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Fisipol UGM Students Won First Prize in Unsika Karawang Business Plan Competition

Yogyakarta, December 26th 2022─Students of the Department of Politics and Governance (DPP) Fisipol UGM, Ubaidillah Hanif and Faelsa Savana Adiba Saelendra, managed to get first prize in the Unsika National Innovation Challenge 2022 Business Plan Competition last October. Each of them has their own partner from other studies programs which are Achmaludin Taufan Azmi from the Forestry Faculty and Aldi Hendrawan from the Accounting Faculty.The competition was held by Singaperbangsa Karawang University (Unsika) for the whole of September. The business plan being reviewed is a herbal product that is made to boost the health of Indonesian families. This idea was based on two things. First, the increasing awareness of the people regarding their health after the pandemic. Second, is the increasing interest in growing plants from home after the pandemic like through hydroponics. 

“We see that there are not many practices or cultivation packages that provide herbal plant commodities, so we want to answer these two basic ideas at once so we design a package for herbal plant cultivation,” said Ubaidillah.

Ubaidillah, more commonly called Ubed, talked about the process he went through throughout the competition, starting from creating ideas to creating proposals. The proposal-making process is also pretty complex. Other than making a business model and budget and marketing plan, they also need to make the design of the product. read more

UGM and Pluang Encourage Financial Literacy Among the Youth

Yogyakarta, December 20th 2022─Responding to an increase in investment trends among the youth, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is collaborating with an investment platform, Pluang, to increase financial literacy. This collaboration was realized in a talk show entitled “Smart Investment for Smart Generation: Financial Trends for Young People ahead of 2023” which was held on Tuesday (20/12) at the Mandiri Fisipol UGM Auditorium.

The collaboration between UGM and Pluang was welcomed by the Chancellor of UGM, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Sp.OG(K)., Ph.D. “I think by being given information like this, more and more students will be interested and invest smartly, which won’t be detrimental,” Ova said when giving a speech. According to her, financial literacy will prevent students from being trapped in bad investments. read more

Launching the Digital Literacy Module, CfDS and Tokopedia Emphasize the Importance of Personal Data Protection in the Marketplace

Jakarta, December 15th 2022─Supported by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Center for Digital Society (CfDS) of FISIPOL UGM in collaboration with Tokopedia held a Digital Literacy Module Dissemination activity: The Importance of Personal Data Protection in the Marketplace on Thursday (15/12) at Tokopedia Tower. The event which was carried out in a hybrid manner was attended by representatives of the Director General of Informatics Applications of the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan Leontinus Alpha Edison, Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of Tokopedia and Anisa Pratita Kirana Mantovani, Executive Secretary of Partnership and Research CfDS and various related stakeholders. Starting from associations, academics, to MSME actors as partners. read more

Family Wellness Fisipol UGM and Gadjah Mada Medical Center Facilitates Routine Child Screening Services

Yogyakarta, December 14th 2022—In collaboration with Gadjah Mada Medical Center (GMC), Family Wellness Fisipol UGM routinely holds free health screening for registered children. The health screenings that are carried out range from child health screening services to dental health screening. Child health screening services are carried out regularly every one (1)  month. Meanwhile, routine dental health screening services are carried out once every six (6) months.

This collaboration was initiated on the basis of realizing Family Wellness’s mission to improve the welfare of parents of golden-age children, which are aged 3 months to 5 years. read more

Three FISIPOL UGM Students Win in the 35th PIMNAS

Yogyakarta, December 8th 2022─Three FISIPOL UGM students won the 35th National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) which took place at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The students are Ubaidillah Hanif (Department of Politics and Government 2020), Kartika Situmorang (Sociology 2019), and Fariz Azhami Ahmad (Sociology 2020). The three of them won in the category of Humanities Social Research Student Creativity Week (PKM-RSH).

