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Pekan Kebersamaan 2022 Presents Space for Expression and Togetherness in Enlivening the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia

Yogyakarta, 19th August 2022─The euphoria of welcoming the new students doesn’t just stop at the orientation period. Pekan Kebersamaan (lit. Togetherness Week) event, which will be held from 15-19 August 2022, is a place for the Fisipol Student Activity Unit (UKMF) and the Departmental Student Association (HMD) to introduce their organization to new students.

Pekan Kebersamaan is one of the programs of the Student Internal Development Division (PIM) of Dema Fisipol UGM. This program collaborates with the Student Resource Development Division (PSDM) and the Student Council (MM) Fisipol. This Week of Togetherness was attended by various UKMF and HMD who also enlivened the event through booths held at Sansiro Park. “The emergence of more UKMF from time to time proves that the creativity of Fisipol students is growing,” said the Dean of Fisipol UGM, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., M.P.A who was met at one of the UKMF booths. In addition to being a promotional event for UKMF and HMD, the Student Council (Dema) as the organizer of the Pekan Kebersamaan also held a live show to introduce DEMA division programs, such as advocacy, scientific, and sign language classes. read more

Digitalk #52 Emphasis on The Importance of Digital Financial Literacy

Yogyakarta, August 18th 2022─The Center for Digital Society (CfDS) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM again for the 52nd times held the Digitalk series with the title “Wise with Digital Finance: Discussion on Financial Products in the Middle of the Digital Era” on Thursday (18/8). This Digitalk series presents several resource persons who are experts in the field of digital finance, such as Rizki Amelia, Digital Literacy Coordinator of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) RI; Risa Fajarwati, Head of Sub Division of Licensing, Information and Documentation of the OJK D.I. Office. Yogyakarta; Tomy H. Wibowo, Senior Pastor of New Generation GBI Yogyakarta; and Amelinda Pandu K., CfDS UGM Researcher. The Digitalk series in collaboration with the RI Kominfo focuses on discussing digital financial management. read more

Fisipol UGM Held a Book Review Event, A Product of Cross-Department Collaboration of Academicians

Yogyakarta, August 16th 2022—The Faculty of Social and Political Science (Fisipol) of Gadjah Mada University held a book review of “G20 in the Midst of the Big Change: Indonesia’s Global Leadership Momentum?” on Tuesday (16/8). This book review was held with two speakers; H.E. Muhsin Syihab, the Expert Staff of Inter-Agency Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia; and Scenaider CH Siahaan, the Chair of G20 Development Working Group in the Deputy for Development Funding at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas. The moderator for the event was Zita Larasati, a lecturer in the Department of Social Development and Welfare Fisipol UGM. The book review event was opened with an opening speech from UGM press and UGM’s rector Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med., Ed., Sp.OG (K), Ph.D.  read more

FISIPOL UGM Launched FOCUS Learning Management System as a Form of Education Transformation

Yogyakarta, August 10th 2022To respond to the need of an inclusive and flexible learning management system that can reach many people, the Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIPOL) UGM launched a Learning Management System (LMS) called FOCUS UGM (Fisipol Online Campus) on Wednesday (10/8). The LMS launch was done alongside a talk show titled “Transformation of Higher Education” which was opened with a speech from the Dean of FISIPOL UGM, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi and followed by the Minister of State Secretariat Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc as well as the Minister of State Owned Business H. Erick Thohir, B.A., M.B.A.. read more

Two Fisipol UGM Students Shared Their IISMA Experience

Yogyakarta, August 6th 2022–Thirty Fisipol UGM students successfully became awardees in the Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). The awardees will go through one semester abroad in the university of their choice. Monash University, located in Australia, is the choice of the two awardees from Fisipol UGM, Arun Panrita Arifin and Gisela Lidya Arthauli.

