

UGM Expert: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences will be an Exemplar of Inclusive Faculty

Yogyakarta, October 23rd 2023─Creating an inclusive and disability-friendly environment is a manifestation of the mandate contained in Law No. 8/2016 on Persons with Disabilities. However, more than that, the importance of inclusiveness also refers to the appreciation of the values of diversity and humanity more broadly. This was conveyed by Budi Irawanto, Lecturer at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM, when interviewed about inclusive campus on Thursday (19/10).

According to Budi, the journey towards an inclusive campus must start from the admission stage. “The campus must allow anyone with any condition to become a prospective student. All have access to register,” said Budi. Not only for students, campuses also need to open opportunities for lecturers and educators with disabilities to expand participation in the workforce. In addition, assistance is needed for students with disabilities. This assistance not only includes the provision of infrastructure, but also support in the learning process. read more

Towards Disability Friendly Campus, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM Ready to Be at the Frontline

Yogyakarta, October 23rd 2023─Nowadays, the discourse on the rights of persons with disabilities is growing in society. This shows the importance of disability rights to be a concern in various aspects of life, including in the campus environment. As an educational institution, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM understands the urgency of creating a campus that is inclusive and friendly to people with disabilities. Dr. Nurhadi Susanto, Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources, stated firmly that currently, FISIPOL is ready to be at the forefront of efforts to adapt the concept of an inclusive campus. read more

PT UGM-PT Exxon Mobil Tridharma Collaboration Held Energy Transition Public Lecture

Yogyakarta, 20 October 2023─Gadjah Mada University collaborates with PT ExxonMobil Cepu Limited in the fields of education, research and community service. The signing of the collaboration was carried out at the Mandiri Auditorium, 4th floor, Fisipol UGM, as well as a Public Lecture with “The Role of the Oil and Gas Industry in the Energy Transition” as the theme (20/10). Apart from that, there was also a handover of academic support facilities from PT ExxonMobil Cepu Limited to Gadjah Mada University, represented by the Secretary of the UGM Directorate of Student Affairs, Dr. Hempri Suyatna, S.Sos., M.Sc. read more

In Response to Constitutional Court Ruling, Election Corner Questions Where Indonesia’s Democracy is Headed

Yogyakarta, October 19th 2023─The Constitutional Court’s ruling on the judicial review of Article 169 letter q of Law 7 on Elections regarding the age limit of presidential and vice presidential candidates has raised the issue of dynastic politics to the degradation of democracy. Responding to this event, Election Corner UGM held a discussion entitled “MKDK: Where is Our Democracy Going?” on Thursday (19/10) through Zoom Meeting. Zainal Arifin Mochtar, Sukri Tamma, and Huriyyah attended as speakers. read more

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Forestry, and Pertamina Foundation Collaborate to Empower Getas-Ngandong KHDTK

Yogyakarta, October 17th 2023Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM collaborated with Faculty of Forestry and Pertamina Foundation for community service to carry out the function of Getas-Ngandong KHDTK, in Ngrawoh Village, Blora Regency on Tuesday (17/10). The event was attended by Vice Rector of UGM for Student Affairs, Community Service, and Alumni, Arie Sudjito; Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Wawan Mas’udi; Pertamina Foundation representative, Dio; UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences officials; as well as the Head of Village and Ngrawoh Village officials. The UGM team from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences arrived at Ngrawoh Village at 11:00 am to conduct a kick-off related to the empowerment plan for the Getas-Ngandong KHDTK community. This activity is the opening of a series of future activities related to forest area management to reforest and prosper the community. read more

Extractive Transparency Day, Collaboration between PolGov and KESDM to Encourage a Just Energy Transition

Yogyakarta, October 16th 2023─As part of a series of events launching the Extractive Data Portal managed by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM) as the Secretariat of the Indonesian Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), the event “Extractive Transparency Day: Extractive Industries Towards Just Energy Transition” was held on Monday (16/10). The organization of this event was the result of collaboration between various parties, namely the Research Center for Politics and Government (PolGov) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM; Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM); Publish What You Pay (PWYP); and Indonesian Ideas and Analytics (IDEA). The event was held offline at the Mandiri Auditorium Fisipol UGM. read more

With Thousands of Civilian Lives Lost, Will the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Meet the Light?

Yogyakarta, October 16th 2023The Hamas attack on Israel launched on Saturday (7/10) reignited the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The political tension has existed since 1917 and has claimed millions of lives. Various peace efforts through the UN and other third parties have also not produced results. This time, the DIHI Talks series by the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, in line with the goal of world peace in SGDs 16, raised the issue under the title “Hamas-Israel 2023: A New Chapter of Middle East Conflict or Peace” on Friday (13/10). read more

Welcoming World Mental Health Month, CDC Holds Series of Events in Mental Health Society 2023

Yogyakarta, October 11th 2023─CDC FISIPOL UGM welcomed World Mental Health Day on October 10 by holding a series of activities through Mental Health Society 2023. A talk show themed “No Hustle, No Future: How to Develop Resilience in A Hustle Culture”  opened the week of health events held on Wednesday (11/10) at Fisipol Auditorium. Through the talk show attended by Clinical Psychologist – Ernawati Widyaningsih, M.Psi., Psychologist, Mother of Bhumi Bhuvana – Bukhi Prima Putri, and mental health fighter – Maygsi Suwadi, S.Sos., M.A. CDC invited them to better understand mental health. read more

About Digital Intelligence: Degradation or Acceleration of Optimal Election Management?

Yogyakarta, October 5th 2023─Digitalization has now penetrated various fields, including politics. However, it needs to be examined whether digitalization has been balanced with digital literacy in responding to it. This is because digital intelligence is sometimes still not optimally utilized to support the acceleration of the quality of life. Welcoming the 2024 General Election in the midst of the digital era, DMKP Fisipol UGM held a seminar in the framework of the 68th Anniversary of FISIPOL UGM on Thursday (05/10) at the Auditorium of Fisipol UGM with the theme “Election Transformation of 2024: Digital Intelligence as a Catalyst for Change”. read more

Creative Hub FISIPOL UGM Holds Festival Karang Taruna Bootcamp with Karang Taruna DIY

Yogyakarta, October 3rd 2023─In order to welcome the 63rd Karang Taruna Bhakti Month, Creative Hub FISIPOL UGM together with Karang Taruna D.I. Yogyakarta held a Youth Festival Bootcamp entitled Social Innovation Week at FISIPOL UGM on Tuesday (3/10). The boot camp was attended by the Chairperson of Karang Taruna DIY, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hayu and Deputy Dean for Research and Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni, Fina Itriyati, Ph.D., as well as 20 innovators spread across 5 regencies/cities in D.I. Yogyakarta  as the leading sector of social innovation ecosystem development. read more