Ubaidillah or usually called Ubed, along with three other team members, succeeded in winning 1st place in the Presentation Class and 1st place in the Poster Class. They researched on “Counter-Hegemony of Bale Bayan Local Wisdom in Reducing Earthquake Risk in the Midst of Development Modernization Hegemony”. read more

Launching of Election Channel: Discussing Women’s Challenges in the Political Arena

Yogyakarta, December 8th 2022─Towards the political year of 2024, the Department of Politics and Government (DPP) together with the online media launched an election channel entitled ‘Women’s Political Voice’ on Thursday (8/12) at the Auditorium of Fisipol UGM. The launch of this channel is one of the efforts to voice women’s interests in the political arena, especially elections. This election channel is a strategic collaboration in which political education can be conveyed in a more popular way and with a wider reach. read more

Held Circular Economy Discussion, UGM International Forum Awakens the Habit of Minimizing Waste

Yogyakarta, December 8th 2022─In line with the concept of sustainable economic development, Sociedad Indonesia para America Latina (SIPAL) of Fisipol UGM collaborated with the Center for World Trade Studies (PSPD) UGM to hold a series of events at the UGM International Forum (UGMIF) with the theme Circular Economy Forum. The event which was held in the west hall of Fisipol lasted for three days, from 6 to 8 December 2022.

“We realize that environmental issues are a very serious discourse. Currently, we are starting a circular economy program from an educational institution in Copenhagen, Denmark. We maximize all use of resources, sort waste, and recycle resources that can still be used,” said July as the representative of the circular economy program in Denmark. This program is not only the first step in preserving the earth, but also provides education for school-age children so they are able to participate in protecting the environment, he added. read more

CWTS and FISIPOL UGM Holds Circular Economy Policy Forum

Yogyakarta, December 6th 2022─The Center for World Trade Studies (CWTS) UGM and FISIPOL UGM held a Policy Forum on Sustainable Development, Circular Economy, and Industrial Transformation on Tuesday (6/12). As part of the UGM International Forum for Inclusive and Sustainable Development in Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean Region, this forum aims to build trade policy proposals and circular economy-based industrial transformation from the n-helix multi-stakeholder dialogue.

The Policy Forum was opened by the Dean of FISIPOL UGM, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi, and Head of CWTS UGM Dr. Riza Noer Arfani. Dr. Wawan and Dr. Riza emphasized the importance of learning from the community as the circular economy initiators in formulating policies. “There is no need for a perplexing theoretical framework, but we can learn from initiatives that are already rooted in the community,” said Dr. Wawan.

The first discussion session was handed with presentations from Dr. Werner Zdouc (Director of the Knowledge and Information Management, Academic Outreach and WTO Chairs Programme Division of the WTO), H.E. Dandy Iswara (Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia II Geneva/Ambassador), Dr. M. Pramono Hadi, M.Sc. (Head of Center for Environmental Studies UGM) and Prof. Dr. Catur Sugiyanto, MA (Head of Center for Economic Democracy Studies UGM). read more

Cheryl Kanza, the Communication Studies Student Who Got the KMI Award 2022

Yogyakarta, December 5th 2022An UGM Communication Studies student, Cheryl Kanza Athallia Wibowo got second prize in KMI Award 2022 in the Service and Trade category held by East Java UPN Veteran. Indonesia Student Entrepreneurship or the KMI Award is an appreciation and awarding event held by the  Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to students who did the Entrepreneurship Training Program (P2MW) and Students Digital Entrepreneurship Innovation (IWDM).  read more

Fisipol Free Breakfast is Back During Finals

Yogyakarta, December 5th 2022Fisipol UGM provides 150 portions of free breakfast for Fisipol UGM students during finals that last from 5th to 16th December 2022. The food and drinks in the Fisipol Free Breakfast event will be provided from 06.30 AM in Fisipol UGM’s East Wing. 

The menu provided changes every day. Students can get rice with egg, nasi uduk, fried chicken, gudeg, tempeh and beans stir fry, and more. For drinks, students can get milk with various flavors or tea. Students that want to get a free breakfast can sign up first before they choose from the existing menu.  read more