Yogyakarta, October 7th 2022—The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) UGM held a series of events to commemorate its 67th Dies Natalis. One of the events was the Alumni Talk which was held on Friday (7/10) at the BRIWork Amphitheater in a hybrid manner. In accordance with the big theme of the Dies Natalis regarding the climate crisis, the Alumni Talk event raised the topic ‘Want to Care for the Environment, Where to Start?’
Of course, various speakers as well as alumni of FISIPOL UGM who are involved in environmental issues presented in this event, namely Kuntum Melati from the Stockholm Environment Institute; Erwan Widyarto from the DIY Garbage Bank Association, and the manager of the Griya Sapu Lidi Garbage Bank; Anak Agung Istri Tatik Rismayanti from the Bali Environmental Education Center; and moderated by Fina Itriyati, Deputy Dean of FISIPOL.