Yogyakarta, March 30th 2020 – It has already been two weeks since the online learning process starts. The learning process which used to be held with a “face to face” method, is now held through online platforms such as Webex, Zoom, Google Classroom, or Whatsapp Groups (WAG). Gadjah Mada University’s instruction for all scholars to use online platforms was issued to minimalize the spread of Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The term social distancing is familiar in the midst of this global pandemic. A term that asks people to minimize social contact for the time being. This policy creates some pros and cons in the society because of several effects that the policy made, especially in the aspect of economy.
Yogyakarta, 27th March 2020 — Youth Studies Center or YouSure Fisipol held another Bincang Muda (The Youth Talk) discussion. YouSure’s online Bincang Muda discussion’s topic was ‘Reflection of Family Resilience Bill from the Youths and Women’s Perspectives’, it was held online through WhatsApp Group. The participants that joined in this Bincang Muda discussion already signed up through the link that uploaded on YouSure FISIPOL’s Instagram account. The discussion was started at 06.00 p.m. and a few hours before the discussion started, the participants were contacted to join into WhatsApp Group that had been provided.
Yogyakarta, 27th March 2020 – Research center Center for Digital Society or CfDS Fisipol UGM held another online discussion with the theme ‘Digital Discussion #14: Impressive Essay Writing 101’ in March, 27th 2020. The discussion was held in the WhatsApp Group with 168 participants from various faculties and universities. This time, Digital Discussion by CfDS invited the speaker of this discussion, Anisa Pratita Mantovani, LLM as the Manager of Research CfDS which later called as Mbak Tita, and the moderator Made Bayu Agus Sudharma as the Event Staff CfDS that moderated the discussion.
Yogyakarta, March 26th, 2020— Creative HUB conducted a sharing session with Kopi Chat – the signature event held once a month initiated by Block71 Yogyakarta. Creative HUB itself is a social incubator at the UGM Faculty of Social and Political Science (Fisipol UGM), whereas Block 71 Yogyakarta is one of the ecosystem builder or start-up partnerships in Yogyakarta between NUS Enterprise and Salim Group. Considering the COVID-19 Pandemic where physical interaction or meeting in person is prohibited, the session which formerly planned to take place at the BRI Work Fisipol UGM was altered via live stream on Instagram accounts of @block71yogyakarta and @chubfisipol on March 26, 2020, indeed at 16.00 WIB.
Yogyakarta, 20th March 2020 – Talking about technology, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) have brought many benefits in our lives today. This topic was discussed by Center for Digital Society (CfDS) in the 20th Digital Future Discussion (Difussion) with the theme “Artificial Intelligence for Good” which was held online on last Friday through YouTube Live that presented two speakers.
Vidiskiu Fortino, the research associate of CfDS, explained how AI is used to detect mental health disorders through facial recognition. “Basically, AI is a tool that can predict something through advanced technology to store information,” Vidi said.
Yogyakarta, March 17th, 2020— The Center for Digital Society (CfDS) under the care of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences is now conducting an online discussion with the Digital Discussion #13 theme entitled “What Makes a Good Design?” on March 17, 2020. The discussion held on the WhatsApp Group platform with 163 participants coming from various faculties and universities. This time, the Digital Discussion by CfDS invited Masgustian, S. Fil as the Senior Graphic Pameo who was then called Mas Tian and the moderator Made Agus Bayu Sudharma as the CfDS Event Staff who guided the discussion.
Yogyakarta, March 16th 2020—The college lecturer of Communication Science Program which is also a researcher and writer of “WhatsApp Group and Digital Literacy among Indonesian Women” book held a talk show and book launch on the second floor of Fisipol Digital Library of Gadjah Mada University. Zainuddin Muda (usually called Zam) was the moderator who opened the show on 13.30 WIB. It was then followed by a briefing from six researcher representatives; Novi Kurnia, Rahayu, Engelbertus Wendratama, Wisnu Martha, Wisnu Prasetya, and Zam as an assistant researcher.