
Fisipol’s Corner

Two Students of International Relations UGM Make Achievements in ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest in 2023

Yogyakarta, October 9th 2023─Wendi Wiliyanto and Widhi Hanantyo Suryadinata, two undergraduate students from the Department of International Relations (DIHI), made achievements in the ASEAN-Korea Academic Essay Contest in 2023. Through an essay entitled “Green Energy Transition in ASEAN-ROK: The Nexus of Circular Economy Principles and Digitization on Waste Management”, Wendi and Hanan won the merit prize and are entitled to a prize of 500,000 won.

The idea of the essay written by Wendi and Hanan came from their concern about the gap between digitization of waste management and circular economy. “We are deeply honored. We are happy that our ideas on circular economy and waste management digitization were well conveyed to the jury,” said Wendi. read more

Team of Master of Public Administration Students of UGM Wins Gold Medal in Arau International Creativity Expo 2023

Yogyakarta, October 5th 2023─A team of students from Master of Public Administration of UGM made a proud achievement in the Arau International Creativity Expo (ACE) 2023, an international competition held by World Invention Intellectual Property Associations (WIIPA) and Center of Excellence Geopolymer and Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP). In this prestigious competition, the student team won the gold medal through the DASH WARNING innovation.

Motivated by the awareness of the huge impact of sexual harassment in society, the team consisting of Amanda Elista, Defy Rizky Ramadhany, Sania Octa Priscilia, and Sinta Novia created the DASH WARNING application that enables the use of technology to provide proactive solutions to prevent sexual harassment. The innovation offered by DASH WARNING won the gold medal and competed with 252 teams from 10 countries. read more

Prima Miftahul Jannati, a PSdK Student Got the National Third Place in Tilawah Quran RRI Week 2023

Yogyakarta, April 19th 2023─Prima Miftahul Jannati or more commonly known as Prima is UGM’s Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) student who managed to win the national third place in Tilawah Putri in the 53rd PTQ RRI (Tilawah Quran Week Indonesia Republic Radio) held at Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. PTQ RRI is a yearly championship held by  Indonesia Republic Radio which includes tilawah, tahfizh, tausiyah, and tartil.

Prima is one of two UGM representatives chosen by MTQ electives and Ditmawa UGM to join the competition. Prima said that in order to join the national PTQ RRI, the participant has to be the winner in the regional sector first. read more

Department of Communication Studies’ Team Wins in AWF 2023

Yogyakarta, February 21st 2023─A team of communication science students won third place at the national level at the 2023 Advertising Week Festival (AWF) held by the University of Indonesia, Jakarta. The team, which consists of Aunur Ikmal, Carina Aditya Wijaya, and R.A. Aishalda, was a finalist in the digital campaign video advertising competition category which was held from January 20th to February 17th 2023.

In general, the advertising competition asks participants to solve problems given through digital campaigns in the form of videos. “Initially we were given a fictitious product and a brief challenge with conditions, and we were told to educate the audience through videos. Starting from there, we will break down the problem to turn it into a campaign,” said Ikmal. The fictitious product in question is a beauty product in the form of sunscreen, in which Ikmal and the team are trying to provide education regarding the importance of using sunscreen for both women and men. read more

Ndadax Production Team by DPP Students Wins Environmental Video Competition from The Conversation Indonesia

Yogyakarta, February 19th 2023Three students from the Department of Politics and Government (DPP) of FISIPOL UGM who are members of the Ndadax Production Team won 2nd place and Best Digital Activity in the Environmental Video Competition organized by The Conversation Indonesia from October 2022 to February 2023. The students are Mahardhika Ageng Kartiko (DPP 2019), Nicolas Kriswinara A. (DPP 2020), and Faris Rubiansyah (DPP 2019).

