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Fisipol UGM’s 64th Anniversary: The Importance of Social Innovation in the Digital Era

Yogyakarta, 19 September 2019—to commemorate the founding of Fisipol in 1955, this year’s Dies Natalis of Fisipol UGM was held spectacularly. This event was held last Thursday at the West Hall of Fisipol.

“Social Innovation in the Digital Era: Towards an Inclusive and Just Society” was the grand theme of the 64th Dies Natalis of Fisipol. This theme was proposed by the Department of Sociology, the organizer of this year’s Dies Natalis. This theme was aimed to spread the spirit of inclusivity and equality before the law through social innovations in the digital era, especially in implementing the three obligations of a university (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi). read more

Rhapsody of the Archipelago Gamelan 4.0: Giving Life to the Nation Through Cultural Preservation

Yogyakarta, 19 September 2019—Last Thursday, Fisipol celebrated its 64th anniversary. After a tumpeng competition on Thursday, the Rhapsody of the Archipelago (ROTA) press conference was held on Digilib Café on the same day. ROTA was a part of Fisipol’s dies natalis that will be held until the 30th of November.

This forum was attended by Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng. (the Rector of UGM), Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Si. (the Dean of Fisipol), Dr. Wening Udasmoro, M.Hum., DEA., (the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences), Sabrang Mowo Damar Panuluh (the vocalist of Letto band) and Ari Wulu (the Programme Director of Yogyakarta Gamelan Festival). The last two figures were invited to participate in the main event of the dies natalis that will take place in the Grha Sabha Pramana square. read more

Talking About Women’s Representation in the Media Through the “More Than Work” Film Screening

Yogyakarta, 13 September 2019—Due to the rapid advancement of technology, the media industry grows at a remarkable pace. “Today, Indonesia has one of the world’s highest number of media,” as stated by Luviana, the director of the “More Than Work” film. This film was screened in the Mandiri Auditorium at the 4th floor of the Fisipol UGM building.

As a woman, Luviana has experienced the ups and downs throughout her career in the media industry. “I have worked in various jobs in the media industry, such as on the radio, printed media, online media and the television.” Currently, she works as a journalist in Metro TV. Her film acts as a platform to share her experiences to the public. read more

Bambang Sunaryo’s Retirement Seminar: Fisipol Has a Responsibility in Developing the Tourism Sector in Indonesia

Yogyakarta, 10 September 2019—Fisipol, especially the Department of Public Policy and Management, has an important responsibility of contributing to the development of the tourism sector in Indonesia. This issue was the main idea of Drs. Bambang Sunaryo, SU., M.Sc.’s retirement seminar. Bambang recently ended his tenure as a lecturer in the Department of Public Policy and Management of UGM.

In his retirement seminar that was held last Tuesday in the Eastern Seminar Room of Fisipol, he conveyed the importance of public policy formulation in the tourism sector, especially in selecting key destinations. Proper public policies can bring not only sustainable economic growth, but also a multiplier effect that can reduce inequality for the local community. read more

Enhancing Our English Proficiency in IREC 2019

Yogyakarta, 8 September 2019—Eloquence in public speaking is indeed an important asset. Hence, International Relations English Competition (IREC) 2019 was held in order to improve the English public speaking skills of high school students. “Harmonizing Humanity to Work Alongside the Industrial Revolution 4.0” was the grand theme of this year’s edition of IREC. IREC itself is one of the programmes of the Association of International Relations Students, and was consisted of debate, storytelling and speech competitions. This event was held from the 6th until the 8th of September. read more

Three Fisipol Students Won Silver Medals at the 32nd PIMNAS in Bali

On 27-30 August, the 32nd National Science Week for University Students (PIMNAS) was held at Universitas Udayana, Bali. Three Fisipol students from the batch of 2017: Maulida “Ifa” Afifatu Tsalitsi, Adhika Trisliantama (Department of Politics and Government) and Miftah Farid Mahardika (Department of Sociology), have successfully won silver medals in the Student Creativity Programme (PKM). On Friday (6/9), Ifa shared us her experience of participating at the 32nd PIMNAS.

According to her, the process to participate in this competition was not easy, as PIMNAS is a prestigious competition for all university students from all across Indonesia. This is because, PIMNAS is organized by the Directorate General of Learning of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. Furthermore, the results of this competition are one of the components of a university’s accreditation. In PIMNAS, she competed against 60 teams from all over Indonesia. Ifa and her team have prepared everything from November 2018. read more

Responding to the Conflict in Papua, Fisipol held a Discussion on Papua and Nationhood

Yogyakarta, 6 September 2019—“Papua disagrees with the currently existing notion of nationhood. Modern nationhood emphasizes on the notion of nation-states, while in Papua, the integration process has been done without a proper deal. Since the past, we have been trying to clarify Papua’s history, as how other ethnicities have done, such as the Javanese, the Bugis, and the others. Papua’s demands will never be accepted by Jakarta, but it through a referendum. Just give what Papua want!,” as stated by Frans, a representative of the Papuan students that were present on this discussion. This discussion was entitled “Papua and Nationhood” and was held last Friday on Fisipol’s Digilib Café. read more

We are passionate to storytell, and we don’t have anything besides Film

A group of boys that likes to watch movies. Every time they see a barrage of scenes, they observe it to its small details, and sometimes think to imitate it in real life. In going through everyday activities, they have to do things that are effective, whether it is in dire situations or not. That type of obsession kept on going and meddles with their life quite significantly.

Things like that are what 3Tiga Films (“3Tiga”) face. They are comprised of Damar Jalu Purboyo, Agustinus Wibi Arya, and Selando Naendra Radicka. The three of them are students from the department of Communication Studies batch 2017. “3Tiga” spawns suddenly in their minds and became the name of the film enthusiast community that they made. In October 2018, 3Tiga won a film competition “Kinema” hosted by UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. read more

Muhammad Riza Pratama: A Spiritual Journey That Led Him to Victory at the 32nd PIMNAS

Muhammad Riza, a student from the Department of Public Policy and Management, travelled on an unplanned trip to Kudus in May. This trip led him to finish on the 3rd place at the 32nd National Science Week for University Students (PIMNAS) in Bali in August.

In this competition, which was held at Unviersitas Udayana, Riza finished on the 3rd place in the essay competition in the non-student creativity programme category (non-PKM). This category is relatively new, as it was first held in 2018. The non-PKM category featured photography, videography, business case, technology innovation, and essay competitions. Riza’s essay was entitled “Gusjigang: Revitalisasi Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Menyongsong Persaingan Global” (Gusjigang: The Revitalisation of Local Wisdom-Based Character Education to Increase Global Competitiveness). read more

Reminiscing the Adelaide Sky, My Double Degree Journey at Flinders University

Name: Melkior Mirari Manusakrti

NIM: 15/386833/SP/27049

Many people might not know me, I usually go by my nickname, Dimel Mirari. I’m a student of Universitas Gadjah Mada, who is still pursuing my S.IP degree in International Relations, and I’m currently in my last semester. Two years ago, in my fifth and sixth semester, I was lucky enough to undergo a double degree program at Flinders University (Flinders) in Adelaide, Australia. I would like to share my experiences there, as well as a few tips and tricks for those of you interested in obtaining a double degree, or the International Exposure program in general. read more