Arun said that being a part of an exchange program has been her dream since middle school, especially when it is held in Australia. “I also love the courses offered there,” Arun said. According to her, the courses offered at the university need to be taken into consideration because those are the courses that we will study once we get into the program. read more

Discussion of Energy Transition Challenges in FISIPOL FGD Series #4

Yogyakarta, August 5th 2022─Entering its fourth series, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISPOL) UGM again held a series of FGDs or Focus Group Discussions on Friday (5/8). This discussion forum was held as a result of collaboration between the Institute of International Studies (IIS), the Department of International Relations UGM, and UP3M (Research, Publication, and Community Service Unit) FISIPOL. In this fourth series, the speakers discussed an important topic in Indonesia’s G20 Presidency, “Energy Diversification and the Challenges of the Transition to Clean Energy Amid Political Realism (Geo)”. The speakers and moderators involved in this FGD were Sularsih, Coordinator of Oil and Gas Cooperation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources; Muhammad Takdir, Head of the Center for Policy Strategy for the Asia Pacific and Africa Region, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Elrika Hamdi, Energy Finance Analyst, Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA); Dr. Nanang Indra Kurniawan, Department of Politics and Government UGM; and Raras Cahyafitri, M.Sc, Department of International Relations UGM. read more

PPSMB Society 2022: Succeeding New Students Learning Through Awareness, Collaboration, and Exploration

Yogyakarta, August 4th 2022Pelatihan Pembelajar Sukses Mahasiswa Baru (PPSMB), or the new students orientation at the faculty level has been held from August 3rd to 4th 2022. More than 600 new students have participated in the PPSMB Society organized by Fisipol UGM as one of the PPSMB UGM series.

With the title “Youth of Dawn: First Light of People”, PPSMB Society is expected to guide the new students in forming them to become a person who cares about the social and political environment. “This big theme is motivated by the position of students as part of a society capable of making changes by adhering to three basic values, namely awareness, collaboration, and exploration,” said Waren Geraldi as the General Coordinator of PPSMB Society 2022. According to Waren, PPSMB Society is one of the important stages for new students before they officially study on campus. read more

Film ‘Ketiban Ndaru’ by the Students of Communication Science, Wins a Competition

Yogyakarta, August 2nd 2022Students of Communication Studies of Universitas Gadjah Mada once again got an achievement in the field of film. Satria Setya and his team won 1st place in the Short Movie Competition organized by Meraki Event Organizer and Sineashub, from April 4th to May 26th, 2022.

Didi as a photographer and graphic designer admits that there is no special motivation for participating in this competition. “At that time, I was interested, because the prizes were attractive. At first, because I wanted to participate in the competition, we invited other friends to join in, and this Ketiban Ndaru film was made,” Didi said. read more

Kejora Team Successfully Gained Silver Medal in WYIE 2022 Malaysia Competition

Yogyakarta, July 30th  2022─Students of the Faculty of Social and Political Science (Fisipol) UGM successfully gained Silver Medal in the World Young Investors Exhibition (WYIE) 2022 competition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Kejora team consists of Fadhli Widya Ramadhan (Leader), Afifah Ananda Putri (Member 1), dan Salma Nur Rahmasari (Member 2). The team joined the competition online through Zoom Meeting because they can’t go to the offline event in Kuala Lumpur. 

Fadhil as the team leader tried to create innovation in the economic sphere. More specifically, he tried to create a prototype of a financial literacy app called “Kiddie Wallet”. The application invites kids in Indonesia to learn basic financial management in order to increase digital literacy. According to the team, the digital literacy issue is important to raise because it is a basic knowledge that children need to understand since their early years. This is more so because it’s a very much needed skill when they are adults. read more

FISIPOL FGD Series #3 Highlights the Problems of Global Digital Transformation in the G20 Agenda

Yogyakarta, July 29th 2022─In support of the series of activities “G20 Indonesian Presidency: Leadership for a Just and Sustainable World Order”, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISPOL) UGM held an online series of FGDs or Focus Group Discussions on Friday (29/7). This third FGD was moderated by Muhammad Irfan Ardhani, MIR (Lecturer of International Relations UGM) and raised the topic of discussion “Global Digital Transformation in the G20 Agenda: Towards an Inclusive and Sustainable Digital Economy Development”. FISIPOL UGM invited four speakers to discuss and provide recommendations regarding the problems in the global digital transformation agenda. The four speakers were the Coordinator of the IIS UGM Research Division, Nabilah Nur Abiyanti; Director of Digital Economy Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Adhiarna, M. Eng; Head of Public Policy and Government Relations in Indonesian E-Commerce Association/IdEA, Rofi Uddarojat; and a digital policy researcher, Wahyudi Djafar. read more