Their work entitled “Nyala Api Kotoran Sapi” (Cow Manure Flame) tells a story about the use of alternative and sustainable energy. The documentary video was adapted from the residents of Balong Wetan, in the hamlet of Plosorejo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, who have implemented biogas technology as an effort to become self-reliant and release dependence on LPG gas. The video trailer for “Nyala Api Kotoran Sapi” can be watched on The Conversation Indonesia’s Youtube channel. read more

Students of FISIPOL UGM Won in the National Conference on Urban Sociology

Yogyakarta, February 9th 2023─Students from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada (FISIPOL UGM) won in two categories at the National Conference on Urban Sociology organized by Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) last December. Ovy Novakarti, student of Master of Sociology class 2020, won Best Paper in the General Category. The title of Best Paper in the Student Category was won by a team from FISIPOL UGM chaired by Hasna Roliansya. Hasna led a team consisting of Hilman Nurjaman, Tjok Istri Sintawati, and Cindy Aulia Fitriana. The four students come from the Department of Sociology and the Department of Politics and Government (DPP). read more

The Jagatara Team Won Retorikalbis 2023 for Their Safe Driving Campaign

Yogyakarta, January 24th 2023─Fisipol UGM’s Jagatara Team won second place in the Retorikalbis 2023 PR Campaign competition on Wednesday (11/1). The team was led by Kamila Rahmatul with Joanna C Banjarnahor and Reksan Ridho as the members. The three of them are students of the Communication Studies Department.

The competition that was held online by Kalbis Institute and Astra Honda Motor Institute was held from November 2022 until January with the theme of “Gen Z: Ride for Life”. In the competition, the Jagratara team centered its proposal around the concept of safe driving with “Ride Freely Ride Safety” as the title of the campaign. “The campaign that we are trying to mount is aimed to educate and increase Gen Z’s awareness that they can ride freely, but they need to ensure their safety,” Joanna said. In their campaign proposal, the Jagratara team offered several campaign tactics that included roadshows to schools and universities in Jogja, the production of web series content, as well as optimization of social media.  read more

Fisipol UGM Students Won First Prize in Unsika Karawang Business Plan Competition

Yogyakarta, December 26th 2022─Students of the Department of Politics and Governance (DPP) Fisipol UGM, Ubaidillah Hanif and Faelsa Savana Adiba Saelendra, managed to get first prize in the Unsika National Innovation Challenge 2022 Business Plan Competition last October. Each of them has their own partner from other studies programs which are Achmaludin Taufan Azmi from the Forestry Faculty and Aldi Hendrawan from the Accounting Faculty.The competition was held by Singaperbangsa Karawang University (Unsika) for the whole of September. The business plan being reviewed is a herbal product that is made to boost the health of Indonesian families. This idea was based on two things. First, the increasing awareness of the people regarding their health after the pandemic. Second, is the increasing interest in growing plants from home after the pandemic like through hydroponics. 

“We see that there are not many practices or cultivation packages that provide herbal plant commodities, so we want to answer these two basic ideas at once so we design a package for herbal plant cultivation,” said Ubaidillah.

Ubaidillah, more commonly called Ubed, talked about the process he went through throughout the competition, starting from creating ideas to creating proposals. The proposal-making process is also pretty complex. Other than making a business model and budget and marketing plan, they also need to make the design of the product. read more

Three FISIPOL UGM Students Win in the 35th PIMNAS

Yogyakarta, December 8th 2022─Three FISIPOL UGM students won the 35th National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) which took place at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The students are Ubaidillah Hanif (Department of Politics and Government 2020), Kartika Situmorang (Sociology 2019), and Fariz Azhami Ahmad (Sociology 2020). The three of them won in the category of Humanities Social Research Student Creativity Week (PKM-RSH).

Ubaidillah or usually called Ubed, along with three other team members, succeeded in winning 1st place in the Presentation Class and 1st place in the Poster Class. They researched on “Counter-Hegemony of Bale Bayan Local Wisdom in Reducing Earthquake Risk in the Midst of Development Modernization Hegemony”. read more

Cheryl Kanza, the Communication Studies Student Who Got the KMI Award 2022

Yogyakarta, December 5th 2022An UGM Communication Studies student, Cheryl Kanza Athallia Wibowo got second prize in KMI Award 2022 in the Service and Trade category held by East Java UPN Veteran. Indonesia Student Entrepreneurship or the KMI Award is an appreciation and awarding event held by the  Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to students who did the Entrepreneurship Training Program (P2MW) and Students Digital Entrepreneurship Innovation (IWDM).  read more