idea event held by Isobar (one of Dentsu Indonesia’s group) with Ajinomoto Indonesia. The first place was won by the GeneratiOne team with Reinaldo Albert Koerniadi, Luthfiana Nur Rofifah, Felicia Vaniadiva, and Dimas Satriawan Lambang W as the members. Meanwhile, the second place was held by the THR3 team with  Farah Fattatin Fauziah, Ratna Kusuma Dewi, Aisya Irdo Anwar, and Reksan Ridho Julviaji as the members. All of the students from both teams are from the Department of Communication Studies Gadjah Mada University batch 2019.

“We feel like we’ve learned a lot of lessons and gained a lot of experience through joining this program. Therefore, hopefully in the future we can apply this knowledge and experience that we have gained to be able to contribute to society.” Luthfiana from team GeneratiOne said.

In the Gen-Z Innovator Search Program, there was a research and review phase that lasted for more or less six months (July-December 2021). This competition is meant to create product innovation that can attract Gen-Z as the market target. Other than that, the business idea should also include solutions that exist in our society and are relevant to the Ajinomoto brand.

The competition phases that the competitors went through were held online. The first step is the Trend Spotting phase in which the competitors are asked to do market research and create a project planning for a new business. The next step is the New Biz Ideation, in which the project plan from the last step was implemented. On the last step, the competitors pitch their business idea to the panelists. 

“We feel happy and relieved that the hard work that we have put in from the last couple of months has paid off. We are proud because our idea has attracted the Ajinomoto team, even though in the announcement phase we didn’t expect to be one of the best in a sea of other amazing ideas,” said Farah Fattatin from the THR3 team.