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Inclusive Journalism Training for 60 Students from 15 Universities

November 29th 2021─As aspiring professional journalists, 60 students of the Communication Studies Department from 15 universities in Indonesia joined the inclusive journalism training focused on the issue of women, children, and disabled people. The online training was held by the Department of Communication 

“Women, children, and disabled people belong to a group that has been deeply impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, they have not got sufficient media coverage. In this training, students will analyze the status quo to create an inclusive media coverage,” Novi Kurnia said (26/11), the coordinator of the “Advancing Inclusive Journalism Education in Indonesia: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic” program. read more

The Phenomena of the Emergence of the New Soccer Club Rans Cilegon FC and AHHA PS Pati

=&0=&Fisipol Sports Forum (FOF) collaborated with the KOMAP and KAPSTRA UGM to hold the Diskopol (Fisipol Sports Discussion) Vol.2 on Saturday (27/11). The theme being discussed was “The Polemic of Contemporary Indonesia Soccer: Stuck Between Being a Sport, Profit Source, or a Mere Popularity Booster”. The event invited several speakers namely Hasani Abdulgani (Member of Exco PSSI), Akmal Marhali (Soccer Analyst), and Aun Rahmat (Pundit Box2Box Indonesia).The discussion was about the phenomena of the emergence of new clubs such as Rans Cilegon FC belonging to Raffi Ahmad and AHHA PS Pati belonging to Atta Halilintar and Putra Siregar. In response to this, Hasani said that they’re not aiming to boost popularity through soccer because those people are already popular in their own career.

However, if the aim is to seek profit, there is a general condition where clubs, especially League 1, are not yet profitable. This is worsened with the pandemic where there is little to no income other than the subsidy from PT LIB (Liga Indonesia Baru).

“It is true that soccer is a popular sport in Indonesia and I know that those new owners are soccer fans, so at the very least they know how to manage a soccer team,” Hasani said.

Akmal said that the emergence of new clubs needs to be celebrated positively. Clubs get investments from popular people which at the very least can create a positive image out of soccer in the future. The problem with the new investors is related to the weak business security which is related to how we can make them feel comfortable with the industry so they want to continue to invest. read more

Personal Branding Management in the Age of Social Networking

Yogyakarta, November 26th 2021─The tight competition for fresh graduates of undergraduate college programmes to enter the world of work is an unavoidable problem. Not only hard skills, but this must be addressed by strengthening soft skills in students. To support students in having good soft skills, the Department of Public Policy Management in collaboration with PolDev held a program entitled “Young Professional Training & Development”. Carrying the topic “Personal Branding Management in the Social Networking Era”, the activity was carried out through the Zoom Meeting platform. They presented Heru Sutatyo, a Strategic Management Consulting who also serves as CEO of ACE Team & Strategic Investor, as a speaker. read more

Risk Management Strategy in Facing Blended Learning

Yogyakarta, November 25th 2021─Along with the development of the pandemic which began to decline, face-to-face learning policies began to be discussed by universities. However, on the other hand, there is a dilemma for both lecturers and students caused by online habits for almost two years. Therefore, the Department of Public Policy Management (PPM) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM held a webinar about risk management. This webinar, which was held via Zoom and YouTube, aims to find out how the university’s risk management strategy is to deal with blended learning. This webinar presented lecturer representatives, Dr. Eng. Ngadisih, STP., M.Sc., who is also part of the Center for Innovation and Academic Studies (PIKA) of UGM, and student representatives, M. Kevin Alwafi, a student of the Department of PPM of UGM. read more

Responding to Violent Situations in Radicalism Networks

Yogyakarta, November 23rd 2021─The Department of Sociology of FISIPOL UGM held a Guest Lecture with the topic “Radicalization and Radicalism of Youth Diversity” on Tuesday (23/11). This lecture was taught by Dr. Noor Huda Ismail who is currently a Visiting Fellow of RSIS at Nanyang Technological University. The event which took place through the Zoom Meeting was attended by around 170 students. Talking about radicalization, actually joining a terrorist group is a process. Men and women experience different experiences when joined, including reasons for staying or leaving terrorism. Some want to look masculine by staying behind to defend oppressed Muslims. Some then return to their origins to open military camps and pass on their knowledge to the young people. read more

