Yogyakarta, December 8th 2022─Towards the political year of 2024, the Department of Politics and Government (DPP) together with the online media mojok.co launched an election channel entitled ‘Women’s Political Voice’ on Thursday (8/12) at the Auditorium of Fisipol UGM. The launch of this channel is one of the efforts to voice women’s interests in the political arena, especially elections. This election channel is a strategic collaboration in which political education can be conveyed in a more popular way and with a wider reach.
Yogyakarta, December 8th 2022─In line with the concept of sustainable economic development, Sociedad Indonesia para America Latina (SIPAL) of Fisipol UGM collaborated with the Center for World Trade Studies (PSPD) UGM to hold a series of events at the UGM International Forum (UGMIF) with the theme Circular Economy Forum. The event which was held in the west hall of Fisipol lasted for three days, from 6 to 8 December 2022.
“We realize that environmental issues are a very serious discourse. Currently, we are starting a circular economy program from an educational institution in Copenhagen, Denmark. We maximize all use of resources, sort waste, and recycle resources that can still be used,” said July as the representative of the circular economy program in Denmark. This program is not only the first step in preserving the earth, but also provides education for school-age children so they are able to participate in protecting the environment, he added.
The Policy Forum was opened by the Dean of FISIPOL UGM, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi, and Head of CWTS UGM Dr. Riza Noer Arfani. Dr. Wawan and Dr. Riza emphasized the importance of learning from the community as the circular economy initiators in formulating policies. “There is no need for a perplexing theoretical framework, but we can learn from initiatives that are already rooted in the community,” said Dr. Wawan.
The first discussion session was handed with presentations from Dr. Werner Zdouc (Director of the Knowledge and Information Management, Academic Outreach and WTO Chairs Programme Division of the WTO), H.E. Dandy Iswara (Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia II Geneva/Ambassador), Dr. M. Pramono Hadi, M.Sc. (Head of Center for Environmental Studies UGM) and Prof. Dr. Catur Sugiyanto, MA (Head of Center for Economic Democracy Studies UGM).
Yogyakarta, November 26th 2022–Ajisaka Festival is held again by Fisipol UGM Department of Communication. This yearly event was on a hiatus for two years due to the pandemic. Before going to the main event in 2023, the Ajisak Festival held a series of pre-event that were also interesting and substantive.
The Ajisaka Festival is a yearly competition held by the Department of Communication and consisted of five types of competition which are Nakula (Youth Research), Kresna (Cinema Creation Competition), Arjuna (Ajang Sejuta Warna), Sadewa (Sayembara Dewa Pariwara), and Prahasa (PR Competition). All of these are communication competitions meant for high school students. Since its first event in 2013, this festival has always picked a meaningful theme.
Yogyakarta, November 20th 2022—The get-to-know event with the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) is back on November 19 to 20, 2022. The offline event of Halo Fisipol is a breath of fresh air for high school or vocational school students and the equivalent who want to get to know more about the college world. Through a series of seminars and interactive simulations, Halo Fisipol 2022 was successfully attended by more than 300 participants.
“Fisipol is one of the founding faculties of UGM. Even so, we still try to foster unity within the faculty. Halo Fisipol is an event for high school friends to get to know, in terms of, the campus which may later become your destination,” said Wawan Mas’udi as the Dean of Fisipol in his remarks. Before heading to the main series of activities, participants were given a general presentation of material regarding the exploration of interest and talent in the “Know Yourself, Seize Your Future” seminar. Straightforward and cheerful material was delivered by Anggie Martin, S.IP as an alumnus of Fisipol UGM who currently works as a Human Capital Development BRI & Education Content Creator.
Yogyakarta, November 18th 2022—FISIPOL in collaboration with the Center for Pancasila Studies (PSP) of UGM has held a discussion and review of the book with the theme “ALDERA Portrait of the Youth Political Movement 1993-1998”. This activity was held in the Auditorium room of FISIPOL UGM and broadcast live via the Tribun Jogja Official Youtube channel. The discussion was attended by speakers who were ALDERA figures of their time, namely Nezar Patria, M.Sc., M.B.A., (Secretary General of SMID 1995-1998), Teddy Wibisana (Author of Aldera Books & Bogor Activists), Dr. Arie Sujito, S.Soc., M.Sc., (Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Community Service, and Alumni of UGM) moderated by the initiator of the student oath, namely Afnan Malay, and presented a keynote speaker from BPK RI members, Dr. Pius Lustrilanang, S.IP., M.Si, CFrA, CSFA.
Yogyakarta, November 14th 2022—The Unit of Research, Publication, and Community Service (UP3M) Fisipol UGM held Research Days 2022, the biggest research dissemination in UGM that involved more than 100 researchers. There were at least 60 research titles disseminated in public until the 18th of November 2022. This event is a part of Fisipol UGM’s 67th Dies Natalis. Research Days 2022 was held at Selasar Barat, Fisipol on Monday (14/11). In his opening remark, the Dean of Fisipol UGM, Wawan Mas’udi, SIP., MPA., Ph.D., appreciates UP3M for creating another Research Days this year. “Hopefully, Research Days can make FISIPOL more aware of social issues and dynamics,” said Wawan when he explained the importance of this event. The opening of Research Days was enlivened by a performance from the Pragina Gong dance group.
Yogyakarta, November 11th 2022—The Department of Public Policy and Management (DMKP) of FISIPOL UGM held another Policy Dialogue on Friday (11/22). This fourth policy dialogue series reviews sustainable economic policies within the framework of innovation and leadership. Titled Enforcing Environmental Policy for Sustainable Economic Development: Leadership and Policy Innovation, the webinar was attended by more than 50 participants and was held online via zoom and the YouTube channel of DMKP.
The economy is not only about reviewing financial numbers, but also how economic development is seen from the welfare figures of the domestic people. Especially with the geographical conditions of a country, of course, it will greatly affect national food security. This issue is the background for the formation of GGGI (Global Green Growth Institute). “GGGI’s main goal is to help developing countries to design sustainable economic strategies. We are not trying to intervene, but we are providing assistance to the government by listening to what they want,” explained Nobert Maass as Indonesia’s representative at GGGI.
Youth Activism and Fact-Checking: Portraits of Modern Era Heroes Approaching the Political Year 2024
Yogyakarta, November 10th 2022—Indonesia has long existed as an independent country. Thanks to the hard work of past national heroes, today’s generation can enjoy a prosperous and peaceful country. Then is it true that acts of heroism are only limited to fighting for the independence of the country? The monthly discussion of the Department of Communication Studies on Friday (10/11) thoroughly discussed the important urgency held by the millennial generation.
The speed of information flow not only creates an information society but also creates piles of unvalidated information. The position of millennials is very important in reducing the negative impact of technology, especially with the upcoming 2024 political year. This topic is the main focus of the Youth Activism and Fact Checking webinar: Becoming a Hero Against Hoaxes in Facing the 2024 Political Year. Together with Zainuddin Muda Z. Monggilo, S.I.KOM., M.A as a lecturer in communication science UGM, this webinar succeeded in inviting participants from UGM students as well as outside campus.
Yogyakarta, November 10th 2022—The Department of Communication Studies, of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) again held a practitioner class in the Celebrity Studies course on Thursday (10/11). This practitioner class is carried out through the Teaching Practitioner Program initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek RI) which presents actress Prilly Latuconsina as a practitioner lecturer. This meeting was Prilly’s second meeting as a practicing lecturer after previously teaching the same subject last September.