

Strengthening Understanding of Indo-Pacific in Global Order, Department of International Relations Holds Go South 2023 Annual Conference

Yogyakarta, November 6th 2023─Welcoming the 68th Dies Natalies of FISIPOL, the Department of International Relations held the Annual Convention on The Global South (Go South) on Monday (06/11) through the Zoom Meeting. The conference presented keynote speaker Dr. Radhika Desai (University of Manitoba), and speakers Dr. Nobuhiro Aizawa (Kyushu University), Prof. Dr. Poppy S. Winarti (Universitas Gadjah Mada), and Marc Saxer (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ing the Asia Pacific). The speakers’ presentation was hosted by Muhadi Sugiono and Luqman-Nul Hakim (Lecturer of the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM). read more

Expanding International Cooperation, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM Joins the Global Humanities Alliance

Yogyakarta, November 2nd 2023─Fisipol UGM is committed to becoming one of the four international universities that have joined together to promote international cooperation, the Global Humanities Alliance. Together with the University of Melbourne, the University of Toronto, Ashoka University, and the University of Manchester, they have been holding discussions to prepare for the formation of the Global Humanities Alliance since 2021. The Global Humanities Alliance (GHA) is a collaboration that contributes to social-humanities disciplines to respond to various developments and dynamics occurring in the world. read more

CfDS and KORIKA Webinar Discusses the Potential and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Various Sectors

Yogyakarta, November 1st 2023─Center for Digital Society (CfDS) of UGM together with the Indonesian Artificial Intelligence Research & Innovation Collaboration (KORIKA) held a webinar series Digital Experts Talk #19 entitled “AI 101: Potential and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Various Sectors” on Wednesday (01/11) via Live Streaming – CfDS UGM YouTube Channel. This webinar is one of CfDS’s responses to the development of Artificial Intelligence in various fields and presents speakers from the academic, government and practitioner sectors. The webinar was attended by Hario Bismo Kuntarto (Chair of the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information Digital Economy and Games Governance Team), Brigitta Ratih E. Aryanti (Head of Government Affairs and Public Policy Google Cloud) and Afiahayati (Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science & Electronics Faculty of Mathematics and Science of UGM). read more

CfDS FISIPOL UGM Organizes Multisector Dialogue, Looking at ESG Potential and Implementation

Yogyakarta, October 31st 2023─Center for Digital Society (CfDS) FISIPOL UGM held an ESG dialogue session on Tuesday (31/10) at Ashley Hotel Tanah Abang, Jakarta. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is a key approach that needs to be considered in the operation of the company. All fields of industry cannot escape the responsibility of reviewing environmental and social aspects. Many industries have begun to adopt ESG to address increasingly complex social and environmental issues, in order to improve business sustainability related to its relationship with society, commitment to protecting the environment, and actualization of accountability and transparency in practice. read more

PSdK Student Team Wins 2nd Place in Ekraf Got Talent Business Plan Competition 2023

Yogyakarta, October 29th 2023─The student team from the Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) Fisipol UGM succeeded in winning second place at the national level in the Ekraf Got Talent Business Plan Competition “Adapting to a Revolutionized Digital Era” 2023 organized by the Kementerian Ekonomi Kreatif (Ministry of Creative Economy) BEM KM University Gadjah Mada. Nasyawa Nurshafala, Camilla Qivtia Anggun S.N, and Vanya Medyana Puspita won the championship with their M-Becak business idea which promotes the empowerment of pedal rickshaw drivers in the Malioboro area, Yogyakarta. read more

Reflecting on the Position of Young People in the 2024 Election

Yogyakarta, October 28th 2023—Coinciding with Youth Pledge Day, the Diskusi Komunikasi Magister UGM (Diskoma) held a webinar entitled “Youth Political Participation and Communication Ahead of the 2024 Election”. Discussions regarding the 2024 Election cannot be separated from the existence of young people as the largest voter group as well as a group that is active in criticizing local and national political dynamics. This was confirmed by Dr. Rahayu, M.Si, M.A., Chair of the Communication Science Master’s Study Program in UGM. “Young people need to be highlighted [because] they determine the future direction of Indonesian politics,” said Rahayu in his speech on Saturday (28/10). read more

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM Consistently Supports Ease of Access to Education Through the Laptop Loan Program

Yogyakarta, October 27th 2023—Students also experience difficulties in accessing education. In this digital era, electronic devices are the main access to learning. Unfortunately, not all students have the same opportunity to own devices, such as laptops in optimal condition. This obstacle is the background for the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) UGM to provide assistance to students in the Laptop Lend Movement.

“We initially created this program during the pandemic. At that time, all learning was done online, and complaints came to us from students whose laptops were damaged, so they couldn’t write their thesis. By that issue, we provided 20 laptops at that time,” said Ika Wulandari Widyaningrum, M.B.A, as Head of Academic and Student Affairs. At that time, the laptops provided were donations from alumni and staff. The laptop loan program is specifically for students who are undertaking their final assignments but are hampered by the lack of adequate laptops. This program was launched when Fisipol celebrated its 65th Anniversary during the pandemic. read more

6th Conference of Human Rights Held Again, Highlighting Local Community Issues

Yogyakarta, October 26th 2023—Indonesia as a multicultural country has abundant natural and cultural wealth. Aspects of traditional communities or inland tribes are the roots of the nation’s foundation. Unfortunately, this community is still untouched by aspects of human rights, politics and even legality. For this reason, the Department of Politics and Government, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM together with the National Human Rights Commission (KOMNAS HAM) held an Asia-Pacific conference with the theme “Indigeneity and Human Rights in Asia and the Pacific Towards a Just Society: Challenges and Opportunities” on October 25-26 2023. read more

Employment Trends are Changing, Workers are Threatened with Increasingly Difficulty Getting Jobs

Yogyakarta, October 25th 2023—Work styles in this era have experienced significant changes. Since the pandemic, 22% of people prefer to work from home, and 32% prefer digital work. This indicates a change in work trends which are starting to be dominated by the digital space. The Social Research Center (SORES) Fisipol UGM raised this issue in a seminar entitled “Future Work: Challenges and Vulnerabilities of Indonesia’s Future” on Wednesday (25/10).

Three things trigger changes in work models now and might in the future. These three are disruption, technological adaptation, and work transformation. “Technology, climate change and the pandemic are among the big change makers. This changes the way people live, starting from the way they work, move and interact. Actually, before that, there had been technological adaptations to the emergence of AI. But with the pandemic, this completes the existing disruption. “This also raises issues related to differences in technology mastery among certain age groups, or generations,” said Odan Asdi Artosa, Researcher at SOREC Fisipol UGM. read more

NACT Country Coordinators Meeting and Annual Conference 2023

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) are interconnected regions with significant potential for trade, infrastructure development, and economic growth. China introduced the BRI in 2013 to link Asia with Europe and Africa through infrastructure projects, trade routes, and cultural exchanges. Its implementation sparked discussion, prompting the need for a nuanced assessment of BRI’s impact on the global stage.

To generate a broader measure on this issue. On October 2023, 10-11, NACT China which is represented by the China Foreign Affairs University and NACT Indonesia which ASEAN Studies Center Universitas Gadjah Mada represents,  held a Network of ASEAN-China Think Tanks (NACT) Country Coordinators Meeting and Annual Conference 2023 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This year’s NACT has the theme “High-Quality BRI Cooperation and the AOIP”. read more