Crisis Communication As A Crucial Part of Crisis Management

=&0=&The Department of Communication Studies UGM held a Practitioner Communication Course titled “COVID-19 Crisis Communication Management: Lessons from the Ministry of Transportation” on Monday (22/11). The event was held through Zoom Meeting and invited Adita Irawati, Special Staff and Spokesperson of the Ministry of Transportation, as the speaker. Crisis communication is a part of crisis management. Crisis management is a process of handling a crisis so that it doesn’t worsen and can be solved as quickly as possible. On the other hand, communication crisis is how information is gathered, processed, and disseminated to the public or stakeholders so that they understand the mitigation process and the effect of the crisis for them. The problem is, a lot of organizations or corporations panic during the crisis which creates an unstable and worse situation. This is because they construct a plan to confront the crisis only when the crisis is happening and not beforehand. Therefore, the pre-crisis phase is imperative which asks us to always be alert for potential crisis situations.

“Ideally, the pre-crisis process is about how we manage day-to-day problems by doing issue monitoring, media monitoring, and social listening. It’s a way for us to navigate our identification on when a crisis could happen,” Adita Irawati said
Adita added, other than having a navigation, system, and manual, an organization/company also needs to do a simulation. Even though a crisis doesn’t happen, simulation still needs to be done so that we can have a sense of an alert situation. 

The COVID-19 pandemic can be categorized as a non-natural disaster that was caused by a virus and is related to the society’s health problem that is potentially deadly. This became a crisis because it never happened before, a constant adjustment is needed, a cure has not been found, and it is human-transmittable.  read more

Planning for Retirement from a Young Age for the Prosperous Old Age

Yogyakarta, November 19th 2021─Social Entrepreneurship of UGM together with Kelas Finansialku held a webinar entitled “Planning Retirement from a Young Age” on Friday (19/11). The event, which took place via the YouTube Live of, featured Gembong Suwito as speaker, the Financial Planner of Finansialku.

At the beginning of the presentation, Gembong delivered material about the importance of retirement planning. Based on data, as many as 9 out of 10 Indonesians are not ready to face retirement and 65% of Indonesians live in poverty in retirement. In addition, the life expectancy of men is shorter than women. read more

AIHII 2021 National Convention Raised the Topic of the Global South

Yogyakarta, November 15th 2021─Indonesia International Relations Association (AIHII) 12th National Convention that raised the theme of “Mainstreaming the Global South: Reorienting Indonesia’s International Relations Studies” was held online by the International Relations Department of Fisipol UGM. The event was held from 15th to 16th November 2021 through Zoom meeting and was attended by lecturers and academicians of International Relations studies from all across Indonesia.The head of the AIHII National Convention 2021, Muhammad Rum, called for the solidarity of south countries and said that emancipation should be the aim of international relations studies reorientation. Rum also hoped that the knowledge production based on the perspective of countries in the south can enrich the span of our knowledge on international relations.  read more

Laksamana UGM Webinar: Knowing Communication Studies More In-Depth

Yogyakarta, November 13th 2021─The students of Fisipol UGM Communication Studies Department held a Webinar Afternoon Talks: Chit-Chat Comm as a part of the Laksamana UGM event. Laksamana UGM is a communication competition aimed towards high school students all across Indonesia. The webinar is meant to give insights about UGM Communication Studies as well as university life towards webinar attendees and competitors.The Afternoon Talks Webinar was divided into two sessions; the event with the main speaker and a breakout room session. Damar Rizky Nuranda, a former Personal Manager Director in Ravacana Films, was the main speaker. read more

KOMAP Open Podium: Where Will the KM UGM be Taken?

Yogyakarta, November 12th 2021─The Corps of Political and Government Students (KOMAP) of FISIPOL UGM held a KOMAP Open Podium entitled “Where Will the KM UGM be Taken? on Friday (12/11). The event, which took place through Zoom Meeting, presented seven teams of student party representatives. Among them are the Kampus Biru Party, the Boulevard Party, the Srikandi Party, the Future Leaders Party, the Sayang Mama Party, the Gotong Royong Party, and the Bunderan Party. Mahardhika, the student of the Department of Politics and Government, led and guided the event.\KOMAP Open Podium is motivated by the political configuration of the UGM which is currently in turmoil, especially in 2021. The turmoil arose because of the student government of UGM policy which drew criticism among students. Among them was the action of the Student Organization of the Student Family of UGM (BEM KM UGM) which invited the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, as a speaker when the agrarian conflict in Central Java was heating up. read more