Yogyakarta, October 19th 2022─The Department of Politics and Governance (DPP) Fisipol UGM collaborated with the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) in holding a Book Discussion of The Jokowi-Prabowo Election 2.0 on Wednesday (19/10) which was held through a hybrid scheme in the East Seminar room of Fisipol UGM. This event invited speakers that were also the editors and writers of the book such as Made Supriatma, Max Lane, and Budi Irwanto. The talk was also moderated by Amalinda Savirani, a lecturer in DPP Fisipol UGM.
Yogyakarta, October 10th 2022 – Social Research Centre (SOREC) Fisipol UGM collaborated with TuK Indonesia, The Prakarsa, and Responsibank Indonesia in holding a seminar titled “Sustainable Financial Management to Strengthen the People’s Economy and Just Environment” on Monday (10/9) in UGM’s University Club. There were 13 speakers invited to the event such as Dr. Yulius MA as the Deputy of Micro Enterprises Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs; Ah Maftuchan as the Coalition Director of Responsibank Indonesia; and Arie Sujito as the Vice Rector of UGM.
Yogyakarta, October 10th 2022–Fisipol UGM Department of Politics and Government held an Election Corner event titled “Bringing Back Programmatic Politics in the 2024 Election” as one of the events in Fisipol 67th Dies Natalis on Monday (10/10). The event was held through a hybrid scheme in Fisipol UGM’s Auditorium and was live-streamed through DPP UGM’s Youtube channel.
The discussion invited actors from political parties who were once alumni of UGM such as Hasto Kristiyanto from PDI Perjuangan, Willy Aditya from NasDem, and Kholid as a representative of the PKS Party.
Yogyakarta, October 8th 2022—A group of lecturers and students of the Faculty of Social and Political Science (Fisipol) UGM arrived at Getas Special Purpose Forest Area on August 8th 2022 at 11:46 WIB. The group went to Getas to do a symbolic act of the planting of 1000 trees in order to commemorate Fisipol UGM 67th Dies Natalis. The event was held in collaboration with the UGM’s Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of Agriculture.
The Dean of Fisipol UGM, Wawan Mas’udi, said that the planting of 1000 trees is done in order to make concrete steps to solve environmental problems. According to Wawan, efforts to solve environmental problems, like climate change, always start with big narratives. “The fact is that the most important step is to do concrete steps based on those big narratives,” Wawan said.
Yogyakarta, October 7th 2022—The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) UGM held a series of events to commemorate its 67th Dies Natalis. One of the events was the Alumni Talk which was held on Friday (7/10) at the BRIWork Amphitheater in a hybrid manner. In accordance with the big theme of the Dies Natalis regarding the climate crisis, the Alumni Talk event raised the topic ‘Want to Care for the Environment, Where to Start?’
Of course, various speakers as well as alumni of FISIPOL UGM who are involved in environmental issues presented in this event, namely Kuntum Melati from the Stockholm Environment Institute; Erwan Widyarto from the DIY Garbage Bank Association, and the manager of the Griya Sapu Lidi Garbage Bank; Anak Agung Istri Tatik Rismayanti from the Bali Environmental Education Center; and moderated by Fina Itriyati, Deputy Dean of FISIPOL.
Yogyakarta, September 29th 2022—Actress Prilly Latuconsina had the opportunity to teach as a practicing lecturer in the Celebrity Studies course at the Department of Communication Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) on the last week before UTS (Middle Semester Examination), Thursday (29/9). This is a form of UGM collaboration in the Teaching Practitioner Program organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek RI).
“This is a very extraordinary opportunity as well as our way to introduce that this collaboration is very necessary for lectures, especially in the Department of Communication Science, having a specific interest, namely Media Entertainment and one of them is studying Celebrity Studies,” said Lidwina Mutia Sadasri, one of the lecturer in Celebrity Studies course.
Yogyakarta, September 28th 2022–Fisipol Leadership Forum is back with a new speaker, Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia’s Chamber of Representatives. The event that was held on Wednesday (28/9) was titled “Road to 2024: Analyzing the Thoughts of Muhaimin Iskandar”. The 200 attendees, among them students and the public, attended the event in Fisipol UGM’s Auditorium on the fourth floor which was live-streamed through Fisipol UGM Youtube channel.
“The effect of disruptions and the uncertainty of global change should not further corner those who are already marginalized. So, the challenge of inclusivity and social justice are something that we need to talk about together, noting that our society is very diverse,” said Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med., Ed., Sp.OG(K), Ph.D., as the Rector of Gadjah Mada University. According to her, disruption will continue to rise as time goes by, which is why guidance toward a better era in the midst of this disruption is needed.
Yogyakarta, September 27th 2022—The Department of Politics and Government (DPP) FISIPOL UGM held a public lecture entitled “Europe’s Energy Crisis, Global Climate Commitment Challenges: Views from Norway and Indonesia” which was held in a hybrid way at the Auditorium Mandiri of FISIPOL UGM and via the Zoom platform on Tuesday (27/9). The public lecture presented four speakers, they were H.E. Rut Kruger Giverin, Ambassador of Norway to Indonesia as a keynote speaker and three other speakers; Angga Kurnia Imban, Project Manager of Hydropower Solutions; Putra Adhiguna, Energy Economics & Policy Specialist Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis; and Raras Cahya Fitri, Lecturer in Department of International Relations FISIPOL UGM.
Starting the 3MT, the Dean of FISIPOL UGM, Wawan Mas’udi, SIP., MPA., Ph.D., appreciated the implementation of this year’s 3MT. “The basic idea (3MT) is to provide opportunities, to provide space, to provide an arena for the best young researchers at UGM to be able to present their research ideas, their research results in a concise, concise and strong way,” said Wawan.
Maulidya Indah Mega Saputri (Ministry of Social Development & Welfare) won the FISIPOL 3MT undergraduate category with the title “Dissecting @ugmcantik: Covert Sexualization on Campus”. Meanwhile, through his work entitled “Environmental Impact of the Future of Agriculture: Vertical Farming Cultivation Method”, Mauli Anom Sari (Department of Industrial Engineering) won second place for the undergraduate category. In addition, Mauli Anom Sari also won the People’s Choice Award.
Yogyakarta, September 23rd 2022─Center for Digital Society (CfDS) of FISIPOL UGM collaborated with Fairwork Oxford Internet Institute (OII) Indonesia to discuss and launch the research results of Rating Fairwork Indonesia 2022 on Friday (23/9). The event which was held in Digital Expert Talks #17 was attended by three speakers; Treviliana Eka Putri, Fairwork Indonesia Researcher; Yuli Adiratna, Director of Labor Norms Development, Directorate General of Binwasnaker and K3 of the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower; Muhammad Fadh representing Gunawan Hutagalung, Plt. Director of Post, Directorate General of PPI, Kominfo; and moderated by Amelinda Pandu, a researcher from CfDS.