Invitation to Essay and Interview Test Intake 1 IUP Admission Test 2024:
The above applicants are invited to join the essay and interview tests that will be held on Saturday, 2 March 2024.
Please pay attention to the exam schedule. Good luck!
Invitation to Essay and Interview Test Intake 1 IUP Admission Test 2024:
The above applicants are invited to join the essay and interview tests that will be held on Saturday, 2 March 2024.
Please pay attention to the exam schedule. Good luck!
Yogyakarta, February 29th 2024─TVR Indonesia Parliament held a campus talent selection at the Department of Communication Sciences (DIKOM) Fisipol UGM on Thursday (29/2). This program is a form of parliamentary media collaboration with Gadjah Mada University. From 29 February-1 March 2024, TVR Parliament will recruit five young campus talents who will have the opportunity to become news anchors for TVR Parliament.
“The cooperation between Fisipol UGM and parliament has been around for a long time. This is a very important event, and it started a few months ago when friends from TVR Parliament came to work with us. I think parliament needs to be socialized to the public. So far, if there is something good in parliament, it is difficult to report it. But if there is something bad, it will be reported everywhere,” said the Head of the Departement of Communication Sciences Fisipol UGM, Nyarwi Ahmad, S.I.P., M.Si., Ph.D.
Yogyakarta, 23 February 2024—To support the empowerment and development of workforce competency, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM together with the Lembaga Pelatihan Kerja (LPK) Global Education Talent Incubator (GeTI) held “Industrial Certification and Assistance for Young Entrepreneurs” on Friday (23 /2). The program is technical guidance from training held by GeTI and has been attended by dozens of students and lecturers from various faculties at UGM.
“I would like to thank UGM for supporting this event. This is not just just training and exams. Basically, the process is like that, but the big goal is that we want to invite all of our friends to enter an era where the stages of becoming an industry player are getting faster. To become an entrepreneur, from small to large, it is all in our hands,” explained Divera Wicaksono, Academic, Incubation, & Business Director of GeTI.
Yogyakarta, February 23rd 2024─In order to support the empowerment and competency development of the workforce, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM together with Global Edukasi Talenta Incubator (GeTI) held “Certification and Industry Assistance for Young Entrepreneurs” on Friday (23/2). The program is a technical guidance from the training held by GeTI and has been attended by dozens of students and lecturers from various faculties at UGM.
“I would like to thank UGM for supporting this event. This is not just training and exams. Basically the process is like that, but the big goal is that we want to invite all of you to enter an era where the stages that become industry players are accelerating. To become an entrepreneur, from small to big, it’s all in our hands,” said Divera Wicaksono, as GeTI’s Academic, Incubation, & Business Director.
Yogyakarta, February 23rd 2024─The holding of the general election two weeks ago does not mean that people can let their guard down. The post-election moments are the right momentum to reflect and re-evaluate the 2024 elections. As a forum to jointly reflect on the election process, Election Corner held its fourth Joint Media Discussion event with the title “A Week After the Election: Quo Vadis Demokrasi Indonesia?” on Friday (23/2) at Amphitheater BRI Work Room, Fisipol UGM.
According to Arya Budi, a lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government (DPP) UGM, there is a phenomenon that is an anomaly in the 2024 elections. Based on the temporary results of quick counts conducted by various survey institutions, the Prabowo-Gibran candidate pair is leading with more than 50% of the votes. Meanwhile, the party that supports Prabowo-Gibran is not leading in the quick count. “Empirically, this has never happened. Theoretically, this is also an anomaly because in general, if the presidential candidate is high, the supporting party will also be lifted,” Arya explained.
Yogyakarta, February 22 2024—Prof. Dr. Agus Heruanto Hadna, S.IP., M.Sc. Remis was inaugurated as a Professor at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada on Wednesday (22/2). All professors, lecturers, rectors and faculties were also present at the inauguration procession which took place at the UGM Senate Hall. Through a speech entitled “Innovation on Inequality and Policy in Social Economics”, Prof. Agus explained his analysis of the development of the digital world and its influence on socio-economic welfare.
Yogyakarta, February 21st 2024─The 2024 general elections that were held on February 14 left challenges and notes from the public, political observers, and academics. Pares Indonesia together with Perludem, the Department of Politics and Government of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, and Election Corner held a discussion entitled “The Path to Maintaining the Integrity of the 2024 General Elections” at Sansiro Park in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and broadcasted live on Pares Indonesia’s YouTube channel on Wednesday (21/02). “The challenges of the 2024 elections are much tougher than the previous elections in 2019. The data I took from the Election Vulnerability index includes neutrality, then workload, community polarization, money politics, and the SIREKAP problem,” explained Umi Illiyana, Member of Bawaslu D.I. Yogyakarta. Umi also mentioned that there is a special case in Yogyakarta related to the level of voter participation from overseas students. As transfer voters, many overseas students in Yogyakarta cannot channel their voting rights.
Yogyakarta, February 15th 2024─The Department of Politics and Government FISIPOL together with Global Campus Asia-Pacific and Pares held a seminar-workshop entitled “Non-judicial Resolutions on Human Rights Violation: Perspective from the 1965-1966 Domestic Survivors and Exiles” at Amphitheater BRIWORK FISIPOL UGM and Live Streaming on the DPP UGM’s YouTube channel on Thursday (15/02). The workshop aims to discuss President Joko Widodo’s initiation of a non-judicial resolution to address the limited rights of survivors under the Soeharto regime and the recognition of 12 gross human rights violations in Indonesia, including the 1965-1966 tragedy from the perspective of victims and exiles. The initiative has been criticized by human rights activists because the resolution is considered to make the history of human rights violations unclear.
Yogyakarta, February 13th 2024─Ahead of the 2024 elections, Election Corner and the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) held a discussion with the media on Tuesday (13/2) at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM. The discussion titled “Beware of New Money Politics Methods” was held to urge the public to be more vigilant in giving their voting rights.
“Although money politics is not new, the mode is different now. If in the past it usually came in the form of cash, now it is more varied. For example, in the form of Umrah, promises, or there is also cash but promised after being elected. This is what we from Bawaslu find very difficult to detect,” said the Head of Bawaslu Yogyakarta Special Region, Umi Illiyina. The most difficult mode of money politics to detect is in non-cash forms, such as providing basic necessities. Umi said, apart from the increasingly diverse modes of money politics, Bawaslu’s difficulties also lie in regulations and a long reporting process.
Yogyakarta, February 13th 2024─The movie “Dirty Vote”, which was released a few days before the 2024 general elections, is now being discussed by the public. The film by journalist and critic Dandhy Dwi Laksono reveals various forms of fraud throughout the election by collaborating with three state law experts. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM invited the film’s source person, Dr. Zainal Arifin Mochtar, S.H., LL.M. to discuss the meaning of the film on Tuesday (13/2).
“A little story about the making of this movie. Initially, we did research on election fraud. Then Mas Dandhy came and was interested in making a movie about this. We had a long discussion, reviewing this research in detail and how to present it,” Zainal explained. The process of reviewing the research took longer than the production of the movie. This is done not only as a form of caution, but also to ensure that the information obtained by the audience is valid.